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Ndesu on Professional

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
    Are you playing as Sheva or Chris? I had a much easier time hitting the sweet spot on his foot to keep him from stomping on me as Sheva.
    I selected Chris.

    Did you just shoot the bottom of his foot, or do you have to aim for a certain spot?

    And every time I die, I keep thinking about your "0 deaths" and curse your name under my breath. At this rate, I may surpass Dot's 41 deaths...


    • #32
      Ndesu was surprisingly easy on Pro after all the things I had read and heard about the fight. I was expecting something much worse.

      Having said that, now that I've beaten the game on Pro, I don't see myself touching it again any time soon. Sheva was absolutely worthless. I'd be in the Dying status, and she'd either just stand there and watch me die or start randomly shooting enemies.


      • #33
        ^Damn you folks claiming it to be easy.

        I tried to go online to get some "partner" assistance for this fight, but my wireless connection keeps failing. Everything keeps going against me. Plus I skipped class because I am determined to beat this. (If I ever do, I will NEVER play Pro again.)

        EDIT: I've been at this for an hour-and-a-half, to no avail. I don't know what irritates me more - the cackling of the majini, the mysterious ability of the molotav cocktail guy to occasionally throw one as he's running out to his position on the balcony, or the fact that the dodge mechanic (not using L1+R1, the other combo) is responsive only 33% of the time. And whenever I've almost gotten to the 3rd and final appearance of the main plaga, Ndesu's attacks seem to be even less avoidable. Fuck.
        Last edited by Jill's Boob; 03-24-2009, 07:52 PM.


        • #34
          Try shooting his head when he does the foot thing. That seemed to work better for me, as the foot basically needs 100% constant fire to stop him while the head needs less.


          • #35
            I never knew about the foot thing. Like Dot said, whenever he got close to do one of his finishers I would just focus on shooting him in the face, and he never got a stomp or pole smash off in the attempt I killed him. And save the exploding barrels for good situations, like when he's pulling a boulder from the soil, shooting the barrel next to him will cause him to drop it, saving some time.

            And I would always kill the Majini as soon as they appeared, except when Ndesu was right ontop of you.


            • #36
              Even after 2004, RE4 - in the guise of a reused boss - continues to annoy me.
              See you in hell.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                Even after 2004, RE4 - in the guise of a reused boss - continues to annoy me.

                Thanks for all the tips, everyone. I finally beat it about an hour ago. 35 deaths. Jesus.

                Then I got caught up trying to go through the refinery...damn crossbow guys kept killing me, Josh, and Sheva. This "Pro" level can go to hell.


                • #38
                  Ndesu is a ridiculous boss. What's he getting out of it, really? What's his stake in all of this? I mean, let's say he kills Chris and Sheva. What then? How does that further his life aspirations or better his career prospects? He gains absolutely nothing from it, and for an intelligent parasitic organism with a degree of self-awareness, he needs to re-evaluate things. What's he going to do exactly, trundle around all night or be sold off to the highest bidder in some backwater African country to be used in their civil war? Now if Ndesu was something like a rival and by killing Chris and Sheva he got to some lost treasure or other goal before them - like I don't know, Julian Glover in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, then I could understand. There's a valid reason why he would want to kill them. But there isn't a reason.

                  It's a pointless, needless and ultimately fruitless battle that never should have been in the game. Let me put it another way. You're playing through the "Savannah" chapter, you're having a fun time shooting away at the streams of motorcycle-riding Majini while they throw a plethora of various handheld explosives and blades at you in an attempt to stop you. There's a degree of challenge there, a couple of QTEs thrown in and you're fine. Suddenly, a Japanese gentleman steps out in front of your parked vehicle wearing an ill-fitted business suit with neatly combed hair and tells you that he was an associate producer for Resident Evil 4. He then informs you that it wouldn't be fair just to have you stave off Majini attacks and tells you that just to pay a homage to the "fans" of RE4 and to drum up some sense of "nostalgia" (even though RE4 is only a few years old or so, as opposed to when RE1 dawned in 1996), he's decided to throw in a reused boss from Leon's highly praised venture into the rural Spanish countryside.

                  In walks Ndesu, some rehashed cockhive with bracelets that look like they were bought from Hot Topic or some other degenerate 'fashion' boutique, whose sole raison d'être is to piss on everyone's collective bonfire in an effort to add "challenge" and "longevity" to the game. What instead you end up with is one of the most frustrating and needless boss battles in the game, one that doesn't rely on skill but rather luck and reaction time.

                  I know what you're thinking, it's just a game - but I also know that many of you will sympathise with me on this and I'm sure that the majority of you here share my frustration with this colossal barsteward who really needs to go and fist himself hard.
                  Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 03-25-2009, 08:34 AM.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #39
                    Yeah, agree with all of that, I actually thought the cave troll was one of the more boring boss battles from RE4. Wonder why they brought him back out of all of them (there were some stellar bosses in RE4). Verdugo for a start returning would have been far more welcome.


                    • #40
                      If you want to make it so you have no deaths, just restart from the checkpoint once you near death. I got an S ranking by doing that.
                      Last edited by Mr. Kennedy; 03-25-2009, 02:16 PM.


                      • #41
                        35 deaths and counting, I might surpass John's record at this rate.
                        See you in hell.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          35 deaths and counting, I might surpass John's record at this rate.
                          Just wait 'til you get to the "two-on-two" boss fight, or worse yet the battle against Jill solo. 38 deaths for me on level 5-3. Though I admit a few were me taking out frustration on Jill by using the rocket launcher to eradicate her.

                          Whereas the Ndesu boss fight leapfrogged him over Wesker as my primary source of death in the game, Jill claimed the top spot soon thereafter.

                          Professional is fucking ridiculous. Crossbow dudes easily wipe you out. Not to mention random grenades that - once you hear them bouncing on the ground - you know you'll be dead in seconds. Worse yet, how many times can you be in a dying state, only to have your partner say "I'm coming" and then idly stand next to you until you die.

                          The Jill fight was great, because the 2% of the time that my partner would heal me, Jill would follow up with a combo hit, killing me before I'd even healed.

                          Professional increases the difficulty, and makes the AI 1000 times dumber.

                          I finally bested it, but I will NEVER play it on that setting again.


                          • #43
                            Oh, I've done everything else. Ndesu is the last thing standing between me and Professional mode being completed. For at least two days I have been trying to beat him but to no avail. I can enter the second part of the fight with full health but he always gets me with that overhead smash where you need to shoot his head, which takes away three quarters of my health. Even when I KNOW I've shot him enough, it's almost as though the game knows I'm too close to winning so it bullshits.

                            I got down to the second time the main parasite is revealed and I felt like it was over, that I was won, but it didn't happen. Now I'm being told that there's a THIRD time you need to expose the parasite. Bollocks to that.
                            See you in hell.


                            • #44
                              Yeah you just have to get to the third appearance. But that one dies real quick.

                              It's after you've passed the second appearance of the main plagas that Ndesu's attacks seem even more unavoidable and that the "cheap" factor kicks into overdrive.

                              But I still don't know what was worse for me - Ndesu or Jill.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                                Oh, I've done everything else. Ndesu is the last thing standing between me and Professional mode being completed. For at least two days I have been trying to beat him but to no avail. I can enter the second part of the fight with full health but he always gets me with that overhead smash where you need to shoot his head, which takes away three quarters of my health. Even when I KNOW I've shot him enough, it's almost as though the game knows I'm too close to winning so it bullshits.

                                I got down to the second time the main parasite is revealed and I felt like it was over, that I was won, but it didn't happen. Now I'm being told that there's a THIRD time you need to expose the parasite. Bollocks to that.
                                yup, there sure is a 3rd part.

                                and to think that 2 parts didnt piss you off enough already.

