So while playing with a friend earlier, we developed a pretty good strategy to end the Two on Two boss encounter on Professional difficulty in a matter of minutes. It took a huge amount of Trial and Error and about 52 deaths (Most of them from Jill's machine gun) before we managed to effectively lay it down. It works well though, and we tested it from the top a bit later and managed to beat both Jill and Wesker and Jill solo with only 1 death between us. Some of this may be dependant on some circumstances but read on...
As soon as you gain control of your characters, have the Chris controlled player run to the door and try to open it, and a prompt will appear saying "It's locked!" Keep the Sheva player close, but further back from the door, and a few seconds later the cutscene will play in which Wesker kicks Chris through the door. IMMEDIATELY have the Sheva player run to the door and shoot Wesker in the back at near point blank range (This is important) while he is distracted with Chris, preferably with a fully upgraded Magnum (L Hawk works well) and after 3 shots, he will go down to his knees. Because you are near point blank, you can instantly pull off the QTE button presses to attack him. Either Chris or Sheva should be in good distance to perform it. There's about 4/5 buttons to input and it'll end on a double press (A+X or Triggers for 360) for a final blow, so be prepared.
You need to do this QTE combo TWICE to make Wesker leave the battle early. The best thing to do after you've pulled off the QTE for the first time fully is to run upstairs, keep going until you reach the room with the big chest that contains gems and an L Hawk, and take cover behind the doors, with a player either side. Often Jill will come up and force you to fall back a bit further. If this happens, you are likely to run right into her while fleeing out of the rear exit of that room, one player can grab her and the other can throw her to buy you some time. Ideally, you will do this first encounter without even running into her.
Next, you need to set Wesker up for another beatdown and the easiest way to do this is to have one player lure him into the room i mentioned above while the other lies in wait to either the left or right corner with a drawn weapon (Again, fully upgraded L Hawk is ideal) and what we used) and the moment he enters, shoot him. It's tricky to pull this off, but if you can do it then you've pretty much guaranteed yourself a victory. Do the same as before, 3 or 4 shots with a well upgraded magnum and then pull off the combo. Wesker will yell "Self Righteous Fools!" and you'll unlock the Bad Blood achievement for your troubles, if you didn't already. That achievement is difficult enough on normal mode, so if you manage to damage him that many times on professional too then you deserve a pat on the back
Next, The Jill solo fight. Best tactic is flash rounds. Have the Sheva player carry a grenade launcher with flash rounds, or flash grenades - Or even both. When she backflips off of the balcony, immediately run down straight to her and have Sheva player ire a flash round at her when you get relatively close. This will stun her, and you can throw her to set her up for the next section. She will get up almost instantly, so make sure you have one player behind her and the other in front. When she is on her feet again, fire another flash round. As expected, she gets stunned and the player behind her can grab her, while the player in front should fire a pistol round into the device on her chest - Then throw her again. The option to pull at the device will now enable - But i advise against this, as once the button mash sequence ends she will strike out at you and you need to perform a QTE to dodge. Failure to do so will result in instant death as your partner will have no time to heal you. Better to just play it safe and keep repeating this process. Every time she gets up, fire a flash round, grab her from behind and shoot the device. Use the pauses to reload/heal, anything like that. After you've shot the device six times, THEN you can grab at it and the device will come off. Victory!!
How did everyone else approach this situation? I saw Dot's video involving the taunting but for some reason it didn't work for me, which forced me to think a bit differently. It was fun
As soon as you gain control of your characters, have the Chris controlled player run to the door and try to open it, and a prompt will appear saying "It's locked!" Keep the Sheva player close, but further back from the door, and a few seconds later the cutscene will play in which Wesker kicks Chris through the door. IMMEDIATELY have the Sheva player run to the door and shoot Wesker in the back at near point blank range (This is important) while he is distracted with Chris, preferably with a fully upgraded Magnum (L Hawk works well) and after 3 shots, he will go down to his knees. Because you are near point blank, you can instantly pull off the QTE button presses to attack him. Either Chris or Sheva should be in good distance to perform it. There's about 4/5 buttons to input and it'll end on a double press (A+X or Triggers for 360) for a final blow, so be prepared.
You need to do this QTE combo TWICE to make Wesker leave the battle early. The best thing to do after you've pulled off the QTE for the first time fully is to run upstairs, keep going until you reach the room with the big chest that contains gems and an L Hawk, and take cover behind the doors, with a player either side. Often Jill will come up and force you to fall back a bit further. If this happens, you are likely to run right into her while fleeing out of the rear exit of that room, one player can grab her and the other can throw her to buy you some time. Ideally, you will do this first encounter without even running into her.
Next, you need to set Wesker up for another beatdown and the easiest way to do this is to have one player lure him into the room i mentioned above while the other lies in wait to either the left or right corner with a drawn weapon (Again, fully upgraded L Hawk is ideal) and what we used) and the moment he enters, shoot him. It's tricky to pull this off, but if you can do it then you've pretty much guaranteed yourself a victory. Do the same as before, 3 or 4 shots with a well upgraded magnum and then pull off the combo. Wesker will yell "Self Righteous Fools!" and you'll unlock the Bad Blood achievement for your troubles, if you didn't already. That achievement is difficult enough on normal mode, so if you manage to damage him that many times on professional too then you deserve a pat on the back

Next, The Jill solo fight. Best tactic is flash rounds. Have the Sheva player carry a grenade launcher with flash rounds, or flash grenades - Or even both. When she backflips off of the balcony, immediately run down straight to her and have Sheva player ire a flash round at her when you get relatively close. This will stun her, and you can throw her to set her up for the next section. She will get up almost instantly, so make sure you have one player behind her and the other in front. When she is on her feet again, fire another flash round. As expected, she gets stunned and the player behind her can grab her, while the player in front should fire a pistol round into the device on her chest - Then throw her again. The option to pull at the device will now enable - But i advise against this, as once the button mash sequence ends she will strike out at you and you need to perform a QTE to dodge. Failure to do so will result in instant death as your partner will have no time to heal you. Better to just play it safe and keep repeating this process. Every time she gets up, fire a flash round, grab her from behind and shoot the device. Use the pauses to reload/heal, anything like that. After you've shot the device six times, THEN you can grab at it and the device will come off. Victory!!
How did everyone else approach this situation? I saw Dot's video involving the taunting but for some reason it didn't work for me, which forced me to think a bit differently. It was fun
