Okay, why RE0 sucks... Bad story, bad dialogue, bad characters, REALLY bad enemies (giant frogs, scorpions and centipedes... Really? They injected the T-virus into centipedes?) And it's not so much that, it's that all these frogs and centipedes don't seem to have violently mutated or changed much, they're just normal looking except enlarged.
As for dialogue...same as any other RE game. Better than most in a few areas.
Bends space and time. Did you know that there was a gigantic underground treatment plant under the gigantic RE2 lab that was way under Rakkoon city? And nevermind that, the Umbrella labs were supposed to be working normally at this time since it was way before Birkin went berserk, but they're crawling with mutants and has a renegade failed Tyrant running around. And also, Enrico Marini, starting in the Arklay woods, somehow beat a highspeed train on foot and made it into the miles down RE2 lab, and then made it all the way back to enter the RE1 mansion. And things that should've been awesome like listening to Birkin and Wesker have conversations for the first time were just inexcusably poorly written.
Also Birkin'a nd Wesker's dialogue was the only good dialogue Wesker's had outside RE1. He sounds like...I dunno, a villain and not something taken out of, you guessed it, a comic book.
Or in the case of RE4, a James Bond film.
CVX Wesker: Look at teh power11111
RE4 Wesker: *turns around in chair* We meet again, Mr. Redfield.
RE5 Wesker: I'll kill everyone in the world and rule over absolutely nothing! Aren't I brilliant?!!
REZero and 1: I want money and I'll backstab my company to get it.
He's actually making snese in REZero.
As for Birkin's lab being infected, no one even know show or when that happened. He broke the T-virus tubes in the sewers and they were spread by rats to the city. How it got down to his lab is a total unknown.
This game is just so goddamn sloppy and illogical even for a RE game. The logistics of Marcus rotting skeletal remains being revived by his mutant leeches, by entering through his mouth and... somehow rebuilding his cells, even though his brain was a rotten pile of mush at this point. Not only reviving him, but letting him morph into a younger version of himself at will, and morph into leeches, and then have the ability to telepathically control these leeches, or control them with opera singing, whatever. It's just too stupid to even attempt making it seem plausible.
to this
And let's also not forget Alexia's magic abilities to summon hentai tentacles and fire with no explanation. Not even a vague attempt at one.
Plus there's also that Umbrella discovered a chemical in the brain of teenagers that makes you a Tyrant.
The RE science doesn't make sense. Never has, never will.
And then as the icing on the cake you have to play as that fucking 12 year old boy Rebecca Chambers, along with ultimate cliché not really guilty criminal Billy Cohen. I liked the sound the .45 made, though.
Oh and thank God Billy was only in one game while Chris Redfield was in so many. That way we avoided having a stereotypical male lead who was bland and...oh wait.