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Well guys. I dont know about you, But RE5 was a sad disappointment.

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  • #31
    I have nothing against Chris-Wesker thing, because Capcom really did their best to somewhat explain this marvellous Weskers's virus and why Wesker was collecting all sorts of viruses during the last decade.

    My only complain is, though, that most of the backstory to the game was presented in the Library files instead of being there, in the game. I've only played the game once (don't own any next-gen console), but was there any mention about this Wesker children project in the game? Or why Jill became Wesker's puppet? Or why is Wesker cooperating with Excella? All those things, while explained in the Library section, was omitted in the main game thus making the plot really shallow.

    Also, I really disliked how this whole Jill story turned out in the game. I wished Capcom do something more with it, something more dramatic and deep; instead during the two thirds of the game we only hear Chris talking "I have to find Jill", "Where's Jill", etc, then the entire Jill subplot resolves during two cut-scenes and a boss fight and after that everyone forget about her :|.

    Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the story, but they could really do it so much better just by putting info from Library into dialogues and cut scenes in the game.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      Which is why I always find the tag line 'Fear You Can't Forget' funny, because apparently I forgot it all.
      The entire time we were playing through Re5, me and my friends would always randomly ask each other:

      "Hey guys, are you going to be able to forget this fear?"

      "No way, this fear is just way too intense to forget".


      HA! Nice try capcom.
      Last edited by TheOvermind001; 03-27-2009, 06:26 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by LVL100 Merchant View Post
        I'm quite sure enemies in the REmake don't follow you through doors, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I never really found that most RE games really had an overwhelming sense of dread for the entire game, except perhaps REmake or Zero which were quite atmospheric. Games like RE2 and 3 though... maybe it's a mix of me having played them so much along with the sense of nostalgia, but I actually feel pretty cozy playing those games. : / Specifically RE2. I love it mostly because if I find myself unable to sleep, I can just pop in RE2, run through it in about two hours and go back to bed.
        Enemies in REmake do follow you through doors, and its very scary. Especially when Hunters knock them down completely!

        I am the same way with RE2 and RE3... just because I know every inch of those games. But I remember when I played through them the first couple of times... I was scared as hell. Sure, their graphics don't quite live up to todays standards, but they were able to create a great atmosphere of suspense that kept you on the edge throughout the whole game. It was something that was by design and the were very masterful at doing it...

        RE4 and RE5 has absolutely no elements of that kind of suspense, which really disappoints me as a fan of the series. If RE was always like 4 and 5 I would have never been interested in it. It was the real legitimate suspense I felt while playing the older games that had me hooked.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
          I have nothing against Chris-Wesker thing, because Capcom really did their best to somewhat explain this marvellous Weskers's virus and why Wesker was collecting all sorts of viruses during the last decade.

          My only complain is, though, that most of the backstory to the game was presented in the Library files instead of being there, in the game. I've only played the game once (don't own any next-gen console), but was there any mention about this Wesker children project in the game? Or why Jill became Wesker's puppet? Or why is Wesker cooperating with Excella? All those things, while explained in the Library section, was omitted in the main game thus making the plot really shallow.

          Also, I really disliked how this whole Jill story turned out in the game. I wished Capcom do something more with it, something more dramatic and deep; instead during the two thirds of the game we only hear Chris talking "I have to find Jill", "Where's Jill", etc, then the entire Jill subplot resolves during two cut-scenes and a boss fight and after that everyone forget about her :|.

          Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed the story, but they could really do it so much better just by putting info from Library into dialogues and cut scenes in the game.
          This is exactly how I fell.
          After all the advertisement of this game and all the backstage info with all the actors and "how wonderfull was for me working in the RE5 project, working with XXXX was and absolute pleasure" I was expecting more cutscenes and more story in them than just text files.
          After finishing the game I had the feeling that the game development team was pressured by the deadline or something...
          But I'm still enjoying the game, of course


          • #35
            I didn't care if it was bad all i just cared is that they kept the resident evil story fresh and interesting.


            • #36
              Overall I liked the game. I liked pretty much all the RE games, though like many I thought 4 was the weakest (fun as the gameplay was, which man, IT WAS) and :/ at people who never played ones before that. In RE5's case, specifically in comparison to RE4, it was heads above it because to me, RE4 had a disjointed story. It barely had any connections to the overall series or their characters, with the exception of Separate Ways, but SW wasn't even in the original release. RE5 finished things that were starting from the very first game, so while I'd say the gameplay is about on part with RE4's, the fact that the story was connected more to "Resident Evil" gives it the up points to me.

              People seem to either like or hate the revelations, so that's more of a coin toss, depending on who you talk to. I do also wish the files weren't so long and I wish more of it would have been in the actual game. But for what the story was, I was okay with it, especially since I did get the Resident Evil feel from it, mostly. With the standard disclaimers there that most others tend to share.


              • #37
                As a die-hard Resident Evil fan, I loved it. No complaints whatsoever. Great story, great gameplay, great atmosphere etcetcetc. It wasn't without it's kinks, but then again, what is these days? Most of it is small and trivial stuff that is just individually different anyway.

                And you shouldn't expect classic RE fear anymore, you won't get it. It wasn't really there in the first place. As you get older, you tend to not get scared by things as easily. RE5 takes a different approach and introduces a panic/tense fear throughout. This is especially evident in the one chapter dedicated to old-school fans.

                Most people who complain about the story either don't understand it fully or haven't read all of the assorted material yet. Wish you people would visit Project Umbrella more, haha.
                Last edited by News Bot; 03-27-2009, 11:37 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #38
                  Look guys, They tried too much to take FPS aspects and impliment it into a slow paced over the shoulder.

                  this was supposed to be a so called FEARFUL game. The only fear that I had was having to play through it again untill I saw that I could take it back to EB ;


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    ]Most people who complain about the story either don't understand it fully or haven't read all of the assorted material yet.]
                    I read every file, in-game and in the library. While the files did things like flesh out Sheva and Irving and Excella a bit, they didn't change the fact that I thought Jill's inclusion and everything about her in RE5 was stupid. I also didn't like the whole Project Wesker revelation, and Wesker's uncharacteristic showing of weakness when he stuck his hand into that missile.


                    • #40
                      You shouldn't have to read files to understand a majority of the game...


                      • #41
                        Every Resident Evil is like this though; I would say at least 70-80% of the story material through out the entire series is stuff you read from files. I thought Jill's inclusion was fine; she didn't have a terrible amount of screen time but her presence was still welcome and her character was kept in tact. I dug the Wesker children plot twist since it lends more credence to Wesker's super powers. I always thought him injecting himself with an unfinished virus yielding unpredictable results and intentionally killing himself was the stupidest thing the series has ever done narrative wise. While the Wesker children plot twist doesn't really retcon, it at least makes the existence of the super virus more tolerable.


                        • #42
                          Yep, to give credit where credit's due, the Wesker virus thing is something that's been grating at me ever since Wesker's Report 1. I mean, it's quite obvious whoever wrote WR1 didn't really give a shit about the Resident Evil storyarc as a whole, and they just thought up a quick way of explaining Wesker surviving RE1, even if it was completely incompatible with what we knew about RE viruses. I think being able to explain that virus in a satisfactory way that also ties in the entire storyarc is one of RE5's greatest accomplishments.

                          And, don't know about everyone else, but I found playing through the game again on Pro, easing through it careful like and getting a fresh look at everything, was almost more enjoyable than my first playthrough. Maybe because you have a solid grasp of the story, and you know how to use the AI alittle better. Without infinite ammo though, since it's a novelty that gets old really quick, and part of the fun is conserving ammo and switching weapons around.


                          • #43
                            Like I've said in a couple of threads now, I actually think this experimental virus adds so much depth to Birkin and he's not even in this game.

                            Wesker and Birkin both wanted out of Umbrella, and devised a way (using the virus) for Wesker to 'die' so he could move behind the scenes in the shadows. Now we don't know how long Birkin had the virus before giving it to Wesker, but the fact that they waited until the best possible time to use it, defy Spencer and get Wesker out of the veil of Umbrella is a fascinating angle for me. It makes both Wesker and Birkin's 'betrayel' of Spencer that much more thrilling for me.

                            Spencer was never going to succeed the moment Wesker and Birkin became part of Umbrella.
                   The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                            Review and contributor for


                            • #44
                              yeah but it is something to do while you are waiting for the next RE6(if they make it).


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Nirvash View Post
                                I expected alot more from this game...In the end, Despite how much I tried to enjoy it, It was just a sad disappointment. It was too much of a cross between RE4 and an FPS. Which just made it...Pointless.
                                Well Nirvash, I don't know about you, but this thread is a sad disappointment. Why couldn't you just express your thoughts on the game...I don't the "Thoughts on RE5, start to finish" thread? Is your opinion so great that it deserves its own thread?

                                Originally posted by Nirvash View Post
                                Dont question me as a troll you POS little brat -_- I paid 90 bucks for the collectors edition, And didnt come across ANYTHING useful in it, I mean for gods sakes, The guide is beautiful, The figure, Is lame, the picture, Why would I want this?

                                If they wonna que off the release right, They should include something like a container of fake T-Virus, or at least an RPD replica handgun made of metal, or hell, plastic wouldve been ok.

                                The only part that was SLIGHTLY entertaining, was at the end when you buttoncombo the hell oughtta a boulder and end up jabbing, and doing all kinds of crazy stuff to it.

                                Other than that, everything was boring and just aggravating.
                                Priceless. Just a few posts into your tenure here, and you're already antagonizing people. As for someone being a "brat" - I find it HI-larious that your posts are so far just you crying about RE5 or how Capcom should have included better items just for you, since you didn't like the ones that came with the CE. Maybe you should look up the definition of the word BRAT.
                                Last edited by Jill's Boob; 03-28-2009, 02:38 PM.

