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Would you want zombies back?

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  • #16
    Yes, bring back the rotting corpses!

    I think it's a shame that zombies were gone from RE games before the current generation of more powerful hardware.
    There were some good parts in RE2, RE3 and the Outbreak games where they wanted a huge swarm of zombies but were kinda restricted by the limitations of the consoles being used.
    It would be cool (and still challenging even with the RE4/RE5 controls) to have massive amounts of zombies on screen. I don't have a 360 but I heard it was fun in Dead Rising.

    I do like the ganados and majini but it would be great to have zombies back. I don't see why we can't have both or sometimes one, sometimes the other.


    • #17
      im kinda glad with what we got now, now we had so much with zombies in the older games so now im glad they took a diffrend turn i like what we got now.


      • #18
        Zombies? That's the problem with Ganados they just aren't very popular. Zombies got their own movies. I say bring back the zombies and let them eat brains..maybe some intestines too.


        • #19
          Yes! Have a mixture of Plagas Inhabitants and Zombies. I think that'd be awesome.


          • #20

            Why restrict it? Personally, I'd like both Majini and Zombies next time, I would love the variety. Start the game off with the classic zombie, then bring in the Majini into the mix, finally bring in Crimson Heads and the Spoiler:
            into it to make things more dangerous. And yes, let them fight amongst each other too, zombies are mindless and would attack anything on sight, the Majini are more intelligent. Lets allow for the enemies to fight each other as well as just with you. Bring back the Regenerators too. Have the Crimson Heads and Regenerators kill everything in sight. I would love the variety. Plus, the villain of the next game should ahve full access to the all the viruses, so that he/she could pick and choose what enemies they want to throw at the player. That would be so awesome.
            Last edited by Henry Spencer; 03-15-2009, 04:52 PM.


            • #21
              the thing that ticks me off about the Ganado style is that they run directly at you and stop about 6 feet infront of you then slowly walk toward you.


              • #22
                Recently in an interview Takeuchi said that zombies may return in future titles and that the type of enemies the series has right now don't have to be in the series forever.


                • #23
                  well, they are returning in dark side chronicles .. so ..


                  • #24
                    Dead Rising Zombies + RE4/RE5 gameplay (with run & shoot so amateurs stop crying) and you have a winner. LISTEN CAPCOM LISTEN!!!

                    I love zombies, I love ganado/majini. I love Resident Evil.

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • #25
                      Yes.... I would love to have zombies back. Plain and simple, man.


                      • #26
                        SO lets think about this one...


                        (Off Topic) Lol Resident Evil 5 red X-box commercial just came on while typing this ahahaha


                        • #27
                          Vulgar reply but....

                          FUCK YES!!!!!!!

                          With the control style now implemented with RE4/5, we could now finally have proper Zombies. In the old RE games you could kill the Zombies by shooting them anywhere enough times but that was just because you couldn't aim in more than 3 basic directions. But now with the free aiming mechanics they could make it so Zombies can only die from a head shot and if you shoot the Zombies anywhere else, not matter how many times, they will not die. Limbs should be able to be blown off but even if you took off all 4 limbs, the Zombie should still be shaking about on the floor still trying in some vain attempt to get at you.

                          People always said to me that RE2/3 pushed the gore too far and that's why they toned it down in later games but when you look at games now like Fallout 3, this excuse doesn't have any weight anymore. Full dismemberment ahoy!


                          • #28
                            Not directly Zombie. I will Survival-Horror back.


                            • #29
                              Like what has been stated before, I would love to see zombies return. Have them + the Majini to terrorize the player! Zombies slowly hunting down anything that moves....Majini viciously killing everything in site..Now THAT would be horror.


                              • #30
                                Well, since the old re story line is tied up, maybe they will create a new story for it from scratch? i remember reading that they said they'll deffinitly go back to zombies in a future installment.
                                Last edited by Andyfer_Ruu; 03-17-2009, 07:23 AM.

