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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • Billy is probably a special agent Dinozo in the show NCIS.

    but in all seriousness, i dont think we will see Rebecca or Billy in a CG movie or a game...ever again.
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 05-01-2009, 03:02 AM.


    • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      Billy is probably a special agent Dinozo in the show NCIS.

      but in all seriousness, i dont think we will see Rebecca or Billy in a CG movie or a game...ever again.
      In my opinion, they are probably dead...


      • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
        Billy is probably a special agent Dinozo in the show NCIS.

        but in all seriousness, i dont think we will see Rebecca or Billy in a CG movie or a game...ever again.
        Agreed. No Barry,Becca, Billy, Nicholai, etc. Maybe...Maybe we might see Sherry in the last scenario for DSC just to close that last big plot hole, but that's about it. Hell, at this point I'm not even sure if we'll ever see Chris, Jill and the others ever again(After DSC of course).
        "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
        Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


        • i personally think nicholai will pop up somewhere in the future


          • i clicked for jill but i would like to see what happened with rebeca. idk she could be in hidding :/

            i would personally like them to have the characters that were in for short periods of times in the older games to return to help fill in the story.

            the return of steve would answer what wesker did with the t-Vironica virus
            return of rebeca is just obviously stated above.

            i would like to see whats gunna happen with jill.
            im hoping that she didnt get super spidy jumping wall climbing powers and it was just a side effect of the chemical that was in her body... but some of the flips she did was ok but its just not jill...
            Last edited by Itashious_boy; 05-01-2009, 10:33 AM.


            • I really don't think it's fair when people compare 18-year-old Rebecca Chambers to characters such as RE5 Chris or RE4 Leon. The last time, and only time we saw Rebecca was 12 years ago, 1998. She only spent 2 days in the entire series...RE0, and then the following day RE1. It's from those two days that people judge her as being a wimpy uncourageous person. I think there's more to Rebecca than just her medical experience. If she wanted to become a Doctor so bad, then why did she even bother with STARS in the first place? Maybe she had some kind of desire for action, adventure...combat?

              A main character, maybe not, but I don't see any reason why she can't hold a gun to shoot up BOW's. A lot can change in 12 years...


              • Jill for RE6 please.


                • Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                  I really don't think it's fair when people compare 18-year-old Rebecca Chambers to characters such as RE5 Chris or RE4 Leon. The last time, and only time we saw Rebecca was 12 years ago, 1998. She only spent 2 days in the entire series...RE0, and then the following day RE1. It's from those two days that people judge her as being a wimpy uncourageous person. I think there's more to Rebecca than just her medical experience. If she wanted to become a Doctor so bad, then why did she even bother with STARS in the first place? Maybe she had some kind of desire for action, adventure...combat?

                  A main character, maybe not, but I don't see any reason why she can't hold a gun to shoot up BOW's. A lot can change in 12 years...

                  I totally agree with you here...


                  • Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                    I really don't think it's fair when people compare 18-year-old Rebecca Chambers to characters such as RE5 Chris or RE4 Leon. The last time, and only time we saw Rebecca was 12 years ago, 1998. She only spent 2 days in the entire series...RE0, and then the following day RE1. It's from those two days that people judge her as being a wimpy uncourageous person. I think there's more to Rebecca than just her medical experience. If she wanted to become a Doctor so bad, then why did she even bother with STARS in the first place? Maybe she had some kind of desire for action, adventure...combat?

                    A main character, maybe not, but I don't see any reason why she can't hold a gun to shoot up BOW's. A lot can change in 12 years...
                    i agree, i mean Meryl was green in MGS1, but then in MGS4 she's kicking ass everywhere, same thing could happen for Rebecca


                    • Originally posted by TheBlackMamba View Post
                      i agree, i mean Meryl was green in MGS1, but then in MGS4 she's kicking ass everywhere, same thing could happen for Rebecca
                      Except Meryl was a soldier, and Rebecca's a biochemist. Turning her into a badass would be ridiculous. I see Rebecca as the labcoat-and-ponytail-wearing type with a pocket protector and dress pants...not as a gun-blazing super soldier.

                      I'll be incredibly disappointed if they give Rebecca the same treatment they gave Chris, Leon and the like -- why? She's not like them. They're grunts, they're soldiers, they're out there on the frontlines, and she's not. She's in a lab somewhere, mixing chemicals, trying to come up with a cure for some disease.


                      • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                        She's in a lab somewhere, mixing chemicals, trying to come up with a cure for some disease.
                        Well that goes back to what I said. If she wanted to be a biochemist, and nothing but that, then why would she join Special Tactics and Rescue Service, instead of just simply going to a med school? She obviously wanted to do something more than just mixing chemicals.


                        • Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
                          Well that goes back to what I said. If she wanted to be a biochemist, and nothing but that, then why would she join Special Tactics and Rescue Service, instead of just simply going to a med school? She obviously wanted to do something more than just mixing chemicals.
                          That's a good point. Why waste a brilliant mind(someone who graduated college at 18)and expert in chemistry and medicine as a medic for a police department's special forces unit when she could be helping contribute in her field of expertise and possibly help discover a cure of some kind? Oh that's right, it's Resident Evil.


                          • Hm. I wonder if people would mind if Rebecca turned up in a sort of Hunnigan type role.


                            • Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                              Hm. I wonder if people would mind if Rebecca turned up in a sort of Hunnigan type role.
                              Perfect. She could be the Hunnigan/Mei Ling/Rosemary of Resident Evil 6, advising the main character(who is infected or has the threat of becoming infected) on what to do to keep themselves going until they finish their mission.


                              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                That's a good point. Why waste a brilliant mind(someone who graduated college at 18)and expert in chemistry and medicine as a medic for a police department's special forces unit when she could be helping contribute in her field of expertise and possibly help discover a cure of some kind? Oh that's right, it's Resident Evil.
                                Last time we saw her it didn't really seem like she was using that big intelligent brain of her's at all.

                                I can see Rebecca in future games. It would make a lot of sense if she did join the B.S.A.A., she'd be a very useful asset to them.

