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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • I don't think a complete story reboot is completely necessary, they've made allot of story progress and I'd hate to see it all go to waste. Though they have a large selection of characters to potentially bring back, most of their objectives were revenge against Umbrella and with Umbrella down for the count (and unless we see the T-virus return) I just can't see a spot for them that doesn't turn them into a Super-Chris-commando.

    SO, I'd love to see a new story arc introduced in Resident Evil 6 complete with new characters to match, maybe with old characters being referenced, receiving cameos or getting Cg Movies surrounding their post-Umbrella actions (*cough*Billy and Rebecca*cough* :]).


    • I seriously think capcom should dwell deeper into the whole "organization" storyline. For the most part wesker gave them all the viruses.

      ....or the umbrella coporation being restarted in secret as a storyline...


      • Wow Jill is winning the poll... not surprised. I would still prefer a new brand character.


        • I'm going to have to say Jill. I'm curious to know if she has any special abilities after what happened to her and what they could mean for game play. If we're lucky, something new entirely.


          • Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
            I really don't think it's fair when people compare 18-year-old Rebecca Chambers to characters such as RE5 Chris or RE4 Leon. The last time, and only time we saw Rebecca was 12 years ago, 1998. She only spent 2 days in the entire series...RE0, and then the following day RE1. It's from those two days that people judge her as being a wimpy uncourageous person. I think there's more to Rebecca than just her medical experience. If she wanted to become a Doctor so bad, then why did she even bother with STARS in the first place? Maybe she had some kind of desire for action, adventure...combat?

            A main character, maybe not, but I don't see any reason why she can't hold a gun to shoot up BOW's. A lot can change in 12 years...
            you forgot to mention shes a rookie cop and the mansion incodent was her first job... i think thats where it all comes from, she hasing been on the job for very long she comes accross all this sh*t and practically crapz herself cause this is the last thing from her mind...

            and leon was also a rookie cop but he just handled it better cause ( i dont mean to be sexist ) hes a guy and probally has more balls than rebeca.

            i think if they bring her back after the mansion incodent she'll be like "ive seen sh*t" and be at least as good as jill in RE3 and UC

            Originally posted by TheBlackMamba View Post
            i agree, i mean Meryl was green in MGS1, but then in MGS4 she's kicking ass everywhere, same thing could happen for Rebecca
            read above poste

            Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
            Hm. I wonder if people would mind if Rebecca turned up in a sort of Hunnigan type role.
            well that would be good. but shes gotta be like stationed near the extration point like a base camp. something happens the camp gets attacked, and rebeca and a few others are the only ones that survive, and rebecca goes along main character looses contact (duh) and somewhere saves main character from getting a part of his body popped off :/ like the girl far away shooting lolz


            yea earlier i was reading, the really need to shed some light of what happened to sherry, and after claire has found out what happened in to her bro via degeneration, she'll probally go looking for shery next she really needs to be looking for her, while they are at it they can throw steve in there. after all if she found him alive it be a totall shocker caue wesker told chriss about steve so claire has no idea he still alive
            Last edited by Itashious_boy; 05-07-2009, 12:46 PM.


            • well i decided that i wont actualy mind which character too much but the 4 i want the most are Billy Coen, Claire, Carlos or jill


              • Me think Chris and Leon should take a break for a while. After 2 straight games of featuring 2 returning male characters, I think its time for a change, so no Barry for me as well.

                I was going to vote Claire, but I figure that Ada should get the spotlight, so I voted her. As for Jill, we already know what happened to her in RE5, so I don't think another appearance from her is needed.

                And Barry/Rebecca should appear in some form too.


                • Hi there everyone .First post around here

                  If Capcom finally arranges a Jill vs Ada confrontation i´ll definatly be happy as hell

                  Go girls. i sincerely think we 've been seeing alot of male vs male confrontations in terms of main characters, exception RE5, with Jill fighting both Sheva an Chris, either way, time for the girls to go at it.
                  Go Capcom.

                  Oh yeah and i voted for Jill.
                  Last edited by Revultraknight; 05-08-2009, 05:45 AM.


                  • Why does everyone keep crying "REBOOT REBOOT OMG OMG REBOOT IS NECESSARY!" ? Capcom could just as easily make another title in survival horror and still continue Resident Evil without a story reboot. Of course the game wouldn't do as well because Resident Evil has sort of become like Final Fantasy, the fans of it will buy it no matter how terrible the product is..just as long as it has Resident Evil or Biohazard stamped on it somewhere.

                    I don't think Chris/Jill or Leon need to star in the next game, but they don't need to introduce some new douchebag nor do they need to restart the story. It would be wasteful to all the fans who devoted time into following the games up to this point.


                    • i would like to see what happened to fong ling and the lead male from dead aime


                      • Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                        I'm going to have to say Jill. I'm curious to know if she has any special abilities after what happened to her and what they could mean for game play. If we're lucky, something new entirely.
                        Yeah i really want to see what the after effects of the Uroboros virus are on Jill, that would be really interesting, i think RE5 finished to early i wanted to see more of her in it.

                        So either Jill or Rebecca i would pick.

                        Originally posted by Darinl1979 View Post
                        Why does everyone keep crying "REBOOT REBOOT OMG OMG REBOOT IS NECESSARY!" ? Capcom could just as easily make another title in survival horror and still continue Resident Evil without a story reboot. Of course the game wouldn't do as well because Resident Evil has sort of become like Final Fantasy, the fans of it will buy it no matter how terrible the product is..just as long as it has Resident Evil or Biohazard stamped on it somewhere.

                        I don't think Chris/Jill or Leon need to star in the next game, but they don't need to introduce some new douchebag nor do they need to restart the story. It would be wasteful to all the fans who devoted time into following the games up to this point.
                        YES! this is why i do not want a reboot, if capcom just reboots it and gets a new storyline and character, all our time playing the previous 22 games or so are wasted. And there is no point to be playing them. A story can always be salvaged and fixed, there is never a need to reboot anything, only if your really lazy and uncreative and can't think up of a new story arc then you reboot something.


                        • Yes, I don't understand either. Plus, if people keep saying 'reboot' all we're going to end up with is another group of special ops people running around in a big house. Same thing all over again. It's fine to keep it as it is for a while longer at least since there are still lots of characters we care about that we don't know what has happened to.


                          • agreed I'd still love to see Rebecca again.


                            • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              Yeah i really want to see what the after effects of the Uroboros virus are on Jill, that would be really interesting, i think RE5 finished to early i wanted to see more of her in it.

                              If you read Jill's file in the RE5 library it states that the trace amounts of tvirus left in her bod acted as an anti-virus to Uroboros, and rejected it.


                              • i just know relised, why does Jill always win everything?

