A bunch of it not even true.. You are very sad that you remember this stuff though. I forget about you when not reading RE forums, I wish could forget about you there too but you seem to stalk me across here and Capcom Unity. Always jumping into threads to tell me my opinion is wrong. You need a more distracting life.
You rarely prove anything wrong, instead trying to force your opinion as fact and then declare wrong via that. Well it does not work that way, and your literal translations does not mean localisations are wrong when you find a difference, because localisation isn't translation and you have thus far failed to understand that.
Get a hint:
- When different teams who work years apart on different projects all translate somethig the same way, it is not a 'mistake' over and over and over. It is clearly something changed for localisation. Not that everything is perfectly translated, but every difference is not a mistake like you claim.
- You again just proved you fail to know what an analogy is. Because something that happens in plants was referenced for a human you think it means the human is a plant. That is some grade A dumbass understanding there. No, it is an analogy of comparing similar effects.
- When you're proven wrong and your last resort is to bottle up into the "I have secret sources that say I'm right" excuse, is clear you're full of shit.
- Plenty of people of people agree with me on various topics, many don't voice it because you're unpleasant and people don't want to argue.
- Ignoring inconsistancies does not make something consistant.
- Dev comments are just dev comments, they are not canon fact. If you want to argue they are, then they all are, choosing to ignore comments when it suits you is just making up your own head canon, so stop passing it off as Capcom canon.
- 2x2??=8 does not mean ?? is x2, and does not make that a fact, and does not mean someone denying it is wrong. See if you even understand this one. I bet you don't, because most of your arguments fall flat.
- Making up bullshit and labling it as my opinion is weak and doesn't make you right.
Lastly, stop trying to speak for the entire RE community. Trying to pretend your own opinion is fact again. Twat.
My last reply to you, though I will still discuss thread topic if I decide to. Make sure your reply post is the usual mix of complete bullshit, half truths muddied with your lies, stuff taken out of context and twisted, and stuff you just didn't understand so decided to make up your own mind what it meant and rant and be claim I'm wrong about it. Oh, and the flat out denial and "Your wrong because I say so, I have my made up facts!" nonsense, link to something on Project Umbrella to make yourself sound right, with anyone who does there own research knowing is more info out there contradicting it half the time.
You rarely prove anything wrong, instead trying to force your opinion as fact and then declare wrong via that. Well it does not work that way, and your literal translations does not mean localisations are wrong when you find a difference, because localisation isn't translation and you have thus far failed to understand that.
Get a hint:
- When different teams who work years apart on different projects all translate somethig the same way, it is not a 'mistake' over and over and over. It is clearly something changed for localisation. Not that everything is perfectly translated, but every difference is not a mistake like you claim.
- You again just proved you fail to know what an analogy is. Because something that happens in plants was referenced for a human you think it means the human is a plant. That is some grade A dumbass understanding there. No, it is an analogy of comparing similar effects.
- When you're proven wrong and your last resort is to bottle up into the "I have secret sources that say I'm right" excuse, is clear you're full of shit.
- Plenty of people of people agree with me on various topics, many don't voice it because you're unpleasant and people don't want to argue.
- Ignoring inconsistancies does not make something consistant.
- Dev comments are just dev comments, they are not canon fact. If you want to argue they are, then they all are, choosing to ignore comments when it suits you is just making up your own head canon, so stop passing it off as Capcom canon.
- 2x2??=8 does not mean ?? is x2, and does not make that a fact, and does not mean someone denying it is wrong. See if you even understand this one. I bet you don't, because most of your arguments fall flat.
- Making up bullshit and labling it as my opinion is weak and doesn't make you right.
Lastly, stop trying to speak for the entire RE community. Trying to pretend your own opinion is fact again. Twat.
My last reply to you, though I will still discuss thread topic if I decide to. Make sure your reply post is the usual mix of complete bullshit, half truths muddied with your lies, stuff taken out of context and twisted, and stuff you just didn't understand so decided to make up your own mind what it meant and rant and be claim I'm wrong about it. Oh, and the flat out denial and "Your wrong because I say so, I have my made up facts!" nonsense, link to something on Project Umbrella to make yourself sound right, with anyone who does there own research knowing is more info out there contradicting it half the time.