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Reevengi Help

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  • Reevengi Help

    How do you make this work? I couldn't do it on my Mac, so Please give detailed steps to make it work on a PC.

    Start by telling me:
    1. what program do you use to compile this?
    2. how to use SDL in the program in the c/c++ compiler
    3. how to use the physics engine
    4. finally after everything is done what happens and how to use.

    Thanks for any help!!
    I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!

  • #2
    I've compiled it with MSVS C++ 2008, and it requires SDL and PhysicsFS libraries to compile.

    Keep in mind, it wasn't developed with Windows in mind, so you must use the following example (eg, it's command line operated):

    reevengi -basedir H -opengl

    It MUST use OpenGL - something is currently broken with Software Rendering in the Win32 version. Also, the Movie Player doesn't work in Win32 version, either.


    		A small background image viewer for
    			Resident Evil games
    0 Disclaimer
    This software is just a background image viewer for some versions of the games.
    Use at your own risks.
    1 Libraries dependencies
    - SDL for video and input (mandatory).
    - SDL_image with libjpeg support (optional, for RE3 PC).
    - FFmpeg for movie player (optional, for movie player).
    - PhysicsFS for all filesystem access (mandatory).
      Note: You need to apply the patch in the diff directory to the stable 1.0
      release of PhysicsFS to have support for Resident Evil 3 PC archive files.
    2 Command-line parameters
    "-basedir <path>" to give the directory where the game files are.
      Default is current directory.
      Example: -basedir /demos/re2demo
    "-gamma <value>" to change the gamma correction of the lightmaps.
      Default is 1.0 .
      Example: -gamma 1.2
    "-movie" to enable movie player mode.
    "-opengl" to enable OpenGL renderer.
    "-aspect <x>:<y>" to force an aspect ratio if misdetected.
    "-verbose <n>"  to change verbosity level.
      Default is 0.
    "-logfile <filename>" to change log file.
      Default is reevengi.log
    "-help" displays a little help.
    "-dither" to dither background image (in 8bits mode only).
    3 Controls
    3.1 Keyboard
    ESC		quit
    F1		screenshot
    Alt+Enter	toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.
    A		decrement gamma
    Q		increment gamma
    W		reset gamma
    Z		previous stage / previous movie
    S		next stage / next movie
    X		reset stage / reset movie
    E		previous room
    D		next room
    C		reset room
    R		previous camera
    F		next camera
    V		reset camera
    T		previous model
    G		next model
    B		reset model
    Y		toggle grid display
    H		toggle background restoration display
    SPACE		refresh background, move player at current camera position
    Arrow keys	Move player (only for RE1 and RE2 currently)
    Pageup/down	Move player up/down (Atari: use ClrHome/Insert)
    4 Supported games
    Resident Evil, PS1, Demo, NTSC
    Resident Evil, PS1, Game, PAL
    Resident Evil, PC, Game
    Resident Evil 2, PS1, Demo, NTSC
    Resident Evil 2, PS1, Demo, PAL from CD Consoles 38
    Resident Evil 2, PS1, Demo, PAL from Playstation Magazine, CD 21
    Resident Evil 2, PS1, Game, PAL
    Resident Evil 2, PC, Demo
    Resident Evil 2, PC, Game
    Resident Evil 3, PS1, Game, PAL
    Resident Evil 3, PC, Demo
    Resident Evil 3, PC, Game
    - other console versions
    5 Notes/bugs
    All PS1 demos and games use same image format, so it should be easy to add
    support for them. I just need a list of all files on each CD (recursive directory
    Patrice Mandin <pmandin -at- caramail -dot -com>
    Last edited by MeganGrass; 04-12-2009, 12:17 PM.
    I'm a blackstar.

