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who do you want in mercenaries?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ZERO View Post
    someone already said it before and i am going to say it again,online co-op on mercenaries.
    4 player Mercinaries.
    Team vs. Team, or 4 player co-op.
    Last edited by Gradon; 02-25-2009, 11:25 AM.


    • #17
      Chris, Jill original and birdlady form, Wesker, dont really mind whoelse just not the B.S.A.A. crew specially Josh the guy must die he thinks Chris's name is Chris Redwing shouldnt even be in the game know your audience idiot.


      • #18
        Online Mercs would be a great idea, but only if its possible to get single player mercs too. One shouldn't take priority over the other...


        • #19
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          Hahah, it would be so funny to see Irving's melee attack. It should be a headbutt, and every time he does it, he says "BOOOM!! HAHAHA!"
          lol thatd b great.

          i was thinking maybe spencer and you can run over people in his trusty stainless steel wheelchair and 4 a special move he nails someone in the face with a air canister lol


          • #20
            mercenaries 2 must have a lot of blank spaces for DLC characters if they decide to make em. All with their own unique moves. Leaderboards

            I'm requesting Mike from RE4 as a DLC character...his attacks will be drink based since Leon owes him a drink.


            • #21
              Acutally it'd be Mercenaries 3 (RE3, RE4, RE5)... anyway.

              I want to see these characters in mercenaries:

              1. Wesker
              2. Jill
              3. Claire
              4. Some BSAA guy

              Chris and Sheva are a given...


              • #22
                massive amount of deadly zombies


                • #23
                  1 - Jill Valentine
                  2 - Irving
                  3 - Barry Burton


                  • #24
                    Chris Redfield
                    Sheva Alomar
                    Jill Valentine
                    Albert Wesker


                    • #25
                      1. chris w/ M92F bretta, SAIGE 12 shotgun, 2 grenades, 2 insenerary grenades, 1 flashbang and 1 first aid spray
                      2. sheva w/ M92F bretta, scorpion smg, 2 grenades, 2 acid grenades and a first aid spray
                      3.wesker w/ MK.23 SOCOM, DSR-1 sniper rifle, 4 grenades and a first aid spray
                      4. jill w/ M92F bretta, .357 mag OR .50 cal Raging bull, 2 acid grenades 1 insenerary grenade , 1 grenades and first aid spray.
                      5. kirk w/ MK.23 SOCOM, FAL CARBINE ASSULT, 4 grenades and first aid spray
                      unlockable secret character
                      HUNK w/ G18C, XM8 rifle, 1 of every grenade and first aid spray


                      • #26
                        Kirk should be in Mercenaries...his only attack would be to offer hugs to everyone he comes into contact with,

                        Last edited by Darinl1979; 02-26-2009, 12:52 AM.


                        • #27
                          1. Jill
                          2. Ada
                          3. Barry
                          4. Rebecca
                          5. Wesker
                          6. Claire
                          7. maybe Sherry

                          I hope we get at least some downloadable characters.


                          • #28
                            Actually, Kirk's melee attack would look something like this:

                            Last edited by Vector; 02-26-2009, 01:17 AM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              Actually, Kirk's melee attack would look something like this:

                              And would be the equal to one of Chris's super punches. I want Irving in mercs...maybe some of the other BSAA members.
                              Are you tired, Rebecca?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                Actually, Kirk's melee attack would look something like this:

                                gotta love the fonz

