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    Post what do you think RE 6 should include?

  • #2
    1. ZOMBIES
    6. ADA & HUNK
    8. ZOMBIES
    9. ¡¡¡TYRANT!!!

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • #3
      2.Fixed camera angles (mixed into the re4/5 style)
      5.Slowed down gameplay, making you work for the fast paced action with story development and puzzles
      6. Typewriters or at least some kind of diary system or something like that
      Last edited by fffour; 04-03-2009, 02:52 AM.


      • #4
        Not RE6 proper ideas, but I would love any game, main or side story in general that goes back to the other characters. Not somuch Barry, but possibly Rebecca. They could tie Billy into the series again, they have a good opening for it with RE5 and the way his flashback went. And Carlos could easily be tied in to something with Nicholai. There are a lot of things "hanging" so to speak, that could all be used pretty well for a new story.


        • #5
          re 3,5 gameplay style, Jill, Chris, Claire, Sherry, TRICELL, zombies, the organization, tyrants, lickers, hunters


          • #6
            1. Ada Wong
            2. The Organization
            3. Hunters

            Although, I'll be just as happy if RE6 is never made.
            Last edited by Vector; 04-03-2009, 12:47 PM.


            • #7
              1. Jill Valentine (STARS).
              2. Fixed Prerendered Camera Angles.
              3. Jill Valentine (BSAA).
              4. The Umbrella Corperation.
              5. Raccoon City.
              6. Virus's, Zombies and BOW's.
              7. Jill Valentine (RE3).
              8. Survival Horror.
              9. Brunette Jill.
              10. Slower paced gameplay not focused on killing but more on solving puzzles.
              11. Claire Redfield.
              12. Barry Burton.
              13. Rebecca Chambers.
              14. A very very small ammount of Ammo.
              15. NO HUD!
              16. A 3D character model viewer.
              17. A 3D weapon and item veiwer in the inventory screen.
              18. Awesome files, story and character development.
              19. Terrible voice Acting.
              20. Lots of cool alternate costumes including the one in my avatar.
              21. The return of an RE3 type mercs mode.
              22. A Mansion.
              23. Dark Areas.

              and much much more.


              • #8
                1. No zombies

                2. New characters

                3. A reboot of the series.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by -B(o)C- View Post
                  1. No zombies

                  2. New characters

                  3. A reboot of the series.
                  your not serious are you?


                  • #10
                    I think a good way to reinstate the whole survival horror aspect would be to use Claire: she said herself in Degeneration that she's a lover, not a fighter (paraphrasing, but w/e). Having her thrown into the middle of a Biohazard that's getting rapidly out of control and she's weaponless and needs to find any way to survive would be good. Hell, you could merge both types of gameplay. First half of the game is survival horror and then the second half (in Labs or w/e) she's found the supplies and resources she needs and she's going to fight against these zombies, ala survival-action gameplay. I think it'd be a good way of taking the series back to it's roots whilst still keeping the action gameplay and without rebooting it.
                    Last edited by BadWolfX; 04-04-2009, 09:25 AM.


                    • #11
                      1. Claire/Leon actual partnership (not Claire wandering off to find another child to save, and not Leon wandering off to find another fling... the two of them actually working together, side by side, would be nice)
                      2. Evil, grown up Sherry.
                      3. RE4/RE5 style kept... I quite enjoy it. (But I do like BadWolf's idea. Merging classic with new could be good too)
                      4. A file or cutscene, in game or bonus feature, that's basically an epilogue of RE5 (maybe they can open with a cutscene explaining what happened after RE5 to Chris, Jill, BSAA, etc)... and an epilogue for RE6 itself of course. Seriously, I can't stand how abrupt RE5's ending was, as well as the fact that them flying into the rising sun is all they left us with, after the closing of the central story arc of RE. At least the older games don't leave us hanging like that. Epilogues, however brief, need to be brought back to life.
                      5. Co-op. I'm sorry, but RE5's co-op was just too fun... even though it "unscary"-fied the game.

                      I'd probably pick up RE6 anyway if none of this happens. Just as long as there are familiar faces in there (preferably not Carlos )


                      • #12
                        I'd like to see a super prequel. Like WWII in the deserts of Africa, and the Germans find the T-virus, during the Nazi's desert campaign, and try and develop it for Biological warfare. They name the project "Umbrella" And it fits the story, and the theme of RE5. RE5 seemed to be all about the origins of the virus.

                        I think the game could have a lot of great gameplay and storyline opportunities. We all know and love WWII weapons, and I think we all would love to shoot zombies with an M1 Garand. And Zombies and Nazis, great combination. I'd like to see Umbrella in it's early days, Spoiler:

                        And, it could have an epic storyline. Like the game starts out like any WWII game and you play as a low rank US Marine, maybe named PFC Chambers... or Redfield... then, as you're shooting Nazis, things start getting strange. Nazis don't die as easily, dead bodies start disappearing, rumors of monsters start springing up. And you get assigned a recon mission to learn more about "Umbrella" During the mission something goes wrong and the virus gets leaked. Now this isn't the normal T-Virus, and it isn't the thing from RE5 either, this would be an weaker less stable version, turning most in to zombies with horrible changing mutations. Weaker primitive B.O.W.s would escape, most-likely giant rats and different insects, things they would be doing early research on.

                        And they really need to fix how weapons work in the game, no lasers back in WWII, the aiming should still be over the shoulder, but it should be a guess where the weapon is pointed. For precise aiming you should go in to a closer view and use the iron sights. When using the iron sights, you shouldn't be able to move, but when firing blindly, you should be able to move, and if you are moving, you shouldn't be able to hit anything that isn't right in front of you. And there should be a complex clip/magazine system that have realistic capacity, the MP5 shouldn't have held 45 rounds, un-upgraded. The complex clip/magazine should be, only magazines for a weapon work in that weapon. But ammo like, .45 cal should work both in the thompson, and in the colt 1911. And they should do exactly the same damage. You should have to choose if you want to wast a lot of ammo with a fully automatic weapon that is heavy and hard to move around with, or choose accuracy and quicker movement. And you should have 2 options for reloading, one where you keep the magazine, which would take longer, and you got to keep any leftover ammo still in it, or you could do a quick reload, where you would drop the mag, and loose it. And you should have to reload mags, which you couldn't do in battle, or would take a long time. So even if you had 200 9mm rounds in your inventory, if you only had 3 mags loaded, you could only reload 3 times. So finding both ammo and clip/magazines would be important. And if you kill a Nazi, you should be able to take their mags and ammo with you, unlike Spoiler:

                        And no more balancing weapons. The mp5 and the Sig 226 fires the same round, so why was the Sig 500% more powerful. And the Sig 556 and the S75 fires the same round, so why is the S75 1000% more powerful? Make the weapons realistic, and let the player choose how they use the ammo.

                        And I've got more idea's so capcom if you read this and steal my idea, let me know so I can let you steal more.


                        • #13
                 World War II has been done to death and then beyond already. Plus no work on the T-Virus/Progenator started until much later. The medical technology just didn't exist for that kind of work. Hell, it's a big stretch to say they had it when they did. How do you think they're gonna mess with a virus when a pocket calculator took up warehouse sized space?

                          Add to that do you really, really want Capcom retconning the RE storyline and history again to fit this in? I don't. I don't trust them to get the details right in there own games, let alone another prequel.

                          As for my game...I'd like another outbreak in a large city, because cities are where the terror is at. No more trapsing acrossn the countryside. I'd like it is there were mutliple routes through the game, mulitple endings, multiple things to do. You need some information on the Virus? The single still standing hospital might have it, or the old unused Umbrella office. Or the cops raided TriCell's offices a few days ago, maybe the info will be at there precinct. But if you go to one maybe another will be blown up by Nicholai or something.

                          Basically as open ended as possible. Add in the option to go into various homes and buildings and such, many more than have been available before, so we're talking about a city something like the size of Oblivion. You can fly through the game nice and quick or you can explore, find out much more about what happened, etc.


                          • #14
                            RE6....the sunglasses come back!


                            • #15
                              Zombies! They should put zombies like the crimson heads plus put a little of RE5 gameplay in there too.

