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Best and Worst RE5 characters?

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  • Personally, I'm not so sure Wesker could have taken out Alexia. Her command of fire would seem to be a fairly big issue even for Wesker, and if anything her ability to have some control over transforming would make her a bigger threat than a normal BOW. Remember, it took a super magic rocket launcher to beat her.

    If he was that capable of beating her he would have simply pummled her face in until she was subdued, taken whatever samples he wanted and then walked off after killing her. But Alexia was unusual in that she could burn Wesker, something I personally think Wesker was weak to. So it was an unusual situation.


    • But you're not a Resident Evil fan, you're a Jill fan.
      I don't think you have the right to tell them what they're a fan of and what they're not. If you're going to debate with someone, don't make it personal. Darkmoon already warned you against making this Jill B.S personal in the Jill thread, doing exactly the same thing in a different thread doesn't make it okay. I don't want to see anymore personal comments towards missvalentine. I'm sick of reading it everyday and it has to stop. Carry it on and I'll start giving infractions. That goes for everyone. Knock off the personal shit.

      As for Alexia, he didn't want to fight her one-on-one, he wanted to use her for her virus...he didn't want to kill her. If he wanted to kill her, I'm pretty sure he would've won that battle...there's nothing in his history that makes me think otherwise.

      Watch this. It has both the original fight between Wesker and Alexia, then the retconned fight in Code Veronica X. In the first battle (which is now not-canon), Wesker gets beaten up and even stumbles saying "what power", and flees. In the second battle, he attempts to fight back and capture her, but sees Chris and realizes he's overpowered and flees again. In both situations, there's nothing to even suggest that there could have been any other outcome in that fight other than Alexia winning. If Wesker could have won, why did he flee both times when he needed to get the T-Veronica sample? Surely if he knew he could win, it'd have made more sense for him to fight her, weaken her and apprend her for the virus sample. He doesn't. He runs away.

      Also, like Darkmoon said, Alexia's main power was the usage of fire. The one thing Wesker is vulnerable to, and it's quite clear from both videos that physically she overwhelms him as well. I really don't see where you could have found any evidence that would make you think to the contrary.

      It's also obvious he was trying to capture her during that fight (ie. "You're coming with me") but he flees anyway. Another point to support this argument would be the fact that when she hits him (a flick of the wrist), he goes into the air and half way across the room. When he punches her at full force in the face, with added momentum from running and jumping off the wall, she stumbles and moves one step. That's as much damage his worst punch could do. Interestingly enough, shortly after that and when it didn't affect her, he sees Chris, sees his chance to get away and bails.
      Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 04-17-2009, 08:28 AM.


      • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
        Except....Wesker hasn't been a normal human since RE1. Pay attention a bit more to someone that isn't Jill. And Wesker has taken on other BOWs before...Lisa Trevor, the Ivans, and Sergei's mutated form. And guess what....he destroyed them. Easily.
        Just to add, Sergei was Spencer's bodyguard. There was no need for Spencer to release anything against Wesker, that was Sergei's role and he was defeated. Once he was dead, there was virtually nothing standing between Wesker and Spencer.
        See you in hell.


        • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
          Also, like Darkmoon said, Alexia's main power was the usage of fire. The one thing Wesker is vulnerable to, and it's quite clear from both videos that physically she overwhelms him as well. I really don't see where you could have found any evidence that would make you think to the contrary.
          I was thinking more of his track record against other monsters more than anything. After RE5, I think it's pretty obvious that Wesker's weakness was fire. So, aside from Alexia who is probably one of the 'strongest' B.O.W.'s in the series(and yet was still defeated rather handily by a linear launcher), Wesker is pretty much undefeated. Besides, this wasn't the point of the argument at all. missvalentine was talking bout a theoretical situation involving Spencer using B.O.W.'s to defeat Wesker, and as such, my comments were directed at missvalentine and I really wasn't expecting the Alexia Defense Force to come riding in on a flaming chariot.


          • Wesker did completely demolish a Hunter in the Prelude to the Fall manga.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Wesker did completely demolish a Hunter in the Prelude to the Fall manga.
              Do not underestimate Wesker's spinning kicks that scene is awesome


              • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                But you're not a Resident Evil fan, you're a Jill fan.

                But all you talk about is Jill, so why do you even care about the other characters?

       dislike a game because it has plot? How the hell do you think characters develop? It's not through simply walking around a map sir. The plot is what builds a character. A game can still have a great plot and wonderful game mechanics. Just look at thousands of other games out there. You're problem is you simply dislike the change. You don't want to accept it.
                Jill is my favorite character yes, but that doesn't mean i don't like other characters too. pre CVX Wesker was one of my favorite characters, and im pissed they ruined him.

                i don't dislike it because it has a plot, i like plots, but i don't like it when the plot become so important it overrided gameplay and becomes the most important thing in the series. RE is not an RPG, if it was i wouldn't be complaining, but RE is survival horror and is meant to be scary which is harder to do when you also have a huge plot to write up and take care of which means having to properly develop characters. which means there will have to be a lot of cutscenes with talking, which leads to there being many moment of the characters being together and not alone, which in turn is not scary at all.

                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                Once again...he was still human when the Tyrant defeated him. The virus didn't take shape and have an effect on him until he was killed, and then revived with super-powers. And oh by the way, his 'death' in RE1 was planned -- you see him prepping for his demise in UC.

                As for Alexia, he didn't want to fight her one-on-one, he wanted to use her for her virus...he didn't want to kill her. If he wanted to kill her, I'm pretty sure he would've won that battle...there's nothing in his history that makes me think otherwise.

                Anything else?
                i think it's pretty clear after what Alexia just said that Wesker got beat by a girl.

                ok what if Spencer released, not one, but fifty Hunters on Wesker, or Released a new Nemesis prototype, or maybe this new Nemesis works in a team with another Nemesis and there like a squad of BOW's. i think Wesker would get his ass kicked pretty easily. there are a million cheesy corny possibility's that would have been better that what happend in RE5.


                • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  Jill is my favorite character yes, but that doesn't mean i don't like other characters too. pre CVX Wesker was one of my favorite characters, and im pissed they ruined him.
                  And yet you think they didn't 'ruin' Jill?

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  i think it's pretty clear after what Alexia just said that Wesker got beat by a girl.
                  Hahaha, is that supposed to offend me or something? Sorry. I'm not a fanboy.

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  ok what if Spencer released, not one, but fifty hunters on Wesker, or Released a new Nemesis prototype, or maybe this new Nemesis works in a team with another Nemesis and there like a squad of BOW's. i think Wesker would get his ass kicked pretty easily. there are a million cheesy corny possibility's that would have been better that what happend in RE5.
                  Once again...Umbrella is dead. Spencer is an old man in hiding. He has 'fifty' Hunters just chilling in his castle? Man, I'll tell ya, RE5's story was overall a bit disappointing, but your ideas are making me feel a lot better now...


                  • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post

                    i don't dislike it because it has a plot, i like plots, but i don't like it when the plot become so important it overrided gameplay and becomes the most important thing in the series. RE is not an RPG, if it was i wouldn't be complaining, but RE is survival horror and is meant to be scary which is harder to do when you also have a huge plot to write up and take care of which means having to properly develop characters. which means there will have to be a lot of cutscenes with talking, which leads to there being many moment of the characters being together and not alone, which in turn is not scary at all.
                    The survival horror genre has changed over the years. For one...things simply aren't that scary any more. You see one thing jump out at you, and after so many times of using the same "dogs through the window" trick you come to expect it and it loses its horror factor. Also, the idea of what is scary has been changing. RE5 is a co-op game (duh). You have someone else to look after. You have to worry about them, you see that any distance between you can be the difference between surviving and dying. What's more...its in broad daylight. Because yes...scary things can and do happen during the day.

                    Two: RE4 and 5 were trying to get away from old plot lines and game play because they had become stale. An RE game of the old style simply would not stay afloat against the games currently on the market. Just look at the reviews RE5 had. These are professional video game reviewers. Are they always right? No. But people listen to them. RE5 have done decent enough, but its not exactly something like Halo, Gears of War, Metal Gear, or hell even the Call of Duty games.

                    i think it's pretty clear after what Alexia just said that Wesker got beat by a girl.
                    That's a bit sexist.

                    ok what if Spencer released, not one, but fifty Hunters on Wesker, or Released a new Nemesis prototype, or maybe this new Nemesis works in a team with another Nemesis and there like a squad of BOW's. i think Wesker would get his ass kicked pretty easily. there are a million cheesy corny possibility's that would have been better that what happend in RE5.
                    Why would Spencer want Wesker dead? That would have been completely counter-productive to what he was trying to achieve. Wesker, to Spencer, was an experiment...something he needed to study and keep around. He wanted to use Wesker to achieve godhood. Spencer was of the mind that the Wesker children would follow what he commanded without question and would serve him faithfully.

                    You see MissV...I'm not trying to make a personal attack on you, but when you make posts saying you think it would be great if an old man that knew he was on death's door suddenly released a horde of monsters on a man that was super human, that had previous destroyed other BOWs with ease, its rather difficult to take you seriously. It seems like whenever someone disagrees with you using facts provided from the game, you call foul and claim we're being unfair. I apologize if I have offended you, as I'm sure others do as well. I think people simply get frustrated at times, and things come out wrong.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      Jill is my favorite character yes, but that doesn't mean i don't like other characters too. pre CVX Wesker was one of my favorite characters, and im pissed they ruined him.
                      By saying pre CVX Wesker you're refering only to 1996 RE1 Wesker, you know that right? The characters from 1996 RE1 aren't exactly shining examples of well written characters, so I'm suspecting mentioning him was only your feeble attempt at making people think you're not completely obsessed with Jill alone, when you clearly are.

                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      i don't dislike it because it has a plot, i like plots, but i don't like it when the plot become so important it overrided gameplay and becomes the most important thing in the series. RE is not an RPG, if it was i wouldn't be complaining, but RE is survival horror and is meant to be scary which is harder to do when you also have a huge plot to write up and take care of which means having to properly develop characters. which means there will have to be a lot of cutscenes with talking, which leads to there being many moment of the characters being together and not alone, which in turn is not scary at all.
                      Your argument doesn't make any sense. What the hell does the scope of a games plot have to do with it being scary or not? Most people would argue that RE2 and RECV for example had way more plot than RE5, and those are still concidered survival horror. RE5 wasn't very scary because it was action oriented and horror was overlooked at the early stages of development, but you're saying the "huge" plot and lots of dialogue was the reason it wasn't scary which is just completely irrational, basically insinuating that it's impossible to make a game scary if you focus on story and dialogue, which is just retarded. This concidering most notable horror movies and books feed off of a well developed story, characters and dialogue. RE5 wasn't a horror story because it wasn't written as a horror story, that's it.

                      And, Missvalentine, I know you were asked this in another topic and refused to answer, but to avoid people calling you sexist, or to avoid misleading certain people, are you male or female?


                      • I'm suspecting mentioning him was only your feeble attempt at making people think you're not completely obsessed with Jill alone, when you clearly are.
                        And, Missvalentine, I know you were asked this in another topic and refused to answer, but to avoid people calling you sexist, or to avoid misleading certain people, are you male or female?
                        basically insinuating that it's impossible to make a game scary if you focus on story and dialogue, which is just retarded.
                        I told people to knock off personal shit and make their arguments about the point itself and not the poster. Missvalentine made it quite clear in the other topic after I discussed it with them that they didn't want to continue the discussion of his/her gender, yet you continue it here after I told people to knock it off. Let me quote something I said.

                        I don't want to see anymore personal comments towards missvalentine. I'm sick of reading it everyday and it has to stop. Carry it on and I'll start giving infractions. That goes for everyone.


                        • So...does missv have some sort of diplomatic immunity on her (his?) posts? Or are you some sort of personal bodyguard?

                          *Listens for Whitney Houston*

                          If a person's presence here is the sum (or content) of their posts, and multiple people are noticing a repeating trend amongst those posts, at some point someone will eventually make a comment about the poster. That doesn't make it right, but to try to run a forum without the occasional conflict is a HUGE (and unrealistic) goal.

                          Just sayin'...


                          • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            I told people to knock off personal shit and make their arguments about the point itself and not the poster. Missvalentine made it quite clear in the other topic after I discussed it with them that they didn't want to continue the discussion of his/her gender, yet you continue it here after I told people to knock it off. Let me quote something I said.
                            Admittedly, I was just casually scrolling through this topic yesterday and didn't read all the longish posts, so I missed that warning. Wasn't going out of my way to defy you or anything, as it may have seemed.

                            I'm just going to assume Missvalentine is male, then, given the signature/location description. I just find it alittle aggravating when a young internet male gets comfortable with the attention garnered from people assuming they're female, and allowing that assumption to continue by calling "offense" whenever someone asks them about it. If he's man or woman enough he will just answer the relatively simple question.


                            • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                              So...does missv have some sort of diplomatic immunity on her (his?) posts? Or are you some sort of personal bodyguard?

                              *Listens for Whitney Houston*

                              If a person's presence here is the sum (or content) of their posts, and multiple people are noticing a repeating trend amongst those posts, at some point someone will eventually make a comment about the poster. That doesn't make it right, but to try to run a forum without the occasional conflict is a HUGE (and unrealistic) goal.

                              Just sayin'...

                              Also, there are much more so-called 'personal attacks' than you seem to be mentioning, Alexia. Then again, I dunno what you consider constitutes a 'personal attack' so it's not my place to question it, I guess. I like to think the same rules apply to everyone, no? In my opinion, missv is not the only 'victim' around here.

                              Originally posted by Sina View Post
                              I'm just going to assume Missvalentine is male, then, given the signature/location description. I just find it a little aggravating when a young internet male gets comfortable with the attention garnered from people assuming they're female, and allowing that assumption to continue by calling "offense" whenever someone asks them about it. If he's man or woman enough he will just answer the relatively simple question.
                              , although that type of thing is probably better suited for private messaging.
                              Whether or not you'll get an answer, though, I dunno.
                              Last edited by Vector; 04-18-2009, 04:15 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                                So...does missv have some sort of diplomatic immunity on her (his?) posts? Or are you some sort of personal bodyguard?

                                *Listens for Whitney Houston*

                                If a person's presence here is the sum (or content) of their posts, and multiple people are noticing a repeating trend amongst those posts, at some point someone will eventually make a comment about the poster. That doesn't make it right, but to try to run a forum without the occasional conflict is a HUGE (and unrealistic) goal.

                                Just sayin'...
                                No, but every post I see missv making, they aren't making personal or insulting remarks to anyone, but it's met by hostility and personal, offensive remarks back, which you were also a part of. It seems everyone thinks that because missv was part of the "Los Jilluminados" before RE5 was released, no one really cares if people talk to him/her like shit because their opinions may not always make sense. Conflicts are normal behaviour on a forum. A tirade of abuse from various members over a period of weeks is unacceptable behaviour and those who carry it on will be punished for it.

                                There is such thing as disagreeing with people's opinions but not having to insult them for posting it in the first place. FYI, I don't agree with a lot of what missv has posted about Resident Evil. If you have any further queries regarding this issue, please contact me via. PM.

                                Also, there are much more so-called 'personal attacks' than you seem to be mentioning, Alexia. Then again, I dunno what you consider constitutes a 'personal attack' so it's not my place to question it, I guess. I like to think the same rules apply to everyone, no? In my opinion, missv is not the only 'victim' around here.
                                They do. If you find something of what missvalentine has said, report it. Missvalentine seems more like the victim from where I'm sitting considering I've not yet seen anything which I consider a personal attack from them, and it's been 3 on 1 for the past, what, 3 weeks or so in various topics? I want this topic dropped now, if anyone has any further questions, PM me.
                                Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 04-18-2009, 04:54 PM.

