Hm... I can't really agree with that. Jill is a main protagonist of the series, and one of about five main characters (Wesker, Jill, Chris, Claire, Leon). Sergei is just some guy who helped move the Tyrant project forward faster than it would have otherwise done. Remember that up until Umbrella Chronicles, there was no need for his existence in the series, that point had already been covered. If anything, I found Sergei made MORE plotholes than filled them in. Also, Jill was one of the major plot points in RE5, and she was a main character in RE3 and RE1. I'm saying this from a completely unbiased point of view as well.
No announcement yet.
Most important RE character (series)
Well, without Sergei then the Tyrant program would have ended in the late 1980s. Umbrella had a difficult enough time trying to track down compatible subjects, they had only found two after so many years - one of them resulting in a failure. With Sergei, they had all they needed to continue the research and finish the project. Without Sergei, we probably wouldn't have any of the Nemesis models being created, and Jill would have had an easier time through the streets of Raccoon City. But unfortunately for the most part he was just there for the benefit of the game, as well as to act as a fall guy for Spencer.
Come to think of it, in retrospect the whole Tyrant program was rather needless given Spencer's end objective. Makes me wonder if the Tyrant program itself was a testbed for Spencer's perfect race, but then what does that mean for Project W? Unless of course he was pursuing many different methods in the search for his next stage of human evolution. Project W, the Tyrant program, the Sergei clones, the production of BOWs, what if all of that was nothing more than a continuous process of trial and error which had the fortunate byproduct of providing the company with marketable bioweapons - which could then be sold to finance future projects. Same thing with Tricell, with Irving's role being to generate revenue by selling the fruits of their research and then injecting all of that back into the Uroboros project.
"Well, all our efforts down this particular avenue of research haven't given me what I need. No point in letting them go to waste, let's sell 'em and use the money generated to fund other avenues that may have greater success."
In fact, that's my explanation for everything that Umbrella did. While the agenda of the company (and its executives) was to manufacture bioweapons, the truth behind the origins of such research was the fact that they were testing out new methods in creating a perfect race. I think what Wesker mentions in Wesker's Report II alludes to this pretty well, when he states that Spencer channelled exhorbitant amounts of money into these research programs, even when it was no longer economically viable - as Wesker himself says, the whole point of biological weapons is that they're relatively cheap and easy to create, though what Umbrella was doing proved to be very costly - both financially and morally.
Sorry for going off on a tangent there, feel free to snap this back on topic.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 04-10-2009, 11:39 AM.See you in hell.
Easy: Spencer, Wesker, Chris.
Spencer is the most important character of all, as his machinations are the driving force behind all RE events (for the most part). Without his involvement, none of the bioweapon experimentation goes on for a few decades, and even continues post-RE5.
Wesker is the ultimate villain in RE. Sure, he may be a tool of Spencer's, but he still follows his own (perceived) plans of gathering viruses that culminate in Uroboros. He even seeks out his "creator" and murders him, seeking to be the one atop the throne. Wesker strings along minor villains such as Krauser and Ada (sorry Ada fans, what exactly HAS she done? She's just a pawn, despite this supposed other organization that has not been confirmed in an RE universe full of plot holes). Wesker also manipulated Chris to an extent, always welcoming the presence of his bete noir. Just look at how many times Wesker smiles whenever Chris's name is mentioned. You never see him smile otherwise. It's enough to fuel "slash" fanfic...
Chris. Without a doubt the most important protagonist in the main series:
- RE0 is a pretty game with a really, really poor story that damages the pre-RE1 history. Plus Billy and Rebecca couldn't be more boring.
- Chris is in RE1. Depending on the various iterations of RE1, plus REUC and RE5 files...the scenario plays out in different ways. Regardless, it seems both Chris & Jill foiled Wesker's plan. Yet Wesker seems to have the most hatred for Chris for the Mansion Incident (see RECV and REUC and RE5). Barry's presence in the RE universe isn't quite as important as his cult hero status elevates him to...but even in RE1 timeline, Barry and Chris were good friends and Barry just happened to tag along with Jill in her adventure, even though Barry was closer to Chris at the time of July 1998.
- Claire is in RE2 because of Chris. She is searching for her brother, and without the presence of Chris, there'd be no involvement of Claire, which would then negate the events in RECV since no "good guy" would have been present except for the universally panned Steve Burnside.
- In RE3, Jill doesn't really do anything other than escape RC, but her goal is to find Chris.
- In RECV, Claire is rescued by Chris. Chris's presence allows the re-introduction of primary antagonist Albert Wesker. Post-RECV, Chris spearheads the formation of the BSAA.
- REUC (2003): Chris and Jill shut down the Umbrella facility in Russia.
- RE4...well, no one really likes that game anyway. It stars some cockwallet that does pirouettes and brushes his hair with 100 strokes per day.
- 2006: Chris and Jill track down Wesker and get their asses kicked by him. Jill sacrifices herself to save Chris, who had just saved her life a few seconds prior when Wesker was listening to The Prodigy song "Smack My Bitch Up" and choking the life out of Jill.
- RE5...well, it's all about Chris with some Sheva shoehorned in and about 5 minutes of Jill. Chris is a jaded man who arrives in Africa to serve as backup for Alpha Team who is trying to ensnare an arms dealer who specializes in bioweaponry. Chris also happens to be pursuing his own lead on the whereabouts of his presumed-dead partner. Due to events spiraling out-of-control, Chris realizes she is indeed alive and at the same time refuses to leave Kijuju despite a withdrawal order, because "[he's] not leaving until [he] finds Irving and figures out what's going on [there]." Chris's ultimate goal wavers a bit in RE5, from finding Jill to stopping Wesker, but ultimately he succeeds in stopping Wesker.
So, Spencer is the overall entity that fuels the world of RE, yet Chris and Wesker are the major players - your primary hero and your primary villain. Case closed.
Sorry Jill fans...I don't see what she's done besides help Chris, escaped RC on her own, and helped Chris some more. She did sacrifice herself in 2006, and in 2008 she was being controlled to do Wesker's bidding (including, depending on your opinion of her costume's "access panel" some extracurricular activities).
Chris links to Barry (old pals), Claire (sibling), Rebecca (finds her in RE1), Jill ("partners," as ambiguous as possible), Wesker (mortal enemies), BSAA (founding father).
Originally posted by Jill's Boob View PostEasy:
Sorry Jill fans...I don't see what she's done besides help Chris, escaped RC on her own, and helped Chris some more. She did sacrifice herself in 2006, and in 2008 she was being controlled to do Wesker's bidding (including, depending on your opinion of her costume's "access panel" some extracurricular activities).
Jill,Chris, and Rebecca... All original S.T.A.R.S. Members so their the most important of the series because they were the ones that were there from the beginning (Especially Rebecca) So all three of them deserve more credit than they get... Well more so Rebecca since she really was the one there in the beginning.
I bet alot of people are going to jump on me for that comment, but frankly I don't care. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...Last edited by TheMedic; 04-10-2009, 10:22 PM.
Carlos is more important than Jill because he makes the vaccine which helps Jill develop the antibodies to the T-virus which Wesker uses to create uroboros to destroy teh worldz!!1!
This poll is actually a duplicate of a poll from December 2008. Funny how since RE5 has came out, Spencer and Chris shot up in popularity. And Jill... she's pretty much stayed the same.
Oh how perspectives change (or don't)...sigpic
Chris, Jill, Wesker: The main protagonists of the series.
Birkin was added because he contributed a lot to the destruction of Raccoon City. And the fact that his daughter is still alive makes more possibilities for the future stories.
"I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key
It's strange. He was pretty much the glue that binded the different games together, it's a shame they didn't explore his rivalry with Wesker much more. Though I can see why Wesker would be bothered by him. Afterall, Wesker has been with Umbrella since the 1970s. He was a chief researcher at Umbrella's Arklay facilities, he worked on the T-virus and was close to both Spencer and Marcus. Then along comes Sergei in the early 1990s, new kid on the block who just happens to be a compatible donor for the Tyrant program and suddenly he's elevated to a high position as well as serving as Spencer's personal bodyguard. Oh, and the fact that Sergei himself was given his own bodyguards - specially modified T-103 units no less.
There's good reason right there. It's almost a form of nepotism, except that the main reason why Sergei was given special treatment was simply because he had compatible genetic material. There's also the fact that he brought a lot more to Umbrella, like manpower from the Soviet Union, the formation of the UBCS, etc. Sergei really was a rising star in the ranks of Umbrella, something that I don't think Wesker liked - and I'm sure he wouldn't be the only one either. I imagine that a lot of research staff, especially those from an older generation, weren't best pleased at Sergei's arrival on the scene. This military brute who despite being involved in Tyrant research, wasn't necessarily a scientific mind.
Nonetheless, he was certainly an imposing presence and a man to be feared. He no doubt soon carved a name for himself among the ranks of Umbrella. Hell, people were shot if they disobeyed his orders during Raccoon City.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 04-16-2009, 02:35 AM.See you in hell.
Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View PostIt's strange. He was pretty much the glue that binded the different games together, it's a shame they didn't explore his rivalry with Wesker much more. Though I can see why Wesker would be bothered by him. Afterall, Wesker has been with Umbrella since the 1970s. He was a chief researcher at Umbrella's Arklay facilities, he worked on the T-virus and was close to both Spencer and Marcus. Then along comes Sergei in the early 1990s, new kid on the block who just happens to be a compatible donor for the Tyrant program and suddenly he's elevated to a high position as well as serving as Spencer's personal bodyguard. Oh, and the fact that Sergei himself was given his own bodyguards - specially modified T-103 units no less.
There's good reason right there. It's almost a form of nepotism, except that the main reason why Sergei was given special treatment was simply because he had compatible genetic material. There's also the fact that he brought a lot more to Umbrella, like manpower from the Soviet Union, the formation of the UBCS, etc. Sergei really was a rising star in the ranks of Umbrella, something that I don't think Wesker liked - and I'm sure he wouldn't be the only one either. I imagine that a lot of research staff, especially those from an older generation, weren't best pleased at Sergei's arrival on the scene. This military brute who despite being involved in Tyrant research, wasn't necessarily a scientific mind.
Nonetheless, he was certainly an imposing presence and a man to be feared. He no doubt soon carved a name for himself among the ranks of Umbrella.
For the old series:
Spencer, Sergei, Marcus, Wesker.
It's already been explained.
For post-RE5:
Ada and Leon.
Ada because she's the only real plot point left what with The Organization. And Leon is the only hero with any connection to her. Unless you count Claire B when Ada throws Claire the RL instead of Leon.