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The central *NEMESIS* discussion topic!

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  • [QUOTE=Project Omega;101231]There was an desktop program with Jill, a Zombie, and a Nemesis that would follow your cursor on your desktop that I think was released with the PC version of RE3... I'll see if I can find a copy of it (and if it still works on XP/Vista)[QUOTE]
    i tried but it needs a disk, my disk got scrached to crap
    Last edited by TyrackT71; 05-01-2009, 08:07 PM.


    • i was playing RE3 mercs, i just found nemesis for the first time, and i had like 1% machine gun ammo but i didnt notice it. so i shot maybe 3 times, before he ripped my a new asshole


      • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
        i dont see the point of having 2 or more of the same thing unless it has something diffrent than the usuall/common ones
        like my The Downward Spiral cd's i have 3 and they all have diffrent serial numbers to them and i believe one is from korea and the other is from canada and the third one is the US version.
        I didn't plan it. I just magically got two same copies. Weird huh?
        Well anyway, Nemesis with rocket launcher = Disaster for the whole world!! LOL


        • Nemesis, died as he lived: a tool of big-name corporations.

          That said, he should be a DLC character for mercenaries. = )


          • ^awsome idea!!!!!!!


            • na i dont really think so cause alot of people would use him and he would get worn out and not cool anymore and besides we all no that there isnt gonna be any more DLC for VS or mercs cause hell VS mode was just a make a quick buck schem for capcom.


              • Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                I don't understand why they won't just make an outbreak file#3. I mean, the series is basically coming to an end with that storyline, and we're revisting Racoon yet again in DSC, so another go at the mid-western town wouldn't hurt. I'm sure it would sell decent, wit everyone still riding on the Resident Evil bandwagon and all.
                I would bye Outbreak 3 in an instant, and they could improve a lot of the things peolpe complained about with the first two now since we have PS3's with heads sets and hard drives, so no long loading anymore and we could ahve voice chat. It would be epic, one of the best Re's yet i think.

                Originally posted by The Ekamp View Post
                That said, he should be a DLC character for mercenaries. = )
                I would like to play as Nemesis.


                • yha i would to, but if he was released everyone would use him and even i would get sick of seeing him.


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    yha i would to, but if he was released everyone would use him and even i would get sick of seeing him.
                    Yeah i know, but i would still love it nonetheless.

                    Maybe he should be in the RE3 remake mercs mode as an unlockable character when you get $999,999,999,999,999.


                    • ^ THAT=HARD!!!!!!!!!


                      • Nemesis would be like the Krauser of RE5's Mercenaries, except instead of a Longbow he gets a freakin' rocket launcher, and instead of his arm exploding into a giant dagger, he'll have a violent tentacle attack. It actually could work.


                        • yha it would but ehh, i doubt it will happen and i really dont want it to.


                          • Hmm...

                            2X Rocket Launcher (special model)
                            Infinite Ammo Gatling Gun

                            Front-Head Stun Meele:
                            Nemesis lifts the majini and impales them with his tentacle.

                            The rest of his moveset could be the same as Chris' and it would still fit

                            And of course "STARS" for his taunt.


                            • need infinite launcher to be nemesis


                              • yha but do you think that would be to easy? hell being nemesis would be to easy.

                                rocket launchers kill everything and everything around them and for melees all he has to do is pick up a majini and crush his skull or put a tentical through it.
                                and thats a extra 5+ seconds and thats all you would have to do and then everyone would be crushing skulls with him then the highscores would be like 100000000000.

