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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Discussion

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  • #91
    we dont know, theres not much info about it yet. give it a few months and we should know more.


    • #92
      Well hopefully this "South America" scenario with Leon will be the rescue of Sherry Birkin, hence a more complete closure of the original RE storyline.
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • #93
        RE2, RECV, SOUTH AMERICA... and DEGENERATION! That's my bet. I would love to kick G-Curtis ass.

        I like the idea of South America... If they add another Hunk mission that would be epic.

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • #94
          Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
          Don't change ANY voices? Steve? Alfred? Alexia? CV is a main part of this game and it's reknown for the worst voice acting in the series.
          Personally, I'm actually fond of CVX's voice acting. It's certainly not full of stellar performances or anything and it doesn't surpass the wonderful quality of REmake and RE5's voice work, but I think CVX's is decent. I think Alfred's voice is great, because not only did it fit his melodramatic personality, it was haughty and snobbish and completely insane--just like him. Alexia's voice wasn't fantastic, but I never found it to be completely terrible or anything, and I think her voice actress was at least on the right path in voicing her in a typical snobbish manner.

          And, Steve... Well, honestly, I love Steve's voice. Again, it suits the character. Steve was a whiny little bitch, and his voice was that of... well, a whiny little bitch. I can't think of anything more ridiculous than Capcom finding a new voice actor for Steve in DSC who voices the character in some deep, manly, tough matter. I would be so disappointed. I am very fond of Steve, and I've always liked his voice because it was him.

          Of course, there's such a thing as having wonderful diction and tone in a voice, but completely overacting, which I do think is a flaw in CVX's voice work. However, because Alfred was a naturally melodramatic person, his VA's actual acting never bothered me. Same with Steve.

          Originally posted by aris13 View Post
          Alfred's voice actor was good, he fitted with the character.
          Yush. Agreed.

          Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
          I wasn't thinking of CV. More of RE2 and this new mystery scenario with Leon.
          But really...Alexia was the only "bad" one. Steve's voice was perfect for his character.
          I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Steve's voice fit his personality. So far, I'm really hopeful for DSC's voice acting, judging from how they took the time to get back both Alyson Court and Paul Mercier, which I've already expressed before, but... yeah.


          • #95
            Hmmm, so is there any more info on the scenarios?
            South america? WTF?
            It could be interesting though...


            • #96
              Wesker meeting Leon would be interesting...
              "I've got 100 cows."
              "Well I've got 104 friends."


              • #97
                "Wesker meeting Leon would be interesting..."

                I want to see Wesker kick Leon's ass.


                • #98
                  I hope for more Sherry and Ada storyline


                  • #99
                    CVX worst voice acting? No way. I'll leave that to RE1 (PSX).

                    Claire's VA was all right, Alfred's was really good (probably the best of the lot in this game) and aside from Wesker's Report, this was Richard Waugh's best voice acting as Wesker (best scene is when he encounters Claire).


                    • RE1's voice acting was so awful it was laughable, but C:V's was just plain awful.

                      Wesker's laugh... "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhh." Dick Waugh really dropped the ball there.


                      • ^Exactly. Waugh's performance in RECV was godawful. His cackling was pure cheese. And yet he has some ridiculously loyal fanbase that constantly ripped on DC Douglas.

                        Originally posted by zomBD View Post
                        RE2, RECV, SOUTH AMERICA... and DEGENERATION! That's my bet. I would love to kick G-Curtis ass.
                        Why would you take a CGI film and make a light rail scenario for it? Why?

                        Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
                        Wesker meeting Leon would be interesting...
                        Yes, let's have Leon, who has no relevance to Wesker, meet up with him. Barry & Rebecca have more ties to Wesker, yet you want Leon to get the opportunity to meet up with Wesker?
                        Last edited by Jill's Boob; 04-15-2009, 01:20 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                          Why would you take a CGI film and make a light rail scenario for it? Why?

                          Yes, let's have Leon, who has no relevance to Wesker, meet up with him. Barry & Rebecca have more ties to Wesker, yet you want Leon to get the opportunity to meet up with Wesker?
                          I, personally, would love to see Wesker rhino charge Leon. It would seriously never get old watching Leon get a hand through his chest.
                          Are you tired, Rebecca?


                          • Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                            I, personally, would love to see Wesker rhino charge Leon. It would seriously never get old watching Leon get a hand through his chest.
                            Careful now lass, the pro-Leon brigade will accuse you of being an uncouth single-minded misanthrope should you bash Leon in a post...


                            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              RE1's voice acting was so awful it was laughable, but C:V's was just plain awful.

                              Wesker's laugh... "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhh." Dick Waugh really dropped the ball there.
                              You think CVX's is worse than RE1's? Really? I'd probably say that CVX's the second worst in the series overall, but RE1 just takes the cake, easily. Maybe you are right, and it's because I haven't played CVX is damn ages. *shrug* I dunno.

                              And isn't Umbrella Chronicles on the same bandwidth as those two for bad voice acting?

                              If anything, Darkside Chronicles' voice acting is the one thing I'm fearing. I can see it being god awful, since it's all low budget again...
                              Last edited by Henry Spencer; 04-15-2009, 01:28 PM.


                              • Umbrella Chronicles isn't terribly bad VA (for an RE game), but it is awful when compared to the quality of VA of other games in the time period it was released.

                                Most of the dialogue in REUC just seems so out of place for the context of the events in the game.

                                And I think DSC will have a better budget than REUC did, so the VA should *hopefully* be decent. Hopefully.

