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Thoughts on RE5, start to finish

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  • I thought DC Douglas did an awesome job in RE5. I still get chills when I hear:
    "Uroboros will be released into the atmosphere, ensuring complete, global saturation."


    • Originally posted by TheOvermind001 View Post
      Just because something is explained doesn't excuse it from being unnecessary and stupid. The blonde hair distracted me... instead of being shocked that Jill was under the mask, I was trying to determine if it was actually her.
      I can understand your dislike for it, but I stand behind my initial statement. Your post said: "I have no idea why Jill's hair is suddenly blonde."

      And I replied that it was explained in the game. Hence you are blatantly using it as a negative since you failed to discover that it was indeed explained. Just because you dislike it doesn't mean it is just some plot point overlooked by the developers.

      As for Jill's haircolor being a see her face (and hair) plastered on a monitor before & after the U-8 fight. Also you can read the "subject status" on the computer monitor after the U-8 fight to see the explanation for Jill's hair discoloration and her extra-paleness.

      So by the time you see Jill unmasked, it should be NO surprise whatsoever. Even if you hadn't read the still got to see her visage on the screen. Twice.


      • You know, folks, I pray none of the female characters ever learns about bottles of hair dye. I suspect the world may end in a fiery scream of fandom.

        In game, the drugs pumping into Jill's system were to explain her various discolourations. Alright, I can accept that.

        Out of the game her hair colour and paleness did two was to distance her from her old persona as a good guy, remove her from the good Jill we knew and give us an obvious physical characteristic to show us that this Jill isn't the one we knew. And secondly it made her look that much more like Wesker, showing her to be his partner for the fight and not Chris'.

        It wasn't just some random choice. They did think about it. And given the whole, 'It's starting to turn back' at the roots by the end of the game it's clearly not permanent. Unless Jill decides she likes being blonde and starts dying her hair, but I somehow doubt that.

        I honestly can't say the blonde thing bothered me. There were a lot bigger problems in the game, ones that couldn't be solved by a few hours at the tanning salon and a bottle of hair dye. For example, the game not be scary. Intimadating, yes. Tense, yes, especially near the start of the game where it seems exceptionally stingy with the healing items. I swear, by the end of the game we couldn't turn around without finding a herb. But at the start it made you beg.

        But it wasn't scary. In fact this was one of the very few things RE4 does better, and RE4 was about as scary as knowing my daughter has gone for a dump and I need to change it. For me that was a much, much bigger isue.


        • I wonder now. If you dye your hair, does it make you a completely different person both physically and personality-wise?
          See you in hell.


          • Apparently so. Apparently it also makes some RUINED FOREVER!!!111!!


            • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              I can understand your dislike for it, but I stand behind my initial statement. Your post said: "I have no idea why Jill's hair is suddenly blonde."
              Actually, I didn't say that.
              Thats what Vilmer said.


              • ^D'oh! My mistake. Sorry dude.


                • Originally posted by TheOvermind001 View Post
                  Actually, I didn't say that.
                  Thats what Vilmer said.
                  Val Kilmer?
                  See you in hell.


                  • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                    ^D'oh! My mistake. Sorry dude.
                    lol its ok.


                    • Don't worry, if they can dye her hair blond, she can always dye it back and go to Miami or Cabo and get sun-tanned back. The fact they did her blond was to make confussion with Sherry. Most of us thought that the girl in the tube was Sherry... when all the time was Jill.

                      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                      • Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                        Don't worry, if they can dye her hair blond, she can always dye it back and go to Miami or Cabo and get sun-tanned back. The fact they did her blond was to make confussion with Sherry. Most of us thought that the girl in the tube was Sherry... when all the time was Jill.
                        I really doubt they actually put that much thought into it. lol


                        • Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                          Don't worry, if they can dye her hair blond, she can always dye it back and go to Miami or Cabo and get sun-tanned back.
                          This sun tan?


                          • ^Yeah, she's always been freakishly pale.


                            • You realize it explains the hair and skin going white is because she lost all pigment in her body from the test being done to her because of the dormant virus in her body and wesker basically toying with it right, well im going to assume no since no one brought it up but i'll tell you what.

                              (ITS IN THE FILES.) - crazy right go figure that one.

                              and for people to complain about her hair anyways... Chris was a red head but no one said anything when it changed, Leon in re2 was a red head and yet again no one said anything, but now jills hair color changes and you rant and knock the game for that?

                              you should not of played the game let alone come into a a forum for people who do like the game and series despite its flaws, just so you can flame it and make urself seem smart or feel like your right and you should be told so, get off your high horse , its the people like this that make coming to the forum worth it anymore.


                              • Uh, Chris looked brown haired in RE...and I mean in-game, not live action.
                                Last edited by Mr. Kennedy; 03-23-2009, 11:23 AM.

