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  • A bunch of it not even true.. You are very sad that you remember this stuff though. I forget about you when not reading RE forums, I wish could forget about you there too but you seem to stalk me across here and Capcom Unity. Always jumping into threads to tell me my opinion is wrong. You need a more distracting life.

    You rarely prove anything wrong, instead trying to force your opinion as fact and then declare wrong via that. Well it does not work that way, and your literal translations does not mean localisations are wrong when you find a difference, because localisation isn't translation and you have thus far failed to understand that.

    Get a hint:

    - When different teams who work years apart on different projects all translate somethig the same way, it is not a 'mistake' over and over and over. It is clearly something changed for localisation. Not that everything is perfectly translated, but every difference is not a mistake like you claim.
    - You again just proved you fail to know what an analogy is. Because something that happens in plants was referenced for a human you think it means the human is a plant. That is some grade A dumbass understanding there. No, it is an analogy of comparing similar effects.
    - When you're proven wrong and your last resort is to bottle up into the "I have secret sources that say I'm right" excuse, is clear you're full of shit.
    - Plenty of people of people agree with me on various topics, many don't voice it because you're unpleasant and people don't want to argue.
    - Ignoring inconsistancies does not make something consistant.
    - Dev comments are just dev comments, they are not canon fact. If you want to argue they are, then they all are, choosing to ignore comments when it suits you is just making up your own head canon, so stop passing it off as Capcom canon.
    - 2x2??=8 does not mean ?? is x2, and does not make that a fact, and does not mean someone denying it is wrong. See if you even understand this one. I bet you don't, because most of your arguments fall flat.
    - Making up bullshit and labling it as my opinion is weak and doesn't make you right.

    Lastly, stop trying to speak for the entire RE community. Trying to pretend your own opinion is fact again. Twat.

    My last reply to you, though I will still discuss thread topic if I decide to. Make sure your reply post is the usual mix of complete bullshit, half truths muddied with your lies, stuff taken out of context and twisted, and stuff you just didn't understand so decided to make up your own mind what it meant and rant and be claim I'm wrong about it. Oh, and the flat out denial and "Your wrong because I say so, I have my made up facts!" nonsense, link to something on Project Umbrella to make yourself sound right, with anyone who does there own research knowing is more info out there contradicting it half the time.
    Last edited by Dracarys; 11-23-2013, 08:29 PM.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • Thank you for acknowledging that I have a very retentive memory, that's quite the compliment. It's sometimes a curse, so yes, quite sad.

      1) Many things haven't been translated the same way (CITATION NEEDED on your part). When they are, it's usually because that's what the translators already know and they attempt to maintain consistency, even though it's consistency with information that was translated wrong in the first place. Not every difference is a mistake, but most are, and it's those I give attention to. There is much more that I don't have an issue with at all.

      2) There was no analogy. You outright said that Progenitor would give humans plant cells because it was supposedly made from a plant, an excuse you pulled out of your ass in order to defend a flat-out mistranslation. Even if it were an analogy, it was mighty stupid (not to mention completely and utterly wrong). Keep digging that hole further, though. Just more to laugh at.

      3) I do have "secret sources", unfortunately for you. Claiming I'm full of shit doesn't help your argument in any way, especially when you're literally the only person saying that simply because you don't agree. Everyone else knows I'm good for it, and if you ever took the time to PM me, I could even fill you in like I've done for others. Even though you're not half as deserving, I'd be compelled to take pity on your bizarre ignorance. That and, as always, your unavoidable roundabout excuses, daft logic and twisting will provide a great deal of humor.

      4) Hahahahaha. That's seriously the retort you come up with after the last one? The irony. I bet you have 50 PlayStation 4's direct from Mark Cerny too.

      5) What inconsistency in particular? You've never given one, because one doesn't exist on the matter of there being more than one t-Virus. It's a very simple and very old fact. You being in denial does not mean there is anything wrong with the material.

      6) It depends entirely on the nature of the comment. The developers aren't infallible, but that doesn't mean they should be ignored at all. Their comments should be cross-checked and cross-referenced to determine validity. Just because a peon like Mike Jones says ORC is canon doesn't mean it is, because other developers actually involved in planning and development of the game say it's not.

      7) That's not even worth a response, but I'm glad you put it there so everyone can see how daft it is. You can start by actually defining what you're talking about and I'll kindly explain why you're wrong.

      8) I don't make up or label anything as your opinion. You do an astounding job of that yourself. I just quote you. I assume you never found that mythical magazine?

      I don't have to speak for the entire community. You're just a renowned joke on quite a few forums. Much in the same way that the sky is often blue. Sorry, claiming that a fact is an opinion even when it's demonstrably just a cold, hard fact does not suddenly give you credibility. You have a lot to work on before you ever have any of that. In the meantime, please find someone who actually agrees with you, but preferably keep posting. You're a joke that hasn't quite run its course yet, I'm sure you still have a few more cards up your sleeve.

      Claiming that facts are made-up does not make it so. You have to actually prove it; not once have you ever done so. Baseless accusations will get you nowhere in life.

      PS. Translation and localization go hand-in-hand and the latter doesn't usually refer to text. Ignoring the fact that this is another pathetic excuse of yours, "localization" in your cop-out terms would mean that something had to be altered to fit a certain market. This is incorrect. The games are written with both Japanese and English audiences in mind and there has never been a single region-specific change in its 16 year history. Most of the translation is done very literally, only done very badly (hence goofy/cheesy dialogue, missing text, plot holes, contradictions, spelling errors, etc). Unless of course you believe that making elements of a story completely incomprehensible is actually making the product better for a certain market. But that's just another thing to laugh at you for.

      Writers > translators, all of the time, regardless of language. Original source > translation. All of the time.

      Considering you never have a clue what you're talking about and have never done an ounce of research, you really can't say anything about it without looking like a piss-take. Leave it to people who do know what they're talking about. You are free to write fan-fiction, which you're already pretty adept at going by your posts over the years.

      Since you've brought Project Umbrella into it though;

      For the latest and greatest information on the BIOHAZARD series, visit Project Umbrella.
      To stay updated on events and information happening on Project Umbrella, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
      To stay updated on and watch the biggest library of BIO media on the Internet, subscribe to ProjectUmbrellaTV.

      PROJECT UMBRELLA - Doing What Everyone Else Can't


      EDIT: As a side-note, referring to Dracarys' denial comment about "localization" being a big deal-- she is defending the same translations that brought us about five separate names for the Progenitor Virus (Mother, Founder, Primogenitor, Origin, Primordial, etc), "federal council" in place of U.S. Congress, "Federal Police Department" in place of the FBI, and "National Species Protection Committee" in place of the National Security Council. The exact same dumb amateur-hour error, over a decade apart and going completely against the entire idea of localization. MUCH LOCALIZ. This is compounded by the fact that there is absolutely zero oversight on the translations and zero involvement from the writers. There is nobody to cross-check the original Japanese with the translated English, and CAPCOM Japan are completely oblivious to them.

      Staff members we've pointed them out to have been disgusted by them. There are some very good translators out there (Black Lagoon is a stellar job for instance), but CAPCOM do not hire them. To defend such observable and undeniable errors is both delusional and steeped in denial. Not that the translators are bad people, they likely get paid in buttons. What they do have in common with Dracarys is the fact that none of them know anything about the series storyline, and more often than not, tend to make shit up. And for the record, my "literal" translations are accurate and have been praised by people who actually know what they're talking about, and it is not necessary to completely skewer dialogue or text in order to have a good translation. This is, again, another one of your delusions on something you have literally no clue about.

      EDIT 2: As for my "secret sources", here's a sample from a current project with Welsh (plus my own signature) to dispel some doubt. Oh look at that, Dracarys has been proven wrong again! Queue the denial and accusations.
      Last edited by News Bot; 11-24-2013, 11:32 AM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Okay okay, phew. Not what I was expecting to wake up to on a lazy Sunday. Alright... oh, it's Paul and Drac again. Of course! Very well, here goes:

        - There is no need to drop insults about the love lives and personal lives of people, or in that last post of yours (I missed it initially). Ad hominem is the most basic deductive fallacy in an argument. Don't fall victim to it.
        - Saying "Well I have people who agree but don't post" isn't valid without some proof. Paul essentially said the same thing ("Well I have secret sources")... but now he's backed it up with evidence. Now your statement can't be taken at face value, you need evidence to prove it's not just people agreeing with Paul or staying neutral, because starting from page 14 that's pretty much all I've seen.
        - Paul's "opinion" has always been backed with multiple sources. He lives for this. You've given some sources, but he's given a lot more on the same subject. Not that he's infallible, of course, but I remember a specific case where you've boiled down to "Well I have a source... but I'm not going to get it. But I'm right! Really!" while others weighed in heavily with so many official sources it made my head spin.

        - Stop being so condescending. You have the evidence, you have the passion for the series... but you need to stop talking down to people when they disagree with you, whether they're right or wrong. It's okay to correct people on stuff, but there's no need to pursue it this far. If she wants to believe something, let her believe it.
        - As I told Drac, no ad hominem. That's a big no-no.
        - Moreover, stop goading her. "Queue the denial", "Keep the laughs coming", etc. This is another case of don't be condescending. It reflects badly on you and it's not cool.

        I'll look over the posts again and dish out a couple infractions I'm sure... @_@ For fuck's sake you two, don't talk to each other, don't look at each other, don't think about each other, don't breathe the same air, and for the love of God, stop fighting. Fuck.

        Edit: Alright, I've done the deed. Paul will take a day off, and Dracarys is going on a week-long vacation. Everyone else, please don't fight. Just return to the discussion at hand, and keep it civil.
        Last edited by Canas Renvall; 11-24-2013, 01:29 PM.


        • Way to go canas the war of super long flamming posts is over


          • Just wow....LOL!


            • Oh well, I enjoyed the show.


              • While these things get heated, at least it provides the opportunity for people to see bullshit being debunked.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Some how it went from a discussion of residwnt evil couples to a heated flame war about the entire frachise lol


                  • Originally posted by R.C.+L.K. View Post
                    Some how it went from a discussion of residwnt evil couples to a heated flame war about the entire frachise lol
                    Welcome to the Resident Evil fandom, where 'fact' can be perceived as either relative or subjective in nature, depending upon your purchasing power and access to obscure books and interviews that never get officially translated outside of Japan.

                    It's a wasteland, filled with many personality types, all displaying a similar, yet, varying degree of obsessive compulsion for material possessions and fictional lore that relate to said series. Conspiracy theories and loud barking make-or-break a person 'round these parts, so you'd better know your stuff.

                    Enjoy your stay!
                    I'm a blackstar.


                    • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                      depending upon your purchasing power and access to obscure books and interviews that never get officially translated outside of Japan.
                      Or, nowadays, the simple ability to read, considering PU makes those openly available at no cost to anyone but ourselves.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 12-04-2013, 05:23 AM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        Or, nowadays, the simple ability to read, considering PU makes those openly available at no cost to anyone but ourselves.
                        Well, then you have the issue of whether or not people want to take the games as they come, or delve deeper into stuff that's typically never stated and sometimes never even hinted at.

                        It's just a matter of personal interest/crusade, really. I certainly respect your work and dedication - love reading up on certain stuff in my downtime - but I can definitely understand when people just simply don't care to.

                        After all, to state the obvious, it's just a video game.
                        I'm a blackstar.


                        • Whether or not people want to take the games as they come doesn't really impede on anything. It just means they're deliberately ignorant, which while not a bad thing in itself, means they probably shouldn't pretend they know more than they do.

                          Not caring about a fact doesn't change the fact. A creationist ignoring every ounce of evidence for evolution (and making up wild excuses) doesn't mean the creationist is credible or even halfway correct, nor does it discredit evolution in any way. Are they entitled to their opinion/fantasy? Most certainly. But they're not entitled to presenting the opinion as fact, which is what often happens. Doesn't matter whether it's a video game, book, movie, journal, textbook, etc. It's universal.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 12-06-2013, 05:42 AM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Whether or not people want to take the games as they come doesn't really impede on anything. It just means they're deliberately ignorant, which while not a bad thing in itself, means they probably shouldn't pretend they know more than they do.
                            ...and posts like this are exactly how I, and others, lose respect for you.

                            You can't retain it if you don't give it, as well, even for those who choose to be 'ignorant', as you so put it.

                            ...but I do agree that people shouldn't act pretentious, either.

                            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            Not caring about a fact doesn't change the fact. A creationist ignoring every ounce of evidence for evolution (and making up wild excuses) doesn't mean the creationist is credible or even halfway correct, nor does it discredit evolution in any way. Are they entitled to their opinion/fantasy? Most certainly. But they're not entitled to presenting the opinion as fact, which is what often happens. Doesn't matter whether it's a video game, book, movie, journal, textbook, etc. It's universal.
                            Yeah, I'm not even touching that one - this kinda discussion belongs at the HuffingtonPost.
                            I'm a blackstar.


                            • Ignorant is not derogatory and it sums up what you described in one word.

                              ig·no·rant [ig-ner-uhnt]

                              1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man.
                              2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics.
                              3. uninformed; unaware.
                              4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Ignorant is not derogatory and it sums up what you described in one word.
                                I'm very well-aware of the word's definition, however, you must notice that I chose not to use it.

                                I wasn't pointing out the actual word, rather, the way you chose to use it. What I mean is that you can't be condescending, yet, expect people to respect you when you choose to be that way.

                                dem people skills, man.
                                I'm a blackstar.

