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Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Discussion

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  • The only scenario that I really liked in Umbrella Chronicles was the RE1 scenario.

    I never really liked RE Zero that much. Probably because it was a waste of game, and they could have done it better.

    I had always imagined that RE Zero would allow you to play inside the RE1 mansion again, as Rebecca, and you witness the fall of the Bravo Team. The whole leech/Marcus/Military Training Facility/Queen Leech thing was totally un-necessary. We already knew that Umbrella was responsible, they were just trying to add on to the story, and we didn't really need it.

    And the RE3 scenario in UC was poorly done, as you know with the Outbreak areas, and poor Nemesis encounters and a poor final battle with the Nemesis. It wasn't true to RE3.

    And the last scenario, the one with the base in Russia, I didn't think was that great either.

    The RE1 scenario was the best scenario in the game, in my opinion.
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    • Waugh's best performance as Wesker was in RE4.

      And if Krauser is in DSC, they need Jim Ward to do it. Even RE4 haters admit it had great voice-acting.


      • Originally posted by Nikkolas View Post
        Waugh's best performance as Wesker was in RE4.

        And if Krauser is in DSC, they need Jim Ward to do it. Even RE4 haters admit it had great voice-acting.
        Everything about Krauser was awesome, his voice, attitude, skills. He was like rambo meets Vulcan Raven.
        "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
        Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


        • This is true.


          • REmake Wesker's VA was the best, Peter Jessop.
            See you in hell.


            • I wonder if they'll reinsert Ada and Hunk's chapters from the original UC into DSC. It wouldn't take much effort to do so, and it would feel much more complete as a package. Here's what I want from the game for the RE2 and CV chapters:

              Biohazard 2
              Claire + Leon:
              Chapter 1 - Streets + RPD (Boss: G Infant)
              Chapter 2 - Sewers + Giant Elevator (Boss: Birkin)
              Chapter 3 - Laboratory (Boss: Birkin)

              Mr. X should reappear at least once per scenario.

              Chapter 1 - Escape from Laboratory
              Chapter 2 - Death's Door (Boss: Mutated Mr. X)

              Chapter 1 - 4th Survivor

              Biohazard CODE: Veronica
              Claire + Steve
              Chapter 1 - Prison, Airport (Boss: Gulp Worm)
              Chapter 2 - Military Training Facility (Boss: Bandersnatch Raid)
              Chapter 3 - Palace + Private Residence, Escape (Boss: Tyrant)
              Chapter 4 - Antarctica (Boss: Nosferatu)

              Chapter 1 - Rockfort Island (Boss: Hunter Hoarde)
              Chapter 2 - Antarctica (Boss: Alexia I)
              Chapter 3 - Antarctica II (Boss: Alexia II/III)

              Chapter 1 - Rockfort Island (Boss: Albinoid Adult)
              Chapter 2 - Antarctica (Boss: Giant Spider)
              Last edited by cvxfreak; 04-16-2009, 02:55 AM.


              • ^ Looks pretty cool, but if C:V is going to have nine playable chapters, RE2 should definitely have more than three.


                • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                  Why would you take a CGI film and make a light rail scenario for it? Why?
                  Why not? Degeneration could fit, has zombies, can be story-telled in the UC three chapter format (plus side stories); involves Cyborg Leon who just kicks ass and doesn't talk and Claire. Plus that would make it officially canon (I'm guessing it already is).

                  I really enjoyed Degeneration, is soooooooo much better than the crappy real action movies.

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • I'm really looking forward to playing the CODE: Veronica section of the game. I love CODE: Veronica, and I think it could do with an update. I really hope they update the scene where Wesker and Alexia fight ><


                    • Sounds awful not gonna bother with this one.


                      • i l0ve how if you lok close at the screen shots even the zombies are the same as r.e 2 just WAY better ! i am more exited about this game than i am about r.e 5 im sorry i like zombies not 28 days later action bull shit i think they are ruining something i hold dear for the sake of casual gamers


                        • The one real thing im looking forwed to seeing in the game is RE2 chapters and seeing a remake of William I just they doint decided to have William mutate into his second from then die by falling off the elevator like a surten boss who only went into his second mutation then died by falling off a RPD billding if history repets its self im going to be well pisst off.


                          • Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                            Careful now lass, the pro-Leon brigade will accuse you of being an uncouth single-minded misanthrope should you bash Leon in a post...
                            Aww, did the wittle boob get his feelings hurt by the big, mean Leon fans?

                            Here's a tissue.


                            • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              If they retconned Chris and Jill being together all throughout the Mansion incident, then they can just as easily retcon Leon and Luis being a tag-team in a RE4 scenario.
                              That would be cool, Luis was my favorite character in RE4 other than the merchant and krauzer.


                              • I'm curious as to why so many people aren't even going to try the game. It sounds interesting, doesn't it?

