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Wesker's Virus and the Umbrella Chronicles Connection

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  • #16
    hmmm, is he the guy in a trailer, fighting another one with a sword? That was a crazy fight, I never found it again...


    • #17
      yup -


      • #18
        Wow, that was a great fight.
        If one day I but a PS3 I'll make sure to give MSG4 a try.


        • #19
          I do believe that the serum did weaken him as for all the reasons stated above, and because sheva was able to pry herself from his hand. I think really the serum didn't really weaken him but he lost his concentration.

          Notice when he was first injected is vision was blurred and his head was hurting. for the most part he was out of focus and his eyes remained glowing red from there on out. (his eyes throughout the rest of the game would only appear when he used his strength, same as umbrella chronicles)

          But in the end, the whole inclusion of having to take the serum does make much better since. Why would umbrella even contiune to do research on T and G virus when Birkin had already created the perfect had a was unstable and had to be managed. Which leads to another question, since wesker injected himself with the virus moments before he died....what would have happened if he didn't die?


          • #20
            Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
            And Xfactor, depending on how you decided to weaken Wesker to inject him, he can survive 2 rockets blowing up in his hands right at his face, so small wonder after that and an injection he'd be a little bit winded.
            That can be explained in that he have gained new power through the infection of the Uroboros virus too. Afterall, he have stopped exhibiting his superhuman ability once he got the Uroboros in his body, but you can attribute that to the reason being that it'll be hard to move around when those worms are swarming around the body as well though. It goes both way here.

            I just rewatched the cutscene where Jill talks about the serum. It seems both Jill and Sheva take it that if Wesker didn't get his dosage, he simply loses his superhuman ability rather than mutating or needing it to survive.
            Last edited by xfactor; 05-07-2009, 09:16 PM.


            • #21
              I thought it would have been cool if Chris somehow got his hands on the mystery Wesker virus and injected himself, than had a matrix battle with Wesker

              Matrix battle> Chris sacrifices himself > Wesker and Chris both die in an explosion > A piece of shrapnel from that exsplosion manages to fly halfway across the world and cut off Leon's head > Win/Closure.
              Last edited by REmaster; 05-08-2009, 02:24 PM.
              "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
              Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


              • #22
                If the serum hadnt weaken wesker he wouldn't have needed to use the uroboros in a first place that was just his last chance.
                I understand by the virus is unstable that he does not always have the powers or sometimes they are weaker or something like that.
                Another question that has been in my mind since I knew of the serum....
                Did excella create it?


                • #23
                  The bigger question is did Wesker have to kill himself in order for the Wesker virus to work? I don't think so and that was just Birkin's way of convincing Wesker to take the virus. On the subject of the serum, it is possible that Wesker had been doing tests on himself all along and noticed the virus mutating and eventually becoming unstable. It is probably the reason he joined with Excella and Tricell because he could us all the facilities and equipment.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
                    The bigger question is did Wesker have to kill himself in order for the Wesker virus to work?
                    I've actually kind of wondered that myself. While you're most likely right that it was just Birkin's way of making sure Wesker used the virus, it'd be pretty funny if it turned out the real reason Albert Wesker was the sole survivor of the Wesker Children Project was that he was the only one who used the virus properly.

                    Though, that begs another question. How did Birkin know that the virus would even revive Wesker to begin with? I guess Spencer probably told him?


                    • #25
                      Nah, Spencer probably didn't know that virus could revive the host.
                      Hadn't Spencer thought that Wesker's dead until Albert showed at his place?


                      • #26
                        yeah he probably didn't know


                        • #27
                          There's a file about the virus in UC where Birkin explains that subjects enter a state of "fake death" then only a few ones revive with superpowers


                          • #28
                            I wonder,
                            Did Birkin possibly have more than one sample of the W-Virus?
                            Is it possible that The W-Virus may of helped in the development of G?



                            • #29
                              I don't think Birkin had any say in what the virus was or its usage. I believe Spencer gave him a sample and simply ordered him to give it to Wesker. I don't even believe Birkin had any knowledge of Project W.
                              "I've got 100 cows."
                              "Well I've got 104 friends."


                              • #30
                                For all we know Birkin developed the Wesker virus for Spencer. Wesker and Birkin were good friends but i don't think Birkin had the same ideas as Wesker ie: leaving Umbrella and selling said viruses. I recently saw the cutscence from 0 where Birkin tells Wesker he needs more time to work on the G virus and Wesker said he was gonna go threw with his plans. It seemed like he would have joined Wesker but wasn't ready to give up what he called his lives work. Bottom line, Birkin needed Spencer and his company to do his work and couldn't take the risk on following Wesker. He was probably playing both sides seeing what would benefit himself.
                                Last edited by Stars1356; 05-12-2009, 02:06 AM.

