dlc is something that a lot of games have gotten , capcom is defiantly going to bring out dlc in the next few months , question is though what do you want to see as dlc?
i really want a seperate ways style campaign with Bird Woman/Plague Doctor as the main character , it would defiantly reveal a lot of stuff that the main campaign didn't fill in , even if it isn't that important it's still worth exploring in dlc, i also want more unlockables, weapons , and for GOD sake allow us to change to different women from RE franchise (Jill please
) instead of shiva , i can't honestly stand her (were patnehs forever..).
i really want a seperate ways style campaign with Bird Woman/Plague Doctor as the main character , it would defiantly reveal a lot of stuff that the main campaign didn't fill in , even if it isn't that important it's still worth exploring in dlc, i also want more unlockables, weapons , and for GOD sake allow us to change to different women from RE franchise (Jill please
