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Possible plothole concerning a certain virus *SPOILER*

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  • #16
    Wasn't it said in WR that after taking the virus Albert needs to be killed and only then he would gain superhuman powers?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
      Wasn't it said in WR that after taking the virus Albert needs to be killed and only then he would gain superhuman powers?
      Maybe Birkin was just fucking with him.

      Well he didn't say he needed to be killed, just that the virus would kill him. This is what he said: "According to Birkin, the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a state of temporary death. It would then bring me back to life with superhuman powers."

      WR1 is a sloppy mess, though.


      • #18
        They give a name for the Injections Wesker takes.

        They DO NOT name the Virus he was Injected with in 1998.

        If they were the same, then why wouldn't they just call them the same thing.

        Wesker HAD TO HAVE MADE the chemical he injects into himself, because everyone at Umbrella thought he was dead, and all the other Wesker children died in between 1998 and 2006. You forget that Wesker was a rival to William Birkin. He was definitely smart enough to create the Injections.


        • #19
          The serum strikes me as a means of control, similar to the control that narcotics dealers have over addicts. Look at it like this, if all the Wesker children were controlled by this supply then whoever controls the supply, controls the Wesker children - or this god-like race that Spencer sought to repopulate the world with.

          Think of the Jem'Hadar and Ketracel White from Deep Space Nine. They're fearsome warriors, but without the drug they go insane and kill each other. It's how the Vorta maintain control over them, and it's a similar situation with Wesker I believe.
          See you in hell.


          • #20
            Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
            They give a name for the Injections Wesker takes.

            They DO NOT name the Virus he was Injected with in 1998.
            Right, I don't get your reasoning here at all. They only find out the name when Excella drops her case. Just because Capcom gave it a name for RE5, how the hell does that prove they're not the same? We didn't know what he injected in 1998 was called.

            If they were the same, then why wouldn't they just call them the same thing.
            Oh for f... Listen. The only way for your argument to make sense is if they called what Wesker injected in 1998 something different then what they call what he injects in RE5, but they don't. They left it blank since WR1, and there's nothing to say that in RE5 Capcom just decided to finally give it a name.

            Look I'm not saying they're definately 100% one and the same, which is why I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, but so far there's nothing saying they aren't, and there's alot saying they are, and you're doing a poor job convincing me otherwise.

            And plus, from a simple game design point of view, it would be very strange that they would make the 1998 substance and RE5 substance the same colour if they weren't the same thing. But, as shown in Umbrella chronicles, they're both the same colour. The simplest explanation would be that they are infact the same substance, and what do they say about simple explanations?

            Wesker HAD TO HAVE MADE the chemical he injects into himself, because everyone at Umbrella thought he was dead, and all the other Wesker children died in between 1998 and 2006.
            What, he concocted it in his basement lab based on his bloodsamples or something? And I said that if Birkin didn't give him a lifetime supply, which isn't likely, Birkin most likely gave him the instructions of how to produce it. Wesker was probably already working with TriCell at this point, since as he said in RECV "You destroyed my plans, so now I've sold my soul to a new organisation", so if anyone replicated the virus, it would've been TriCell, and not Wesker alone. And that is made pretty clear by the simple fact that it's Excella who's supplying Wesker with the injections in RE5.

            You forget that Wesker was a rival to William Birkin. He was definitely smart enough to create the Injections.
            There's a difference between having the smarts to replicate an already existing virus, and discovering one by yourself from scratch. Birkin had an entire lab and limitless funding and resources and lord knows how many minions helping him, and Wesker even admits in WR2 to being inferior to Birkin, which is why he leaves the research department. But your argument is shot to hell by the fact that it's Excella who's now supplying Wesker. Wesker most likely just gave TriCell the instructions of how to produce it, given that you need the Progenitor virus for it to work at all.

            And you forget the fact that there's only a few months time elapsed between when he injects the 1998 virus and when he shows up in RECV with super powers working for a new organization. You think he started from scratch and could've replicated Spencer's greatest achievement in those few months? Isn't it more likely that Birkin simply showed him how it was made when he gave it to him? Or at the very least gave him a couple of doses that Wesker could have TriCell reproduce?


            • #21
              PG67A/W is a serum derived from Tricell's research into the Progenitor virus that is used to keep Wesker's experimental virus from 1998 in check. Another variation is PG30, which is used on Jill. PG67A/W is NOT the virus, the same way PG30 is not a virus, but an ancillary chemical. They're both derived from Progenitor, or as I like to call it, Pandora's Box.

              He's not "topping up" or anything like that.

              As for Wesker needing to die first, that's just a small error. The virus will rebuild and revive the subject if they are killed shortly following injection. Wesker used this effect to fake his death.
              Last edited by News Bot; 03-25-2009, 12:58 PM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #22
                Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                PG67A/W is a serum derived from Tricell's research into the Progenitor virus that is used to keep Wesker's experimental virus from 1998 in check. Another variation is PG30, which is used on Jill. PG67A/W is NOT the virus, the same way PG30 is not a virus, but an ancillary chemical. They're both derived from Progenitor, or as I like to call it, Pandora's Box.

                He's not "topping up" or anything like that.

                As for Wesker needing to die first, that's just a small error. The virus will rebuild and revive the subject if they are killed shortly following injection. Wesker used this effect to fake his death.
                I would be content with all of that if you provided a source which made you conclude all this, other than your own speculation. I'm not trying to confront you, I just geniunly want to know if there's anything Capcom has said to suggest one way or the other.


                • #23
                  The clue is in the name. PG30 is directly described as being derived from Progenitor.


                  Anything else is just silly.

                  Also I've heard "Progenitor No. 67 Albert/Wesker" being brought up at one point, but I'm not sure as to the precise source since I only heard it from Colvin.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #24
                    PG30? I thought it was just P30.


                    • #25
                      Just start ignoring Sina.


                      • #26
                        It's really quite simple: Wesker was given a virus by Birkin, and told it would "revive him after an apparent death with super-human powers".

                        This virus was given to the other Wesker children by various means (flu-shots, etc.).

                        Most of the Wesker children died. Albert Wesker's genes were the only perfect ones, so he suffered no ill effects. The ones who lived shortly died off since they were not perfect, like Albert.

                        Wesker uses a chemical called "PG67A/W" to keep his "powers" in check. He created this chemical himself.

                        So, basically: All the other Weskers are dead, they weren't good enough and Albert had to use a chemical to keep himself semi-normal.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          PG30? I thought it was just P30.
                          It is P30.


                          • #28
                            I like how most of the people here know more details regarding the RE storyline than the people who created it
                            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                            Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BLSR1 View Post
                              Just start ignoring Sina.

                              Firstly, I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, but you can't just give an opinion of how storyelements took place and act like it's fact, especially when what you use to prove your theory is as weak as what you said.

                              Originally posted by Corrin View Post
                              It's really quite simple: Wesker was given a virus by Birkin, and told it would "revive him after an apparent death with super-human powers".

                              This virus was given to the other Wesker children by various means (flu-shots, etc.).

                              Most of the Wesker children died. Albert Wesker's genes were the only perfect ones, so he suffered no ill effects. The ones who lived shortly died off since they were not perfect, like Albert.

                              Wesker uses a chemical called "PG67A/W" to keep his "powers" in check. He created this chemical himself.

                              So, basically: All the other Weskers are dead, they weren't good enough and Albert had to use a chemical to keep himself semi-normal.
                              That could very well be the case, but what would Spencer's point be in doing it like that? He supported all the Wesker children in "whatever field they saught to pursue", so what, only Albert should get the benefits because he happened to pursue bio chemistry? Spencer obviously put alot of time and effort into breeding these Wesker children, and if a few survived I'm sure he saw them as a rare commodity, so it's obvious the reason they died was not because they didn't figure out how to make a serum. I know that's not what you're saying, just pointing it out for whoever did.

                              The big question is really that, what Spencer's goal was. It's very likely that he intended that all the virus surviving Wesker children would just get that one first virus shot, and then their powers would fade until they saught out Spencer. I just think it's unlikely that Wesker was able to figure out how to make the serum on his own in the timespan of a couple of months (between RE1 and RECV). I think the likelier scenario is that Birkin told him he needed multiple doses in the future, and how to make it.

                              Now, wether or not it's the same substance he's just topping himself off with, or if it's a separate substance to just keep the existing virus active, I don't think there's enough to prove it either way, other than Jill calling it "a serum". Jill's substance was called P30 and not PG30, yeah, but I don't think that proves much either way. And judging from the simplicity of Capcom's storytelling, P just means Progenitor and anything after is just the version, meaning that what Albert injected in 1998, wether it was the same or not, would've started with P too.

                              Originally posted by CiarenDevlin View Post
                              Also I've heard "Progenitor No. 67 Albert/Wesker" being brought up at one point, but I'm not sure as to the precise source since I only heard it from Colvin.
                              If I remember correctly, the name of the lead Wesker project researcher is Alex Wesker? Which could mean A/W is just based on his name, not making the substance an Albert exclusive. But now I'm starting to get the feeling that Capcom didn't even think this through in this much detail, and we're arguing over nothing.


                              • #30
                                This is funny.

