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Massive missed oppurtunity.

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  • #16
    Personally, I would've loved to have played in Jill's Plague Doctor outfit. I just... I love everything about that outfit, and it would've been great to run around in Mercenaries with it!


    • #17
      Originally posted by wesker RPD View Post
      Capcom should release some levels like Seperate Ways with Jill as the plague doctor. If they could make Ada playable in RE4 with the long red dress how hard could the plague doctor be?

      Comming to think of it there wasn't nearly enough of her in the main game. All her scenes were already shown in the trailers.
      Don't you think Josh would make a more interesting "Separate Ways" style game? Playing through the game I thought it would make a lot of sense.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Corrin View Post
        Don't you think Josh would make a more interesting "Separate Ways" style game? Playing through the game I thought it would make a lot of sense.
        Yup, my partner and I came to this conclusion on our second playthrough. It would really be awesome, wouldn't it? Think about can battle majini and such with Delta Team, just in the nick of time to save Chris and Sheva from the motorcycle majini. The next time we see Josh is at the Refinery. Because of this, many things can happen. You can battle Ndesu and more majini with the rest of Delta, only to escape with wounds as the rest of the team is slaughtered. Then he somehow makes his way through the marshlands to the Refinery. There, you meet up with Chris and Sheva, at the Refinery, and pilot the boat until Chris and Sheva fight Irving. Then, you can do even more that we haven't seen. Just how did he get to the helicopter? How did he know to rescue Jill? Did Jill contact him somehow? There's a lot of good possibilities.

        Not to mention the fact that I like Josh a lot. He's a very likable character.
        Last edited by Vector; 03-21-2009, 02:16 AM.


        • #19
          The "Plague Doctor" outfit is nothing special. It is the Battlesuit Jill you already get with a cloak and a mask. Wow - big difference. As for playing in Mercs with those makes no sense to see them, as the cloak would hinder a lot of your view, not to mention be something to grab onto by your opposition.

          As for the idea that a "separate ways" campaign should feature Josh instead of Jill - I agree with that. It's a great idea. Or even two campaigns: "Assignment Josh" and "Assignment Jill?" Each one of them has justifiable adventures in reaching each other to get on that helo. Their exploits are enough for some DLC in the future, I believe.


          • #20
            Don't forget about "Assignment Burton"


            • #21
              I hope Capcom comes out with more DLC. Especially extra costumes and characters.

              I think it would be cool to play as Excella or Irving in the mini-games.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                Don't forget about "Assignment Burton"
                If only... T_T
                Last edited by Canas Renvall; 03-21-2009, 03:36 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by LVL100 Merchant View Post
                  No S.T.A.R.S. or Plague Doctor outfits for Jill; just seems like obvious no-brainers. Yet there are S.T.A.R.S. uniforms for Chris and Wesker. Also, the outfit that Chris wears in the flashback can't be worn, which is mega disappointing.

                  wait, you mean Chris's 3rd outfit is NOT the one in the flash back!? that sucks so much cause that has to be my favorite Chris outfit in the series.

                  and yes i would of loved to see Jill's STARS Outfit re done and her in the plague doctor outfit. that would have been awesome.

                  also as much as i would love assignment Jill, i don't really think it would work since the Majini are not gonna be shooting at her aren't they. so assignment Josh would be cool. but still id like a Jill one better. maybe just a really short one set after she turns good again.


                  • #24
                    I think an Assignment Jill/Josh would work. Maybe the Majini would start attacking her from Chapter 6 and on? Josh catches up and it could be a co-op scenario too. But yeah it would probably be short.

                    Oh well, Chris's third outfit is his RE1 S.T.A.R.S. outfit so it's still pretty awesome.


                    • #25
                      Chris's STARS costume is very similar with his flashback's BSAA one, only differences are patches on his arms


                      • #26
                        Nah the vest is also quite different; the S.T.A.R.S. vest is a different color and doesn't have all of the pouches and etc that the BSAA vest has.


                        • #27
                          I liked Josh, it's a shame we didn't see him in Mercenaries. Or even Dan Dechant and his arrogant "why is the mission not going the way I want it to!?" attitude.
                          See you in hell.


                          • #28
                            Josh was cool, but he should have been killed off, preferably by wesker himself, which would give sheva more of a personal reason to carry on and find wesker other then for being a good partner's sake.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by A-J View Post
                              Josh was cool, but he should have been killed off, preferably by wesker himself, which would give sheva more of a personal reason to carry on and find wesker other then for being a good partner's sake.
                              They're gonna kill him anyway. He goes to the graveyard of potential Resident Evil characters along with Carlos, Billy, Barry and Hunk.

                              Just give Barry or Hunk a decent game please! (RE Gaiden sucks...)

                              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                              • #30
                                I think people should just be glad that niether of Wesker's outfits were his shirtless look. Like it or not, I think most of us can agree it would just be far too distracting.

                                Also, I know lot's of people are probably dissapointed that HUNK isn't in it, but I always thought that was stupid in RE4, since he isn't actually in the game and Luis was, but you can't play as him. I thought that would be good considering the Red9 is arguably the best handgun in the game, and Luis uses it.

