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is anyone getting the game before the US launch?

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  • #46
    My copy departed Memphis one hour ago. Excellent. Now it just has to get to Hampton Roads, Virginia in 11 hrs. to meet the ETA.

    Seems more than do-able if the game went from Hong Kong, China to Memphis, TN here in the States in 24 hours.

    Dot better open up that Progress thread now since about a dozen people or more on this board will have the game by tonight.


    • #47
      Originally posted by CubedSphere View Post
      My copy departed Memphis one hour ago. Excellent. Now it just has to get to Hampton Roads, Virginia in 11 hrs. to meet the ETA.

      Seems more than do-able if the game went from Hong Kong, China to Memphis, TN here in the States in 24 hours.

      Dot better open up that Progress thread now since about a dozen people or more on this board will have the game by tonight.

      damn your so lucky i have to wait tell the 13 oh well good for u guys.


      • #48
        I will now. Saw that the Asian version is basically the same as NTSC and PAL (no region protection, full English language options), and went ahead and ordered it from Play-Asia. Dispatched earlier today, I'm hoping £20 of shipping gets my 170 gram order here tomorrow.


        • #49
          Damn it!
          My game has been in Metro Melbourne for 5 hours but I'm still waiting.
          It must be in the back of some fat bastard's van, while he drives around thinking he'll get to me later. But I have to go to work in 10 minutes, so I wont be here!
          He might just leave it on my doorstep, but will probably leave me a card telling me I have to go collect it. If it's the latter, I wont be able to get it till next week...


          • #50
            Getting it on Tuesday. I love smaller, crooked videogame stores


            • #51
              My source promised me I could pick it up Friday. In about 13 hours from now (Its currently 3 AM here) I should have my US Special Edition Version.

              Here's hoping.


              • #52
                My night just had a happy ending.
                I got home from work and was walking up my driveway. I could see a card sticking out of my front door. "Great, he's been and I missed him. Now I'll have to wait till Tuesday"...
                I'm reading the card as I walk in the door, then flip it over. There's a message: "IT'S IN THE METER BOX" (meaning my electricity meter reader box).
                I open the box and my package is sitting in there!
                Talk about turning my frown, upside down.

                It's a sweet package (PS3 Asian LE). I got the 'Wesker' making of dvd.
                I think I'll install it and have a look but I'm not gonna get stuck into it till Monday, when I've arranged for 5 days off. I'll be existing on my couch, drinking alcohol and energy drinks, eating junk food and living in Kijuju!!!


                • #53
                  Bah...I'll probably get it well after the 13th...pre-ordered it on amazon for two-day shipping. This was a day after they offered "Release date delivery" for free. Balls.

                  Unless anyone knows of any mom&pop stores (or otherwise) in NYC who are selling the 360 version pre-release.
                  Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 03-06-2009, 11:45 AM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Skunky View Post
                    My night just had a happy ending.
                    Mine too. I got laid

                    And to top it off, my Play-asia order came in. PS3 Resident Evil 5 AND 3CD Soundtrack. Its been a great start to an awesome weekend.

                    Still waiting for my US Xbox 360 Version.


                    • #55
                      Got my copy this morning after £20 tax. Bastard government. But... RE5! Squee! :3 Playing now... and if anyone has a copy already and wants to co-op... PM me here or add me on XBL. Name's same as here.


                      • #56
                        I'll probably get the game this Wednesday.


                        • #57
                          well iv order the game and il get it on friday !! so i cant wait !!!!! its going to kick so so so so much ass !!!


                          • #58
                            yes sir, Resident Evil 5 arrived in belgium today, now leave me alone and let me plaaaay


                            • #59
                              The game also arrived here in Greece.

