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The Central "Rebecca Chambers" Discussion Topic

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
    She deserves her own damn game...

    And for the record, I'm not voting on this poll because I really think bringing her back would make absolutely ZERO sense. Haha, get it, 'zero'? Anyway, if RE6 is made which I don't think it should be, which doesn't matter because it probably will be, it should revolve around the only plotpoints remaining in the series -- Ada Wong and The Organization, not Rebecca "I'll set up a triggering system" Chambers.

    Are you tired, Rebecca? Are you tired, Rebecca? Are you TiReD, REBECCA? ARE YOU TIRED REBECCA?!

    Yes. She's tired.


    • #17
      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

      And for the record, I'm not voting on this poll because I really think bringing her back would make absolutely ZERO sense. Haha, get it, 'zero'? Anyway, if RE6 is made which I don't think it should be, which doesn't matter because it probably will be, it should revolve around the only plotpoints remaining in the series -- Ada Wong and The Organization, not Rebecca "I'll set up a triggering system" Chambers.

      Are you tired, Rebecca? Are you tired, Rebecca? Are you TiReD, REBECCA? ARE YOU TIRED REBECCA?!

      Yes. She's tired.
      Yes.. I knew I would be jumped on for that! I should clarify.. She needs her own damn sequel... Better? I know alot of people think she's meaningless on these forums but I disagree. She would be a pretty cool character to bring back now! Especially since all the other characters are in their 30's and getting a little old... She and Claire both would be cool to see in a game... But thats just my opinion..

      Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one.
      Last edited by TheMedic; 04-24-2009, 02:53 PM.


      • #18
        Whats there to talk about? She is young, hot, and smart. Enough said.

        And you should have put a No option in the poll because most people would think that she shouldn't be in RE6.


        • #19
          Originally posted by hellrizer View Post
          Whats there to talk about? She is young, hot, and smart. Enough said.

          And you should have put a No option in the poll because most people would think that she shouldn't be in RE6.

          Haha thats probably why the guy DIDN'T put a no option in there... Why do people dislike her so much? Thats my question... I think if she had a slightly less annoying voice actor and was older she would be pretty kickass!


          • #20
            Boulder punching Becky would look quite odd LOL Unless her huge ass has gotten even bigger... Then she could DEFINITELY punch boulders with that! Hell she could knock down a HOUSE with that ass!
            This would be the greatest moment in the history of video gaming.

            Officer Chambers steadily moved down the path, her head moving this way and that along with the barrel of her gun. She was here to stop the latest outbreak of Las Plagas and after that last mutant kangaroo attack, she wasn't taking any chances. As she crept along though, her attempts at stealth were foiled. Up ahead two men cried "crikey! There she is!" and started to push a giant rock. All of a sudden said giant rock started to move until it fell and proceeded to roll after Rebecca, gaining speed with every second. Horrified, Rebecca swung around and ran as fatst as her little legs would carry her. She was huffing and puffing, glancing back behind her every second to see the massive rock getting closer. Finally she looked back one too many times and tripped, fallign to her knees. Eyes squeezing shut, prepared for a squishy end, she felt something hard hit her behind before it came to a dead halt. She opened her eyes slowly, looking behind her to see the several ton hunk of stone stopped dead by ramming into her prominent posterior.

            Slowly, shakily, she stood up and then noddeed with a smile.

            "That was nice but Billy has bigger balls and I can take them."

            I am both bored and stupid. Don't hate me.
            Last edited by Becky's Butt; 04-24-2009, 03:04 PM.


            • #21
              Hate you?! I want to bake you a cake!


              • #22
                Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                Haha thats probably why the guy DIDN'T put a no option in there... Why do people dislike her so much? Thats my question... I think if she had a slightly less annoying voice actor and was older she would be pretty kickass!
                Its not that I don't like her its just that she isn't really a major aspect to the story, well she is but not that much. If they were to put her as a Merc. character in RE6 then That would be really cool!!


                • #23
                  I'm standing by my wishes for RE6 to star Ada in some capacity.

                  Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                  Yes.. I knew I would be jumped on for that! I should clarify.. She needs her own damn sequel... Better? I know alot of people think she's meaningless on these forums but I disagree. She would be a pretty cool character to bring back now! Especially since all the other characters are in their 30's and getting a little old... She and Claire both would be cool to see in a game... But thats just my opinion..
                  She's really not all that important of a character. It doesn't mean I don't like her, but the fact is that it is 2009 and she hasn't been heard from since 1998. Bringing her back would be pure fanservice without a really, really good explanation. A random zombie outbreak somewhere she just happens to be would not be good enough. Sorry.

                  Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                  Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one.
                  And they all STINK!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    I'm standing by my wishes for RE6 to star Ada in some capacity.

                    She's really not all that important of a character. It doesn't mean I don't like her, but the fact is that it is 2009 and she hasn't been heard from since 1998. Bringing her back would be pure fanservice without a really, really good explanation. A random zombie outbreak somewhere she just happens to be would not be good enough. Sorry.

                    And they all STINK!

                    lol... Yes... opinions do stink. Well, I at LEAST want a fucking side game with her... Is that too much to ask? I mean capcom is really retarded for not mentioning her this whole time! I won't be satisfied until I get to know what happened to her in Raccoon... *50 years later*... Yup I'm still waiting...


                    • #25
                      I would like to see her in some form, don't mind the role she plays. Don't know if that will happen since she's forever trapped in 1998 because they forgot all about her.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by TheMedic View Post
                        I won't be satisfied until I get to know what happened to her in Raccoon...
                        Scarred by suffering such a horrible ordeal at such a young age, Rebecca Chambers was unable to return to police work or hold down any form of steady employment. She left Raccoon City for L.A. to pursue a career as a booty model. She was last seen in a Snoop Dogg video.

                        Last edited by Kronk; 04-24-2009, 03:45 PM.


                        • #27
                          Only if I can get a link to the video.


                          • #28
                            I picked the invisible option, No, just because I don't think she's "MC" material. I don't have anything against her, I liked her role in RE1 and I didn't think her role in Zero was too bad, but she never intended to be in any of those situations. Unlike Leon and Claire (who also never originally intended to fight against umbrella) , who decided to take revenge and go after Umbrella Physically, Rebecca would most likely be a lead researcher working on vaccines. Just like Barry, who most likely decided to call it quits with fighting after saving Jill and Carlos, I'm sure Rebecca is also still helping out, just not on the front lines.

                            Originally posted by Kronk View Post
                            Wasn't it bad enough that she was already the female lead in one RE title? I'm hoping for all new characters in RE6 with a Chris cameo, maybe as BSAA director or something.
                            I think that's an excellent Idea. If they do reboot the series, Chris would make for a good cameo as someone high ranked.
                            Last edited by REmaster; 04-24-2009, 09:10 PM.
                            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                            Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                            • #29
                              I suppose I wouldn't mind Rebecca showing up again, but definitely not as a main character. I think Rebecca does have an interesting personality, and I like how she interacted with Billy quite a bit. I also like that she had a temper. That was cute.

                              However, most of what made her interesting was her youth, and her constant determination to prove she could handle situations herself while everyone around her was coddling her for being so "young" and "fragile." All those attributes would be gone if she were to return, because she'd be older, and it just wouldn't mirror the Rebecca I prefer. I'm not really keen on the concept of Rebecca becoming some extreme super-agent. No thx, capcom.

                              Maybe Becky is better off appearing in a CG movie, where she doesn't necessarily have to be directly involved in action.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
                                I suppose I wouldn't mind Rebecca showing up again, but definitely not as a main character. I think Rebecca does have an interesting personality, and I like how she interacted with Billy quite a bit. I also like that she had a temper. That was cute.

                                However, most of what made her interesting was her youth, and her constant determination to prove she could handle situations herself while everyone around her was coddling her for being so "young" and "fragile." All those attributes would be gone if she were to return, because she'd be older, and it just wouldn't mirror the Rebecca I prefer. I'm not really keen on the concept of Rebecca becoming some extreme super-agent. No thx, capcom.

                                Maybe Becky is better off appearing in a CG movie, where she doesn't necessarily have to be directly involved in action.
                                This. Rebecca's place is in a lab or hospital, not in the field. Sure she was the original child prodigy, but having her age into some sort of badass would completely ruin her character. She also really doesn't seem to have any driving force. Yes, she survived the mansion incident...but what then? She isn't mentioned again after that, and its sad. But I just don't see her becoming some big action hero.
                                Last edited by Bertha; 04-24-2009, 11:03 PM.
                                Are you tired, Rebecca?

