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Best and Worst RE5 characters?

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  • #91
    Umbrella = Tricell >> WilPharma


    • #92
      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
      resurecting Umbrella would have still been infinitelly more interesting than becoming a God. RE's story has alway been somewhat like a B grade film, resurecting Umbrella would have fit in with that and Wesker's character nicely.
      Ok so now you're just twisting logic to fit your arguement by trying to say sillyness is a good thing.

      You've lost any right you ever had to debate now.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #93
        Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
        Captain Wesker > Albert Wesker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> God Wesker.
        God Rugal > All
        See you in hell.


        • #94
          Quick question News Bot
          That " even kinds bow to gods Chrs' line, where was this said and when? I think i might have missed that line entirly, and teh way you spke of it, reveals alot about weskers character for me, it is fittign taht he knows he one day will die, he is no immortal

          ya, so anyone remember when he says this? Is in it a certain fight, or a cutscene?


          • #95
            it is in hanger wesker fight


            • #96
              Honestly, Wesker's original intentions in RE1 were just as "silly" or however you wish to put it, as to what we came to RE5. It's Resident Evil for feck's sake, and I thought it fit well with everything we had come to know off Wesker up until this point (his intentions in RE5 were actually pretty much what I thought they were going to be, anyway). As his power grew, so did his ego. His intentions were a heck of a lot better than a good 80% of the other main antagonists who all wanted nothing more than vengeance.

              Allow me to go through them:
              Alexia Ashford; did she even have one in the end up aside from revenge for her fallen brother? Nah, just revenge.
              Same goes for Marcus in RE0. Revenge.
              Oh, and what about Birkin in RE2? Revenge.
              Lets never forget Morpheus and his "intentions". Yup, you guessed it; Revenge.
              See a pattern developing here?
              Last edited by Henry Spencer; 04-10-2009, 07:13 PM.


              • #97
                Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                resurecting Umbrella would have still been infinitelly more interesting than becoming a God.
                Wuuhat? You think resurrecting a failed company would've been a satisfactory explanation to what's motivated Wesker to go through everything he did since RE1? To what end? You think Wesker ending up funding a company to produce BOW's for financial gains would've been a satisfying end to his ambitions and to his storyarc? For what purpose would he resurrect Umbrella and then call it quits after that with no followup?

                And I think you just missed the point in RE4, since Krauser pretty much even flat out said that resurrecting Umbrella was a means to an end, not the end. And it's vague, but Tricell taking over Umbrella's progenitor research in Africa could've been what he meant by "resurrection". More using another company to continue Umbrella's work rather than an "Umbrella is back in business!" news headline resurrection, which would've just been stupid.

                And look, I don't see how anyone can be dissapointed with Wesker's goals. Anyone with any semblance of story comprehension would've known and expected that this was sort of where the series was heading after reading WR2. Spencer was planning to force evolution on the planet, and when Wesker figured this out, Wesker's mysterious exploits went into high gear. There was really no other direction Capcom could've gone when writing RE5 Wesker.

                And you should be happy, since the only other alternative I can think of to justify the storyline would've been Wesker creating and controlling an enormous armada of BOW's he had collected over the years to take over the world by force, and that would've been a cheesy comic book "take over the world" type scenario, with no goal other than "ruling the world". But no, they actually put some thought into it and made it about enforcing natural selection on the human race, which as anyone with half a brain knows is a real life issue. Earth is becoming overpopulated because of advances in medical science and technology. Natural selection/survival of the fittest doesn't really apply on us like it did thousands of years ago. Wesker and Spencer planning to put an end to that is a very interesting and reasonable objective, if you're insane enough. With RE's limited storytelling overall I think this scenario was one of the series high points. Not only was it an interesting idea, but it also ties together and explains the entire series. It just annoys me when someone shits all over it saying simply resurrecting Umbrella would've been "infinately" better storytelling.

                Originally posted by Wanderer View Post
                The "shoot Wesker with an RPG inject him with serum fight". Run around without shooting Wesker and dialogue will ensue.

                Originally posted by Henry Spencer View Post
                Allow me to go through them:
                Alexia Ashford; did she even have one in the end up aside from revenge for her fallen brother? Nah, just revenge.
                But... her objective was to turn the world into the ecology of a gigantic anthill, where every last creature on earth would serve her... being clinically insane and a super genius and all that. Killing the Redfields who were running around her base fucking her shit up was hardly her ultimate goal.

                Same goes for Marcus in RE0. Revenge.
                Oh, and what about Birkin in RE2? Revenge.
                Lets never forget Morpheus and his "intentions". Yup, you guessed it; Revenge.
                See a pattern developing here?
                It's kinda unfair to call Birkin's goal revenge, since he was basically a monster acting on instinct most of the game... His main goal seemed to be to impregnate his daughter anyway.


                • #98
                  Jill is totally the best character in re5, just to bad she only has a few minutes of spotlight


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    Ok so now you're just twisting logic to fit your arguement by trying to say sillyness is a good thing.

                    You've lost any right you ever had to debate now.
                    how am i twisting logic? RE's storys were always like a B grade film, in RE5 they tried to make it an 'Epic' adventure type thing, which didn't fit in the RE universe at all. it was out of place. if they couldn't think of anything other that what he was in RE5, then they should never have brought him back in CVX. i only liked Wesker pre CVX, after CVX he started getting quite boring and annoying.


                    • I voted Wesker. All I have to say is he's Wesker, and you should understand my reasoning.


                      • Originally posted by TyrackT71 View Post
                        Jill is totally the best character in re5, just to bad she only has a few minutes of spotlight
                        Hilarious. In your sentence you claim that she's "the best character" even though she's only in it for "a few minutes." Please explain.

                        Because, even though I like Jill...she's nothing more than a speed bump in RE5. Hardly worthy of being dubbed "totally the best character" in the entire game.

                        Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        how am i twisting logic? RE's storys were always like a B grade film, in RE5 they tried to make it an 'Epic' adventure type thing, which didn't fit in the RE universe at all. it was out of place. if they couldn't think of anything other that what he was in RE5, then they should never have brought him back in CVX. i only liked Wesker pre CVX, after CVX he started getting quite boring and annoying.
                        I think in your mind, any RE game that doesn't take place in Racoon City in July or September 1998 is "out of place."

                        And how did Wesker start to become "boring" and "annoying" after CVX? He didn't even get any real screentime until REUC. After CVX he appeared in RE0 and RE4, for about 3 minutes total. His next appearance was RE5. Your opinion of Captain Albert Wesker, based on the events of RE1 (where he utters about 10 sentences), is questionable. While Wesker was the only character to truly have any sort of "development" in RE1, he didn't start to be fleshed out until later appearances.

                        Perhaps that is why someone is accusing you of "twisting logic."


                        • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                          I think in your mind, any RE game that doesn't take place in Racoon City in July or September 1998 is "out of place."

                          And how did Wesker start to become "boring" and "annoying" after CVX? He didn't even get any real screentime until REUC. After CVX he appeared in RE0 and RE4, for about 3 minutes total. His next appearance was RE5. Your opinion of Captain Albert Wesker, based on the events of RE1 (where he utters about 10 sentences), is questionable. While Wesker was the only character to truly have any sort of "development" in RE1, he didn't start to be fleshed out until later appearances.

                          Perhaps that is why someone is accusing you of "twisting logic."
                          Wesker was still mysterious and was cool when we knew almost nothing about him, it doesn't matter how many lines he has, his first few appearances were the best i think.

                          also with your reasoning that Jill cannot be the best RE5 character because of lack of screen time. just take a look at all the Boba Fett fanboys who think he is the most badass coolest thing to ever exist in history, and what he got like 10 minutes screen time out of Star Wars 2, 4, 5 and 6 combined? and even less dialoge. plus most of his ten minutes he was standing in the background.

                          anyways, i think it would have been better if Wesker had not killed Spencer, what if Wesker had confronted Spencer and had underestimated him and then have Spencer beat Wesker to within and inch of his life. then Wesker would have to retreat into the shadows again, thus more of shady dark cool plotting Wesker that we all know and love. not this crappy "im a god" Wesker. and they ruined Spencer too since he also wanted to be a god, all these years and he dies in a flash back as a plot device so Wesker can be a god. such a waste of good plot possibility's.


                          • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post

                            also with your reasoning that Jill cannot be the best RE5 character because of lack of screen time. just take a look at all the Boba Fett fanboys who think he is the most badass coolest thing to ever exist in history, and what he got like 10 minutes screen time out of Star Wars 2, 4, 5 and 6 combined? and even less dialoge. plus most of his ten minutes he was standing in the background.
                            Don't compare Star Wars to Resident Evil. Ever. Boba Fett fanboys don't base their love for him only on the movies. He's a lot more expanded upon in the many different books.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              anyways, i think it would have been better if Wesker had not killed Spencer, what if Wesker had confronted Spencer and had underestimated him and then have Spencer beat Wesker to within and inch of his life.
                              Spencer: 90+ years old and wheelchair-bound
                              Wesker: Superhuman strength and speed

                              Last edited by Vector; 04-15-2009, 01:01 AM.


                              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                Spencer: 90+ years old and wheelchair-bound
                                Wesker: Superhuman strength and speed

                                Don't forget to add that Wesker was trained in self defense even before he was superhuman.
                                Are you tired, Rebecca?

