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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • #16
    Carlos(and Jill if Co-op again)
    with Rebecca mentioned in files.


    • #17
      Yeah I voted for Ada Wong..she needs her own exclusive game to run around and do ninja stuff and steal viruses. She do that.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
        I think 5 and Degeneration did a fairly decent job of closing them for all the main characters.
        Was that serious?

        Though, I agree with you that there's no need of old characters.


        • #19
          Rebecca just Rebecca...


          • #20
            Originally posted by ValentineKnight View Post
            Rebecca just Rebecca...
            for some reason i dont really want to see Rebecca in another game. i just want to
            know what happend to her after the Mansion incident then i wont bother with her anymore.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jill Lover View Post
              Was that serious?

              Though, I agree with you that there's no need of old characters.
              Yes I was serious. 5 = Chris and Jill finally achieve what they set out to do by killing Wesker and saving the world. Degeneration= Claire plays peace keeper and Leon is working for the goverment. What more closure do you want, two story houses with picket fences for all of them? That's silly and utterly dull. I highly doubt we'll ever see Barry or Rebecca in another game, and truth be told, they weren't main characters by any stretch. Cult classics, good characters maybe, but
              Are you tired, Rebecca?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                Yes I was serious. 5 = Chris and Jill finally achieve what they set out to do by killing Wesker and saving the world. Degeneration= Claire plays peace keeper and Leon is working for the goverment. What more closure do you want, two story houses with picket fences for all of them? That's silly and utterly dull. I highly doubt we'll ever see Barry or Rebecca in another game, and truth be told, they weren't main characters by any stretch. Cult classics, good characters maybe, but
                i agree with this 100%


                • #23
                  I would still like to see Chris make a cameo as some sort of BSAA supervisor or something.


                  • #24
                    Ada should be the maine character, with apearences of weker (in flashbacks), leon (onlly on some videos) and maybe claire (also, onlly references on videos).
                    The story should be about her and the Organization, and in the flashbacks with wesker explaine: why he had the Las plagas sample and what was the corporation S (they can't have just changed the name to Tricell, that wuld be really bad, I mean: in one game the CLEARLLY say Corporation "S", and then its "Tricell"??? WTF??).


                    • #25

                      I've been wanting another full Jill game/story since RE3 (REmake technically don't count, it wasn't new story, just an improved retelling. UC isn't a 'true' RE game, just a spin off)
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by KylieDog View Post

                        I've been wanting another full Jill game/story since RE3 (REmake technically don't count, it wasn't new story, just an improved retelling. UC isn't a 'true' RE game, just a spin off)
                        but the russian scenario is canon. and Jill is the most playable character in all of UC's scenarios.


                        • #27
                          I picked Hunk, just because other than Ada and Sherry he's the only character they haven't really explored. He's mysterious, so they come up with a nice backstory. Although, I'm sure the lead character in RE6 will probably be someone totally new.
                          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                          • #28
                            It's time for the Ada Wong Show, people. Seriously. She's the only major loose end that has yet to be tied up. She's the only one left with any major connections to the 'old' storyline. She's so goddamn shady that she NEEDS a game of her own just to explain what the hell she's been up to all this time. What is 'The Organization'? Was it TriCell? Was it something else? Is she double-crossing them? Just who the hell is she?

                            It doesn't matter who my heart wants to be the lead, because that would mean I would want Chris to be the star again, but I'm not naive wouldn't make much sense. Why? Chris's storyline lasts as long as Wesker's -- those two are forever intertwined.

                            Now, Chris's storyline is pretty much over(unless they continue with the BSAA), Claire's done(she's a babysitter), Leon's zombie-killing days are over(he's a government agent), and Jill...ahahah...Jill. Chris and Jill were after Umbrella. Umbrella's dead. Wesker's dead. I think it's time we put them in the throwaway pile with the rest of the characters who've been swept under the bed.

                            Now, as for the other choices in the poll:

                            Rebecca? Seriously? No. Just no. She's a medic, she's a doctor...she's not an anti-terrorism agent.

                            Barry? Barry didn't survive his third quadrupal-bypass.

                            Sherry? Maybe. Let's see what happens with her in Darkside Chronicles. I don't see her as a lead, though.

                            Sheva? Nope. As much as I like her, she's a throwaway character.

                            HUNK? It'll be interesting to see what he's up to since Umbrella's gone under. Probably a mercenary for a PMC somewhere.

                            New character? Ugh. As much as it makes me sick, RE6 will probably have another useless addition to the stable of characters as have most of the other games in the series.


                            Best-case scenario, I think, would be to see Ada given the spotlight to explain her significance along with 'The Organization,' and add in the obligatory side-character to serve their purpose.


                            • #29
                              I voted for Claire. As much as I love Sherry, I have a hard time picturing Capcom actually using her for a lead character, and since I lead towards the idea of Sherry being a villain, I'd rather someone else be in the lead. I chose Claire because she brings in the possibility of Sherry returning, which is what I want. Also, there's opportunity for Leon to be involved in the game, and while I'm not fond of Leon, he opens possibilities for Ada's return, who is another character I desperately want to see return in a main title.

                              I also think that seeing RE2 characters again--Ada, Sherry, Leon, Claire--in another main title would be an excellent throwback to the old days. And, even though Capcom insists they want "change" in the series, I think it's important to always retain a variety of the originals. Storyline and enemies can change, but I want the characters to stay.


                              • #30
                                I would really like to see a game with Sherry as the lead.
                                Now Ada Wong?.. She's just the sl*t of Leon and Wesker (R.I.P), it has no real character development, and where's her mistery that everyone's talking about?. No offense, but I think she the character with less chances of returning... unless Capcom want to end his series with a character that has nothing to offer... oh wait.. Capcom has already ripped off his saga! So Ada or whoever you want can be hero now!
                                Last edited by Jill Lover; 04-29-2009, 10:08 PM.

