I've seen various threads for characters like Jill (with like 1,000,000 posts), Leon, and even technically obscure characters like Rebecca & Barry.
So here is one for Chris, having had a star-turn in RE5.
Now mostly I've seen Chris disregarded as boring (his RE1 and REmake characterizations can be labeled "taciturn" at best), or jokes about his sudden increase in mass.
After having played RE5, I wonder if people's opinions have changed about Chris Redfield.
I've always found Chris to be single minded. Look at his actions post-RE1:
- find and end Umbrella
- find sister
- defeat Wesker
- find Jill
- defeat bio-terrorism
There was never much other substance given to the guy otherwise. Unless you count his habit for smoking (RE1 uncut intro OR lighter in inventory in REmake).
Of note, his few attempts at humor...RE1: "Looks like we got to the root of that problem." Or RE5: "Let's give it a shot." Funny, but cheesy. Not a big part of his repertoire, and for good reason.
I was glad to see him make a return in RE5, as I feel he perfectly embodies the main "hero" of the franchise. He was fleshed out here, and even in the physical sense with his hulking appearance (but it works, because he'd do what it takes to try and match Wesker's strength after the assbeating at the end of CVX).
Chris is grounded in reality, and a very serious individual. He's not inclined to make one-liners or hit on every single woman in his immediate vicinity.
I think his personality is summed up quite well by the following dialogue:
"More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. Who knows? But there is one thing I do know. I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."
"More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? (Shares look with Jill) Yeah, it's worth it." (He then gives a half smirk, which may be the first time the guy ever smiled.)
Say what you will about Mr. Redfield, but there's no denying his devotion to duty, and to his friends/family. He was going to battle Wesker until one of them died, he never gave up hope that Jill was alive, and he took a break from his quest to end Umbrella to save his little sister. And damn, the guy even told Sheva to shoot through him if it meant killing Wesker.
Single-minded? Yeah. But still a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur (a.k.a. HERO).
So here is one for Chris, having had a star-turn in RE5.
Now mostly I've seen Chris disregarded as boring (his RE1 and REmake characterizations can be labeled "taciturn" at best), or jokes about his sudden increase in mass.
After having played RE5, I wonder if people's opinions have changed about Chris Redfield.
I've always found Chris to be single minded. Look at his actions post-RE1:
- find and end Umbrella
- find sister
- defeat Wesker
- find Jill
- defeat bio-terrorism
There was never much other substance given to the guy otherwise. Unless you count his habit for smoking (RE1 uncut intro OR lighter in inventory in REmake).
Of note, his few attempts at humor...RE1: "Looks like we got to the root of that problem." Or RE5: "Let's give it a shot." Funny, but cheesy. Not a big part of his repertoire, and for good reason.
I was glad to see him make a return in RE5, as I feel he perfectly embodies the main "hero" of the franchise. He was fleshed out here, and even in the physical sense with his hulking appearance (but it works, because he'd do what it takes to try and match Wesker's strength after the assbeating at the end of CVX).
Chris is grounded in reality, and a very serious individual. He's not inclined to make one-liners or hit on every single woman in his immediate vicinity.
I think his personality is summed up quite well by the following dialogue:
"More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. Who knows? But there is one thing I do know. I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through."
"More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? (Shares look with Jill) Yeah, it's worth it." (He then gives a half smirk, which may be the first time the guy ever smiled.)
Say what you will about Mr. Redfield, but there's no denying his devotion to duty, and to his friends/family. He was going to battle Wesker until one of them died, he never gave up hope that Jill was alive, and he took a break from his quest to end Umbrella to save his little sister. And damn, the guy even told Sheva to shoot through him if it meant killing Wesker.
Single-minded? Yeah. But still a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur (a.k.a. HERO).