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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Discussion

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  • #76
    How much you want to bet the set it in South America so they can reuse audio assets from RE4?

    (Yes, I realize RE4 was set in Spain, but I've been told that the Ganado actually speak with a South American dialect. I do not know how accurate this is, mind you, as I have neither been to Spain nor to South America, but the person who told me was a native of Spain.)


    • #77
      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
      How much you want to bet the set it in South America so they can reuse audio assets from RE4?

      (Yes, I realize RE4 was set in Spain, but I've been told that the Ganado actually speak with a South American dialect. I do not know how accurate this is, mind you, as I have neither been to Spain nor to South America, but the person who told me was a native of Spain.)
      I was thinking the same thing. Leon and the Spanish speaking peoples of the world simply don't get along. I just hope this new adventure doesn't muddle the story any further.

      Edit- Also...where does it say this will take place before RE4? In all honesty...if we're going to have a Krauser "backstory" I'd rather play things from his point of view. I'm hoping it takes place after...and maybe we'll get some more Hunnigan.
      Last edited by Bertha; 04-14-2009, 02:15 PM.
      Are you tired, Rebecca?


      • #78
        Learning more about Leon's and Krauser's backstory is all good for me. It was one of the main flaws of RE4.

        However, and this is key, do not fucking change any voices. I want the same VAs they had in RE4. They were just perfect.


        • #79
          Don't change ANY voices? Steve? Alfred? Alexia? CV is a main part of this game and it's reknown for the worst voice acting in the series.


          • #80
            I agree that they shouldn't, because look at UC, it takes on games which had relatively good voice acting and butchers it.


            • #81
              Alfred's voice actor was good, he fitted with the character.
              Last edited by aris13; 04-14-2009, 03:29 PM.


              • #82
                Sweet Jesus. I really hope this 'South America' scenario is done well. Maybe it'll lead into RE6, I don't know...but I hope not. I really don't wanna see Leon in the lead again. He's a goddamn government agent...his business is government business, not BSAA-type business, which is where it seems the series is headed. Also, I wouldn't mind of this new scenario is a flashback of some sorts...somebody said involving Krauser. That would be sick. If Krauser's involved, maybe he'll get his own playable chapter or two.

                Also, why do I feel like RE2, C:V and this new one aren't going to be the only scenarios? There's gotta be something else there.


                • #83
                  gaiden lol


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

                    Also, why do I feel like RE2, C:V and this new one aren't going to be the only scenarios? There's gotta be something else there.
                    Sure there will be more I mean only three scenarios?! WTF?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                      Sure there will be more I mean only three scenarios?! WTF?
                      Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but I'm just basing that off of UC's amount of scenarios...there were plenty. Three scenarios would be okay if they were lengthy enough, but I just feel like there's gonna be something more.


                      • #86
                        No I was serious before, obviously there will be more scenarios and hopefully original ones.


                        • #87
                          Well think of it as UC, in that there are 4 'hub' scenarios, with plenty of hidden runs within it.

                          So Resident Evil 2, will tell Leon + Claire first and foremost, but probably re-include touched up versions of 4th Survivor and Death's Door. Who knows.
                 The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
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                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            Don't change ANY voices? Steve? Alfred? Alexia? CV is a main part of this game and it's reknown for the worst voice acting in the series.
                            I could understand Steve, because he sounds really whiny, but Alexia and Alfred? No way. Those voices were so over the top, Alfred's especially, that IMHO they suited them perfectly.
                            Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 04-14-2009, 05:29 PM.


                            • #89
                              Don't change ANY voices? Steve? Alfred? Alexia? CV is a main part of this game and it's reknown for the worst voice acting in the series.
                              I wasn't thinking of CV. More of RE2 and this new mystery scenario with Leon.
                              But really...Alexia was the only "bad" one. Steve's voice was perfect for his character.

                              I agree that they shouldn't, because look at UC, it takes on games which had relatively good voice acting and butchers it.
                              The only good voice-acting they ruined was Zero's. I never wa s afan of REmake's voice-acting and the only good VA in 3 was Jill. So they ruined 1.5 games.


                              • #90
                                Is it only going to be Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica, or are there going to be other games in there as well? Most likely yes, but I've only heard of these two being in it.

