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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
    Yes, I don't understand either. Plus, if people keep saying 'reboot' all we're going to end up with is another group of special ops people running around in a big house. Same thing all over again. It's fine to keep it as it is for a while longer at least since there are still lots of characters we care about that we don't know what has happened to.
    Exactly. And i really do not want any new characters that will only get like a few lines of dialogue either. If RE gets a complete Reboot im not even going to bother with it, it'll probably just be a FPS anyway. capcom needs to stay with what they have now or just make a whole new series completely.

    Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
    If you read Jill's file in the RE5 library it states that the trace amounts of tvirus left in her bod acted as an anti-virus to Uroboros, and rejected it.
    Yeah i know, i meant as in how will it effect her mental state, how will she cope now after being drugged for years and being under Wesker's control?i mean it must of had some sort of effect on her right?

    And also will her and Chris's relationship be different now, and what is she doing now, is she still fighting Bio-Terrorism in the BSAA, or is she doing other things.

    Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    i just know relised, why does Jill always win everything?
    oh, i don't know, cause she's awesome?

    Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
    You honestly think Capcom will just drop their hands, look at two games that made them a decent amount of profit and say "Yeah....disregard all the events that took place in these two games. It never happened."
    You know if they did do that i doubt more than 10% of the people who played those two games will even know or care.
    Last edited by missvalentine; 05-09-2009, 08:38 AM.


    • wrong, she WAS awesome until RE5 ruined her.


      • I don't think RE5 ruined her but I think the fandom has an unhealthy obsession with her. I don't think we need Jill in another game just yet, if Capcom wanted to pick up on her story and such I think it'd be best to do it in a CG movie. I really don't want a game with her as lead just yet.

        I also think rebooting the series would be a disservice to the fans, if they wanted a new set of characters than I'd rather they start working on CG Movies or even books that wrap up left over plots and such and then introduce a new set of characters in the same universe.


        • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          wrong, she WAS awesome until RE5 ruined her.
          I don't get that. They did nothing to her character at all that could possibly ruin her. Hell they left her character development the same as it was when we last saw her in RE3. So she's always awesome.

          Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
          I don't think RE5 ruined her but I think the fandom has an unhealthy obsession with her. I don't think we need Jill in another game just yet, if Capcom wanted to pick up on her story and such I think it'd be best to do it in a CG movie. I really don't want a game with her as lead just yet.

          I also think rebooting the series would be a disservice to the fans, if they wanted a new set of characters than I'd rather they start working on CG Movies or even books that wrap up left over plots and such and then introduce a new set of characters in the same universe.
          But last time we had her as the protagonist was in 1999 with RE3, i think it's about time we had another Jill game. It has been 10 years afterall.


          • I don't know, I just think that exploring the after-effects and consequences of what happened in Five is just more of a CG Movie idea than a game idea.


            • Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
              I don't know, I just think that exploring the after-effects and consequences of what happened in Five is just more of a CG Movie idea than a game idea.
              Maybe so, but that doesn't have to be the main storyline off Jill's next game, It's just i would like to see how she's like now, how much her character has developed and all. Also it would be awesome to have the return of zombies as well for the next RE game. Im sick of the plagas already.


              • I think we'd need a CG movie to really explore that though, I can't see it being done justice in a game.

                What I do want to see in the next game is the return of the choice for lead character, like in the first and second. Hell, one scenario could have zombies and the other could have las plagas to please both sets of fans. I think it'd be interesting if done right. A survival scenario and an action scenario that both tie into each other.

