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Is anyone pissed they took out...

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  • Is anyone pissed they took out...

    ...the TYPEWRITERS?? I'm talking about RE5, obviously.

    I'm pissed.

    The typewriters were something all Resident Evil games had. It's like taking out the herbs or the First Aid Sprays. Personally, I love the appeal of an old typewriter. I even have one at home and it always reminds me of Resident Evil. Aside from appeal, I would have liked it to be able to save whenever I choose to. I liked the typewriters a lot and I thought they were one of those elements in RE that would always be there. I am disappointed.
    Last edited by Rakkoon; 03-15-2009, 08:47 PM.

  • #2
    No I always thought they where a pain in the ass personally...


    • #3
      At first I thought I'd miss them, but the Organize and Buy screen in between chapter segments really grew on me.

      I liked it the way it was in RE5, to tell you the truth.


      • #4
        Not pissed, really. Though there is a certain :[ about them being gone. (typewriter-shaped hole in the heart?)


        • #5
          I liked the typewriters. They were one of the memorable symbols of the series. I don't mind that they aren't there in RE5, as the saving system works well enough for me.


          • #6
            But why take them out? They've always been there. It doesn't make any sense. They kept the herbs and the sprays, as unrealistic as they are, but no typewriters. It should all be in there, it's all like a signature of RE.


            • #7
              I think Typewriters should have at least been in visually to some degree; like a typewriter icon or symbol when saving your game or something. Anyway, their exclusion doesn't piss me off, but it doesn't make me happy either. I'm mostly indifferent.


              • #8
                i dont care really then we just got the auto saving its all fine i dident mind it at all.


                • #9
                  I think the checkpoint system made the gameplay a lot more fluid.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #10
                    It didn't bother me. Typewriters are good for nostalgia, sure. But the checkpoints and such were a part of this game's mechanic.

                    Besides, a typewriter got a cameo in the last viral vid.


                    • #11
                      I like the system that is in RE 5. I mean if you put down all the things you miss about RE it would probably be a lot of things. The only thing that is really left is some of the characters and story.


                      • #12
                        For me Typewriters = Save Theme music
                        However there was a music track in the game that reminded me of a save theme, you can hear it when you finish a chapter. So, no I don't have a problem with the absence of typewriters, I think that the checkpoints worked well in the game.


                        • #13
                          The typewriters and the save room was one of the best moments, i still remember RE2, the dark room save and the main hall. And in re4 there was a checkpoint but they keep the typewriters and the music was awesome, now this moments are goo, the sound of re5 its weak compere to re4 and outer games of the series.


                          • #14
                            You get pissed over the most trivial things.

                            I never really noticed their disappearance at all. They had zero impact initially anyway.

                            You aren't going to see a random typewriter in a high-tech research facility or in the middle of an African street.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 03-16-2009, 10:49 AM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #15
                              Yeah I missed them. Even in RE4, there was nothing better than walking into a room expecting the worst and hearing that soothing music. Pity they took that part of the game out, but not a huge deal.

                              I'd love to be able to save the game when I wanted to aswell.

