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Which character would you like to lead RE6?

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  • Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
    Last time we saw her it didn't really seem like she was using that big intelligent brain of her's at all.

    I can see Rebecca in future games. It would make a lot of sense if she did join the B.S.A.A., she'd be a very useful asset to them.
    I like to think of her kind of like Mei Ling in MGS4. Last time we saw her was in MGS1 when she was cute, young, intelligent girl who saved your game and was an expert on the soliton radar system. Nine years later in MGS4, she's the commander of a battleship. I'm not saying Rebecca should be the Surgeon General in RE6, but it would definitely be interesting to see her in a higher position, known only as Dr. Chambers, as an expert on the field of medicine, offering intelligence to the main character.

    Bottom line is, I don't see her as a soldier all.


    • Man alot of people want Jill xD.
      I voted Leon cuz hes awesome
      but personally i think it would be cool to have like
      just chris come back for 6. I think he was just kick ass in 5.


      • Rebecca because...I dunno. I'm indecisive like that ='(

        But really she's a redhead hottie we haven't seen for a while. And what other reason should there be besides sex appeal?


        • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          but the russian scenario is canon. and Jill is the most playable character in all of UC's scenarios.

          I want new 'active' Jill story. UC had what...30 minutes of new Jill story to it in the Caucasus facilty? It wasn't even like it was much story in that 30 minutes, pretty much none.

          Wesker was the guy with new story in UC.

          I've wanted another main series Jill game for 10 years, the 2 minutes in RE5 does not cut it for story. Now with RE5 revealing Jill has these godly anti-bodies though, that has got to be put to some real use.

          Incidently, I've been saying for years her infection in RE3 would have some later impact for story.

          I think she'll be used again at some point anyway, Capcom have used her in so many games, not just Resident Evil ones.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


          • I think another Claire / Leon Reunion with Sherry! I mean, I want to know what happened to Sherry and f'ng Steve! Or a Claire story, Steve and Sherry sum up? Srsly? Maybe StevexSherry action? D:

            Claire Redfield because she could end the plot holes of Sherry and Steve!


            • ehh idk anymore i just dont want to see Chris or Jill in anymore games, it seems like there story is over but with capcoms super magic they will throw them in there somewhere somehow.


              • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                Except Meryl was a soldier, and Rebecca's a biochemist. Turning her into a badass would be ridiculous. I see Rebecca as the labcoat-and-ponytail-wearing type with a pocket protector and dress pants...not as a gun-blazing super soldier.

                I'll be incredibly disappointed if they give Rebecca the same treatment they gave Chris, Leon and the like -- why? She's not like them. They're grunts, they're soldiers, they're out there on the frontlines, and she's not. She's in a lab somewhere, mixing chemicals, trying to come up with a cure for some disease.
                well the incident in 0 and the Mansion could've changed her, maybe she took upon herself to make sure she doesn't find herself as helpless as she was back then, there are people who after going through traumatic incidents go through radical changes


                • ...but what's the point in bringing Rebecca back if she's a completely different character now? Sorta defies the point.


                  • I whould like to able to play as Jill in RE6 it's been 10 years senice she had her own game if not her then Claire then if that failed then it whould be Billy or Rebecca.
                    Last edited by Sephiroth; 05-02-2009, 02:10 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                      ...but what's the point in bringing Rebecca back if she's a completely different character now? Sorta defies the point.
                      Leon in RE2 vs Leon in RE4 & Degeneration
                      Chris in RE1 & Code Veronica vs Chris in RE5
                      Claire in RE2 & Code Veronica vs Claire in Degeneration

                      It's happened before...
                      Last edited by Henry Spencer; 05-02-2009, 04:13 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        ...but what's the point in bringing Rebecca back if she's a completely different character now? Sorta defies the point.

                        hmmm RE5's roid Chris comes to mind compared to scrawny CV Chris


                        • Phsyical differences aren't a huge issue. Alright, Rebecca with tits like watermelons would be...ah, who am I kidding. You know if she returns she'll look like she's equiped for Foxy Boxing.

                          Chris getting roided up was fine. Well...maybe a few less roids would have been nice, but him getting pumped after fighting Wesker makes sense. Underneath the layer upon layer of musclen he's still pretty similar to his RE1 version. Disilushioned, sure, but still pretty much the all Aemrican hero.

                          As for Leon...well, I think we all know my view on RE4 Leon, but in case you don't I think he was a cardboard cutout of a character who was granted super agent Ninja powers to conceal the fact his crappy assed one liners were devoid of human emotion.

                          In essence, I wasn't so fond of RE4 Leon. I think we could do with less characters turned into cardboard cutout heros who appeal because they can perform more flips than the entire Russian Ballet. I'd much prefer to see Rebecca in a supporting role than Rebecca Croft, raider of the Last Plastic Surgeon, but that's a personal preference.


                          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            Phsyical differences aren't a huge issue. Alright, Rebecca with tits like watermelons would be...ah, who am I kidding. You know if she returns she'll look like she's equiped for Foxy Boxing.

                            Chris getting roided up was fine. Well...maybe a few less roids would have been nice, but him getting pumped after fighting Wesker makes sense. Underneath the layer upon layer of musclen he's still pretty similar to his RE1 version. Disilushioned, sure, but still pretty much the all Aemrican hero.

                            As for Leon...well, I think we all know my view on RE4 Leon, but in case you don't I think he was a cardboard cutout of a character who was granted super agent Ninja powers to conceal the fact his crappy assed one liners were devoid of human emotion.

                            In essence, I wasn't so fond of RE4 Leon. I think we could do with less characters turned into cardboard cutout heros who appeal because they can perform more flips than the entire Russian Ballet. I'd much prefer to see Rebecca in a supporting role than Rebecca Croft, raider of the Last Plastic Surgeon, but that's a personal preference.
                            i see your point, but shouldn't characters evolve overtime? I mean if we're getting the same things it gets stale


                            • I completely agree. But we've seen no evidence, at all, that Rebecca would want to become a front line soldier. Even in Zero, her shining moment, she was backed up the whole way by a fully trained soldier. Personally I feel that Rebecca as front line fighter would loose too much of what makes her unique and unusual compared to the other ladies of RE...she's not much of a fighter, even compared to Claire.


                              • I think it's really hard to label Rebecca as a non-fighter from just the few days she spent in the series. I mean, think about it, an 18-year-old is like a high school senior...very young. It was her very first mission, and what happens....she gets attacked by aggressive mutilated dogs, zombies, a giant scorpion, tyrants....she wasn't prepared for any of it, just surviving those 2 days of horror should automatically make her a fighter. RE0 and RE1 were basically one event for Rebecca. There's really no way of knowing whether she has changed or not. Until Capcom gives us some info, it's all just fanfic after RE1 for Rebecca.
                                Last edited by CODE_umb87; 05-03-2009, 03:40 AM.

