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Biohazard Outbreak: Japanese Server Players

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  • Hey, long time outbreaker here, been playing for more than 3 years. Spent lots and lots of hours on file 1, then about the last year and a half on File 2, JP. I can answer pretty much any question when it comes to outbreak, and can help with anyone who wants to mod their American ps2 to play, along with how to play Outbreak in HDD mode with a non-sony HDD. Just ask me.

    I play all the time and would love to play with any of you guys, File 1, or File 2 JP.

    I'm also really interested in this language patch- are you on the verge of releasing it? Is there something I can use right now or is it one of those "it's done when it's done" things? Because it really looks great and even though I know this game like the back of my hand, I miss seeing it in english! I can also beta test... I've ripped my File 1/2 and rebuilt way too many times to add DNAS/HDD/ESR support so no problems on the technical front, and I play quite often.
    Last edited by Xranger60; 04-29-2009, 01:37 PM.


    • yo guys i got a question, do you need a japanese ps2 to play this? i no you need Biohazard to play it but
      im not sure about the JP PS2.


      • Haha I pretty much just stated in my post above that you could play on an American PS2, so yes. What kind of PS2 do you have?

        15th, you said something about changing all the voices in File 2 over to the File 1 voices. Has this worked with everyone, including Kevin/Mark? I'd love to do this myself and would appreciate any instructions/advice.
        Last edited by Xranger60; 04-30-2009, 01:23 AM.


        • Would an American slim PS2 work if it was modded?
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by Xranger60 View Post
            Haha I pretty much just stated in my post above that you could play on an American PS2, so yes. What kind of PS2 do you have?

            15th, you said something about changing all the voices in File 2 over to the File 1 voices. Has this worked with everyone, including Kevin/Mark? I'd love to do this myself and would appreciate any instructions/advice.
            I still have Jim David and George to change, but I don't think I'll ever do it. All the NPCs have been changed.

            Hidden rooms inside End of the Road.The Hunter Petting Zoo, the Cage, the Receptionist playset, the Umbrella Cosmetics Counter, the DNA Chrismas Tree it's al...

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            I can give you my vo asf files and you can overwrite yours with them. You might have to delete one asf by replacing it with a dummy to make it fit. I'll try to remember which one.


            • Originally posted by Xranger60 View Post
              Haha I pretty much just stated in my post above that you could play on an American PS2, so yes. What kind of PS2 do you have?

              15th, you said something about changing all the voices in File 2 over to the File 1 voices. Has this worked with everyone, including Kevin/Mark? I'd love to do this myself and would appreciate any instructions/advice.
              oh lol sorry i dont think i read your post.

              i have the first lines of the ps2 (the fat ones)


              • Originally posted by The_15th View Post
                I still have Jim David and George to change, but I don't think I'll ever do it. All the NPCs have been changed.

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                I can give you my vo asf files and you can overwrite yours with them. You might have to delete one asf by replacing it with a dummy to make it fit. I'll try to remember which one.
                That would be much appreciated, thanks! As for the ones you haven't done yet, would it be possible for me to go about replacing those on my own using your method, or would it be too difficult/impossible due to some technical problem?

                Nemesis, if you have a fat, you're doing pretty well. You should be able to play online with biohazard, as well as buy a standard IDE HDD and use it to play!


                • You can change them using AFSExplorer 3.7. They're vo200something hidden in another afs file, under NETBIO 01. I don't remember where the file 1 ad libs are stored.

                  I doubt I'll do it, because it's highly time consuming. The vo afs in file 2 are much smaller than file 1. On top of being lame, all the audio ad libs in file 2 are extra short so you have to sort out the ones in file 1 that aren't too long, nor too boring.

                  The game doesn't seem to like having the afs files expanded too much. Everytime I rebuilt the AFS it would make the game crash. I think some other files are dependent on those files' specific position and it shifts them up or something when I increase their file size. Which ends up breaking the game? Would that be sensical?
                  Last edited by The_15th; 04-30-2009, 06:59 PM.


                  • That does make sense. I know what you mean about the short ad-libs in File 2, and how that could make things hard when it comes to approximate size ad-libs from File 1 to look for. If you could give me your asf files, that would be great, and maybe I'll see if I can do the others.


                    • JP PS2 B.O.O. owner

                      Just wanted to say that you guys are the reason i got my japanese ps2 and biohazard outbreak file 2. You all gave me the knowledge and confidence to get back online. All i need now is to sign up to the japanese servers so if you could tell me how i will be online within minutes of receiving the message. Thanks for the help and i look forward to seeing all of you online, alive or zombified ;)


                      • You need to enter a Japanese adress, preferably one that already gets alot of spam mail so they won't notice if KDDI sends a bill. I think you can register through the game. It seems that registration isn't available in the morning (Japan time).


                        • i just got off ebay a japanese ps2 and biohazard outbreak file 2, once i finnally get time to set it up ill meet u guys online =)
                          Last edited by sweetlollygirl; 05-28-2009, 05:20 PM.


                          • Just need players

                            I got all my info and registered onto the servers. unfortunately its desolate right now ( probably because of the time difference) but now i want to start making a list of fellow players. ill download aim and msn if needed to communicate with you guys. i just need all your I-M screen names. please send them to me at (the email is real)


                            • im having some problems, i cant go on the server bc my wire i would use on the ps2 slim, theres no spot for it for the fat ps2......can i plug the wire i would usally use for the US ps2 connection for the fat jap one?


                              • You need a network adaptor for the fat PS2. Good luck. I think they're easy to find in used game stores but no idea if it's compatible with the Japanese PS2.

                                Also, don't talk english when you play. just use よろしく (type=yoroshiku) to introduce yourself. When you're done playing you say お疲れ様でした (type=otsukaresamadeshita). And then またよろしく~(matayoroshiku~) means, see ya! Most Japanese are cool about foreigners, but there's a few bad apples that can get you banned. Think about how some people treated the latinos in the US servers. Oblivious to the fact that there was no spanish version of the game for them to play.

                                Sometimes, if they're extremely polite they'll use よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu).
                                Last edited by The_15th; 05-29-2009, 10:21 AM.

