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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
    If we dont get a Seperate Ways game from now until Re6's release then I'm sorry but I wanna see more of Jill Valentine. They gave us all this story about Jill but I really dont think we got enough. I wanna know the full story of Jill before and after Re5. Apart from that I dont really mind so long as it isnt Leon, Sheva or the franchise killing move which would be totally new characters and story. Even if Leon or Sheva did star Re6, I'd still follow it but new characters and story is not for me. If you wanna finish Resident Evil then just do it dont have some crappy spin off which is 100% milking the series. I would have never admited this before Re5 release but Resident Evil is a dieing franchise to me and thier next move is gonna make or break them so think hard bout it Capcom.
    What else would you like to see of Jill? She joined the BSAA with Chris, ran into Wesker in Russia, and followed Chris around the world for years before jumping out a window to save his life. What else is there for her to do? I'll say the same for Chris. His storyline is over, and in turn, Jill's is over as well.

    Resident Evil's only a 'dying' franchise in the eyes of some fans. As long as Resident Evil still sells copies, turns a profit and makes Capcom money, it will still be a franchi$e. That's just the way it is.


    • #62
      Well I wanna know what happened when Wesker had her, they could show her doing missions for him. Like when she infected that guy at the start of Re5. They have an opportunity to do pretty much anything hell they could have Wesker send her to take out Barry and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members like her rival Nemesis. Would be ironic if she became the hunter. I wanna know what happened during Re5 with her she always seemed to be on the move during 5 they could have some missions in there like tracking down Irving before Chris does. Also what happened after Chris saves her. When she radios Chris to tell him about Weskers condition she seemed to be out of breath like she just been running. What was that about? Then after Re5 does she rejoin the B.S.A.A. become a waitress who knows?

      Anyway the title of this post says "Which character would YOU like to lead Re6" sorry if you dont agree but thats MY opinion and im sticking to it. If 5 had more story to it or a better story to it I'd probably be ok with it being over for Jill but I just guess 5 didnt scratch my itch enough. Or who knows what happens before 6 maybe they do another CGI movie starring Chris and Jill which would kick ass then I wouldnt give a rats ass who starred in 6. I just want a little bit more on Jill before she disappears for another decade.


      • #63
        Well instead of making a whole entire game just for that.. Don't ya think it would be better to add it as an content for Resident Evil 5 itself?


        • #64
          Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
          Anyway the title of this post says "Which character would YOU like to lead Re6" sorry if you dont agree but thats MY opinion and im sticking to it. If 5 had more story to it or a better story to it I'd probably be ok with it being over for Jill but I just guess 5 didnt scratch my itch enough. Or who knows what happens before 6 maybe they do another CGI movie starring Chris and Jill which would kick ass then I wouldnt give a rats ass who starred in 6. I just want a little bit more on Jill before she disappears for another decade.
          Relax, guy. You're damn right I disagree with your opinion but you don't have to apologize for it. And let me just say that 5 scratched my itch so hard it became infected, what with Jill becoming nothing more than a plot device and all. She used to be one of my favorite RE characters, but not anymore. I'd prefer it if she were just buried.


          • #65
            Originally posted by RPD_Rookie Cop_ View Post
            Well instead of making a whole entire game just for that.. Don't ya think it would be better to add it as an content for Resident Evil 5 itself?
            Hell yeah I got no objection to that.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
              Hunk: What is it with HUNK?! Why do people insist he have a game? I just don't get it...Capcom has pretty much established him as a mini-game character, and he was only in RE2 to show how Umbrella retrieved the G-Virus. He was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.
              Smartest thing said in this thread.

              Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
              What is it with HUNK?! Why do people insist he have a game?
              srsly gaiz.

              I suppose I wouldn't mind seeing him again, but as a main character? No. I mean... come on.


              • #67
                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                The last thing this series needs is new characters. There's already a full stable of them who have been sitting around doing absolutely nothing for ten years and Capcom would have a hard time making sense trying to justify their return out of the blue.

                I agree with this, we don't need anymore new characters that will leave more loose ends nd will have almost zero character development. lets just focus on the ones we have since we have so many.

                I want Jill and Rebecca to team up if it's Co-op like RE5. and id like to see Claire again soon as well.

                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                What else would you like to see of Jill? She joined the BSAA with Chris, ran into Wesker in Russia, and followed Chris around the world for years before jumping out a window to save his life. What else is there for her to do? I'll say the same for Chris. His storyline is over, and in turn, Jill's is over as well.
                now this i really disagree with, the only way a characters story can ever be over is if there dead, but even then they can come back to life, or a prequel be done about them.

                no RE characters story is over, not Jill's, not Chris's, not Claire's, not Rebecca's not Leon's, hell probably not even Weskers is over.
                Last edited by missvalentine; 04-30-2009, 01:44 AM.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
                  Hunk: What is it with HUNK?! Why do people insist he have a game? I just don't get it...Capcom has pretty much established him as a mini-game character, and he was only in RE2 to show how Umbrella retrieved the G-Virus. He was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.
                  And Barry was only in RE1 to progress the story, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Carlos was only in RE3 to save Jill, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Steve was only in Code: Veronica to swing an axe at Claire's head, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Luis was only in RE4 to get impaled by Saddler's schlong, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.'

                  Catch my drift?

                  Bottom line is, Resident Evil fails when it comes to character development. People latch onto these characters for whatever reason they see fit, whether it be they want to have sex with their pixels(Jill), because they think they're cool, or because they want to have sex with their pixels(Wesker).

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  now this i really disagree with, the only way a characters story can ever be over is if there dead, but even then they can come back to life, or a prequel be done about them.
                  Is this Resident Evil we're talking about, where numerous characters have not been seen in a decade?

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  no RE characters story is over
                  Oh. >_>

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  not Jill's
                  It's so shocking that you feel that way.

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  not Chris's
                  Meh...his only real connection left in the series is Claire, and she's nothing but an activist now. Chris's importance in the series was his connection to chasing down Umbrella and they're both dead. If they bring the BSAA back, sure, it's possible he'll be back as well...but, meh. I think RE5 was a satisfying closure to his story.

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  not Rebecca's
                  Much like Claire, Rebecca's not a fighter. She's a doctor.

                  I honestly don't see where she comes in the picture in a future game.

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  not Leon's

                  Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                  hell probably not even Weskers is over.


                  Anyway, all we have right now is speculation, and what makes the most sense. I'm sure we'd all love to see different characters. Some people would love to see Jill and Barry, some people would love to see Rebecca and Claire, some people would like to see Tofu and a Jill Sandwich -- that's cool. I'm trying to think about what makes the most sense, what is most logical. Shame on me, I guess.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    And Barry was only in RE1 to progress the story, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Carlos was only in RE3 to save Jill, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Steve was only in Code: Veronica to swing an axe at Claire's head, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.' And Luis was only in RE4 to get impaled by Saddler's schlong, 'he was a side character, nothing too substantial to the overall storyline.'

                    Catch my drift?

                    Bottom line is, Resident Evil fails when it comes to character development. People latch onto these characters for whatever reason they see fit, whether it be they want to have sex with their pixels(Jill), because they think they're cool, or because they want to have sex with their pixels(Wesker).

                    Just because they had a smaller less important role doesn't mean there bad characters. I love Barry because of his great acting skills in dire situations. and i like Carlos cause of his accent that supposedly attracts foxy lady's.

                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post

                    Is this Resident Evil we're talking about, where numerous characters have not been seen in a decade?

                    Oh. >_>

                    It's so shocking that you feel that way.

                    Meh...his only real connection left in the series is Claire, and she's nothing but an activist now. Chris's importance in the series was his connection to chasing down Umbrella and they're both dead. If they bring the BSAA back, sure, it's possible he'll be back as well...but, meh. I think RE5 was a satisfying closure to his story.

                    Much like Claire, Rebecca's not a fighter. She's a doctor.

                    I honestly don't see where she comes in the picture in a future game.


                    Anyway, all we have right now is speculation, and what makes the most sense. I'm sure we'd all love to see different characters. Some people would love to see Jill and Barry, some people would love to see Rebecca and Claire, some people would like to see Tofu and a Jill Sandwich -- that's cool. I'm trying to think about what makes the most sense, what is most logical. Shame on me, I guess.
                    i still say none of there story's are over or can ever be over.

                    you know capcom, next they could retcon Rebecca into superwoman and have her fly around in a cape with her underwear on the outside.

                    But Rebecca is a great character and a good character for future RE games that could be like the classics. Rebecca, now a doctor, gets cought up in an outbreak and has to escape with her life. and she hasn't had training in ages so she's not overpowered or anything, it would be just like the classics. see, nothing ever ends.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      Just because they had a smaller less important role doesn't mean there bad characters. I love Barry because of his great acting skills in dire situations. and i like Carlos cause of his accent that supposedly attracts foxy lady's.
                      When did I ever say they were bad characters? Cult characters is more like it.

                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      i still say none of there story's are over or can ever be over.
                      Mmhmm, thanks for the analysis.

                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      you know capcom, next they could retcon Rebecca into superwoman and have her fly around in a cape with her underwear on the outside.
                      Yeah, after what they did to Jill, I wouldn't put anything past them.

                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      But Rebecca is a great character and a good character for future RE games that could be like the classics. Rebecca, now a doctor, gets cought up in an outbreak and has to escape with her life. and she hasn't had training in ages so she's not overpowered or anything, it would be just like the classics.
                      Ehh...that would really feel like they were forcing it.

                      Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                      see, nothing ever ends.
                      Tell me about it.


                      • #71

                        Only can The Leader lead RE6 to Blisstonia. Translation: New character dammit. None of them seem the least bit interesting/important to me anymore. I feel as if any further installment in the series with the same cast will just be more useless revelations.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post

                          Only can The Leader lead RE6 to Blisstonia. Translation: New character dammit. None of them seem the least bit interesting/important to me anymore. I feel as if any further installment in the series with the same cast will just be more useless revelations.
                          This. After the likes of RE5, it feels like we don't need to see any of the original cast anymore. I'd prefer a new character, but since Capcom won't do that, I voted for Claire. She's the best protagonist.

                          Some of those on the list just ain't going to happen, I mean, Rebecca, Ada and Sherry? Nah, as much you'd like it to happen, it just won't.


                          • #73
                            I don't really see Rebecca returning, not even Barry (which would be pretty cool, cause he needs some character development)

                            I wouldn't mind if Jill gets another lead role in another game, she was so cool in RE3.
                            Also I'm sticked to the idea of Sherry Birkin as lead in RE6, the tube girl stuff from RE5 should've been for her, not for Jill. I think Jill story is inconclusive. She needs a game with action-packed...


                            • #74
                              Jill's story is over, along with Chris'.
                              See you in hell.


                              • #75
                                I voted Claire. Since she's not a fighter anymore, I think it'd bring back the survival aspect of the series, since she isn't prepared for an outbreak or whatever so she isn't going to have access to all these weapons.

                                And she got totally side-lined in Degeneration as well so, MOAR CLARE REDFEELD!

