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Remember when Resident Evil tried to be scary? (not trolling)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    Okay...let me get this are saying a game that we've seen little of, that you've never even played, and that is most likely "RE4 in HD," is not a horror game like the "previous 6 entries" (I'm guessing you mean 0,1,2,3,4,CV).

    And also, I am supposed to take the words of "people who play games for a living," - the same group of people who also stated that RE4 wasn't horror but SURVIVAL ACTION, were they not? So these journalists, you take their word 100% when it concerns your preconceived bias toward RE5 (mentioned above, by you):

    Yet these same journalists coined the genre SURVIVAL ACTION to encompass RE4, which they dubbed not scary but full of action on a horror premise (or at least franchise).
    I absolutely hate OXM and rarely agree with them, and magazines' opinions don't mean anything. I was using it to point out that people who have probably at least played some of the full game thought it wasn't horror at all. Chill. If it'll make you feel better, I'll try not to have preconceived opinions from now on. Still doesn't change that, to me, it appears they aren't even trying to make it scary, or at the very least, improve upon the previous games.

    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    I love how in your blind love for RE4 you group it with the "classics," and claim its QTEs and cutscenes fit the "old games to a Tee."
    I totally grouped it with the "classics." Except, I didn't. It's nothing like them, but at least it seems like they tried with that one. And yes, the cutscenes are just like the "classics:" they're absolutely terrible.

    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    Sorry. RE4 is a fun game and all, but it isn't the least bit scary and there's a reason many fans here on this website claim it deviates heavily from the "old formula."
    It TRIES to be scary, even though it isn't. The only "scary" RE game is REmake, anyway.

    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    If you're bashing RE5, then you better step back and apply the same criteria to RE4.
    I like RE 4 because it's fun. I did not like the single player in the RE 5 demo because it wasn't very much fun (co-op was great, though).

    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
    Just because you've played the demo, seen a lot of images, and read a few early reviews (there's what, 2-3 total...1 of which was based on only half the game), doesn't mean "it confirms [your] opinions that [you] formed yourself." (That is a redundant sentence, by the way.)
    Thanks for pointing out my redundant sentence. I will look into typing less of these in the future.


    • #32
      I guess that I have accepted that RE is not scary anymore but I still have high hopes for this game and the series. I just hope the story is good and some characters get some closure.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
        I guess that I have accepted that RE is not scary anymore but I still have high hopes for this game and the series. I just hope the story is good and some characters get some closure.
        Wesker is still awesome and I definitely enjoy the plot and characters, however badly written they may be.


        • #34
          RE definitely got written better, since as time went on games in general had more coherent storylines, it also makes it fun for retcons and mass lols about the older games. But the older games being the way they are makes it that much more of a fun experience to an awesome series. It's sort of like a tradeoff in that way.


          • #35
            I think a lot of you might be taking me out of context. I never said that Resident Evil 5 would be a bad game, I'm looking forward to the story and the co-op play 100%. I'm just disappointed that the series, from the looks of things, doesn't even attempt to be horror anymore. I'm not trying to troll anyone or anything. Hence why I never said anything like "IT'S SHIT LOL GEARS OF WAR 3!!!!"

            Originally posted by Yzak View Post
            RE definitely got written better, since as time went on games in general had more coherent storylines, it also makes it fun for retcons and mass lols about the older games. But the older games being the way they are makes it that much more of a fun experience to an awesome series. It's sort of like a tradeoff in that way.
            I agree completely with this. RE 5 actually looks like it might be well written, a first for the series (though REmake arguably had good writing). Personally, I think that the sequels (from the second all the way up through the fourth one) had bad writing on purpose, as a testament to the greatness that was the dialogue in Resident Evil.


            • #36
              I thought the script was written badly on purpose, to give the game more of a cheesy B-Movie feel?


              • #37
                Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                I thought the script was written badly on purpose, to give the game more of a cheesy B-Movie feel?
                Yeah, basically the same idea. B-movies are great!

                I think a Resident Evil with intelligent writing will do the series good, though. I can't wait to hear Wesker's dialogue.
                Last edited by Foggle; 02-21-2009, 11:27 AM.


                • #38
                  Resident Evil was never scary.

                  Don't kid yourselves.


                  • #39
                    Maybe not to you, maybe not relative to other horror games, but it certainly is scary to me.

                    Leave your ego at the door.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                      Leave your ego at the door.
                      'Fraid I can't do that, boss.

                      We're kind of a packaged deal.


                      • #41
                        Well certain parts of RE were scary. Though several things destroy the scary factor, usually playing through the game once as most of RE's scare tactics were the old "boo", lickers jumping through mirrors and so forth.

                        Hunters always scare me. Mainly because they decapitate you if not on green health, when I was younger I'd always be on green health but nowadays I brave caution.

                        The randomness of Nemesis was one, though once I realised just killing him made him leave me a lone for a while, the nemesis lost his edge. I still fear Pyramid Head for some reason and he is scripted.

                        UC killed off any fear of nemesis I had left over.

                        Tyrants used to, till I learned they were all south paws. Then they became easier.

                        To be fair, Remake was probably the most scary for me, since it punished you for killing zombies with Crimson Heads. I spent most of the game burning every last zombie I was able to.

                        When I played 5s demo, as soon as I realised the Majini acted like Ganados I lost all my fear. Even the executioner guy I took in my stride. I'm hoping that they have something special in their bag to scare us, else 5's just going to be an action game.

                        Now scare factor: Dino Crisis. That game was scary, mainly because the Dino's kept respawning and I never seemed to have any ammo.
                        Last edited by Enrico Marini; 02-21-2009, 06:40 PM.


                        • #42
                          The original Resident Evils are scary, but like other people said before, that was mainly cos of the scare factor. The scare wears off after a while when you know exactly what is going to happen, but all of them were scary to a certain extent. RE2 and it's jumpy moments always used to get me at first, and Mr X used to scare the hell out of me. RE4 and RE5 at the minute, don't capture that for me. RE4 was a fun shooter, and RE5 is survival action and it's intense, but not quite scary.

