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your Fav RE5 Enemeis?

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  • #16
    Favourite enemies

    1. Lickers
    i loved how they look,ed how the game led up to their apperance, as well as their different attacks. They were the only enemy that i truly feared and was scared of in mercenaries, whne going for a high score on exp. facility, and missing thta qte and being pinned down, thats a scary situation. The only thign is, they were really just bullet bags, more of a gameplay issuet hen enemy issue though

    2. Reapers
    They did inspire fear in soem ways, after you figure out how to beat them, its okay, but for their first apperance, they were visually cool and i loved their instant kill capability. Thye felt very classic Re to me, althouhg they werent used very often, would have liekd to see mroe of them.

    3. Duvalias
    They were cool, had some cool attcack, were sneaky waiting under ladders, and unpredictable. Very good, nuff said

    4. Adjule
    They were pretty ferocious, and super fast. Not much to say, they didnt appear to much, but i liked it when they were around, but not quite as a ggressive,e again a control and gameplay issue, not their fault.

    And of course, the very best. Wesker. cool boss battles, although a little short, they nailed the nagar battle, and despite the outcome and shortness of the 6-3, it wasnt horrid. Wesker was awesome to fight

    every other enemy sucked. Majini village were okay, i mean, they did their part, just like ganado villagers in Re4, and there were a few new attack animations and suhc, a little mroe aggressive, okay then. But then tribal majini, and then base majini, did not like at all, they could have easily madet he last half of the game filled with BOW's and made the areas like the licker opening, didnt like having to fight gun toting enemies.

    But, some cool enemies none the less, might have been cooler to fight with a different control approach and gameplay ideas.


    • #17
      I really liked the Kipepeo. They felt very old school RE to me. The way they'd come out the majini after a headshot is always a pretty awesome surprise. The plagas in general were done so much cooler than in RE4, they almost look like a product of the g-virus! The Duvalia is another that reminded me of the G-Virus. They look kind of comical when closed up but when they open holy crap

      Reaper brought me back to the drain demois/chimera days and the effect from the mist they excrete was pretty damn sick.

      Also realled liked uroboros aheri
      Last edited by fffour; 04-06-2009, 03:45 AM.


      • #18
        Duvalias & Lickers
        The Duvalias because their grotesque strange look freaked me out and gave me the old RE feel and the same with the Lickers! Old RE feel ~ even though those f'ers made me want to rip out my hair. *Pulls out grenade launcher with nitrogen rounds*


        • #19
          Duvalias, Lickers AND Reapers, I LOVE that gass they spread and make them invicible, its amazing! though I HATE how they kill you!!! first is the fact they just grab you and kill you at once, and second: they just couldn't put in a death that was like: cut you in half and throw your halfs away


          • #20
            Licker Betas definitely. Even though its a pain in the ass sometimes fighting a whole army of these things, they're still my favorite. Reapers and Uroboros are probably tied for second place.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
              Licker Betas definitely. Even though its a pain in the ass sometimes fighting a whole army of these things, they're still my favorite. Reapers and Uroboros are probably tied for second place.
              Yea the Lickers are great. They give off this awesome vibe of "classic" resident evil, which is a very welcomed feeling. Were they always called Licker Beta's? I've never heard the "beta" term until RE5?
              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


              • #22
                Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                Yea the Lickers are great. They give off this awesome vibe of "classic" resident evil, which is a very welcomed feeling. Were they always called Licker Beta's? I've never heard the "beta" term until RE5?
                They're called "Licker Beta" because they are different than the original Lickers. They are the originals, with the Progenitor Virus administered to make them better.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Corrin View Post
                  They're called "Licker Beta" because they are different than the original Lickers. They are the originals, with the Progenitor Virus administered to make them better.
                  I think the progenitor virus dumbed them down than their T-Virus family chain, considering their sensess were significantly dumbed down, the only true advantage was its ability to be able to reporoduce so it depends on the combat situation on how they will perform.


                  • #24
                    The Lickers were hard as shit in this game. I think my faorite boss would have to be Irving, loved that boss fight.


                    • #25
                      ... I admit Reapers, as much as I HATE them, are kick ass. Mainly BECAUSE when I encounter one (especially in Mercs holy balls I have had to many deaths/partner deaths because of them) they give you such a sense of FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

                      I also loved the Lickers. And Wesker of course durp.


                      • #26
                        Have to say, every single Wesker fight is my favorite.

                        They're just so enjoyable! Capcom really did a good job with that.
                        Last edited by Vogue_Dirge; 04-28-2009, 01:25 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
                          have to say, every single Wesker fight is my favorite.
                          Same here!! Every single one was freakin awesome!!


                          • #28
                            My favorite enemy is Jill Valentine.

                            Kidding i loved the Licker Beta's, they were one of the only decent gameplay parts of RE5 i think, oh and the Reapers were good too.

                            But i hated the AK-74 Majini's though, they ruined the game and made it even more into a shooter.


                            • #29
                              Duvalias, Lickers and Reapers.


                              • #30
                                Lickers were a nice welcome into the game, even though they were in it for a few chapters. The reapers stand out in my mind, just because those bastards 1 shot kill.. gahh

