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    ok guys, ive noticed that alot of you guys hold capcom responsible for the fate of RE, you point out "while capoms at it..." in the past before RE5 you say "capcom will screw it up" and it goes on and on

    what i found out the other day is that capcome itself has no influence whats gunna happen in the game. the designers skriptwrighters and all the other team people are. capcom is just a sponser that makes money of the games the do sponser

    (bell rings ill edit later)

  • #2
    Well, considering their production studios are part of Capcom, saying stuff like

    "We should blame Capcom for the change in the RE series because the writers at Capcom decided to take a more action-oriented route"

    is a helluvalot easier to type than

    "We should blame Capcom Production Studio # for the change in the RE series because [Writer 1], [Writer 2], [Writer 3]... [Writer N] and [Writer N2] decided to take a more action-oriented route"



    • #3
      all these script writers and designers and such are on capcom's payroll, so yeah it's capcom's fault >_


      • #4
        Don't know about the rest of you guys but i actually like RE games, and capcom has done a good job making them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Itashious_boy View Post
          what i found out the other day is that capcome itself has no influence whats gunna happen in the game. the designers skriptwrighters and all the other team people are. capcom is just a sponser that makes money of the games the do sponser
          You'll be telling us next that Ronald McDonald isn't real


          • #6
            Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
            You'll be telling us next that Ronald McDonald isn't real
            wait he is?

            HOLY SHIT!


            • #7
              Even though i prefer the old games, basically because it kept you on edge of your seat and the controls made you more tense, i can understand why capcom has gone this route.

              Not only to appeal to more gamers of todays time but the general direction of the game itself. RE 0 -CV you were just a survivor thrown into a conspiracy completely unprepared for the situation, and you make it out by luck. RE4-5 You now play as the survivors from the previous games, with more training, they know what to expect, and they are voluntarely throwing themselves into the situations to stop it. So in a way you feel like you had more control then. hope that makes some sense...


              • #8
                AFAIK, the only real Ronald McDonald I've ever seen is on crappy ads. Sorry, but I don't think he is.

                Anyway, what the hell OP? It's CAPCOM'S series, and I think it will go in the direction that Capcom wants it to. They don't hire people to tell them what to do.


                • #9
                  :/ capcom is a game company like purma bound books, they sponser and make them but they dont create whats in them, i agree what Jcff said eailer, but sometimes we point fingers at the wrong people. capcom hires the people to make the game, what they do with it is their fault, now it is capcoms responsibility to hirer the right people and they did a better choice in RE5

                  i mean look at all the other games by capcom. they are really good. (id cant really think of anymroe at the moment i'm like drugged up cause of my recent minor foot surgery) i think that its just that capcom made a poor choice with who they hired for RE4. they didnt put the exploration we were hopping for and i was disapointed too that the producer lied about it. but they made up with a limited inventory slot, less available amo, better enemies ect.

                  what tons of people have already said, there is always room for inprovement
                  Last edited by Itashious_boy; 05-08-2009, 01:36 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Helegad View Post
                    AFAIK, the only real Ronald McDonald I've ever seen is on crappy ads. Sorry, but I don't think he is.
                    Erm...thanks for that. We know.


                    • #11
                      I'm a Capcom slut, but it's not like I believe they can do no wrong... But I also realise that they entire company can't be held responsible for the fate of a single game, and I know most of us know that... It's just easier to make generalisations. ^^; I know, that's terrible...

                      Mind, a lot of people are all 'ra ra ra, Resident Evil SUCKS now, ra ra ra, fuckin' Capcom!' Like they're the only company who has killed a game. In my opinion, it hasn't been killed per say, its just on a different path that many long time fans don't like.

                      Now Konami, however, seems to have decided to destroy Silent Hill quite literally. Another generalisation for you there, but you can at least hold the entire company responsible for seemingly not giving a damn about what happened to it. At least Resident Evil still has something going for it.

                      Pointing the finger at the company itself is probably less harsh, because they just smile and laugh all the way to the bank, but if I were a designer, I'd be pretty upset that I'd tried to put the work in and people hated it. Of course, they could have tougher skins than I do. ^^;


                      • #12
                        Ya gotta remember mikami left after 4 came out, the thing is about the series now its trying too adapt and change, and it has so far imo, although i still prefer been isolated on my own in a damn mansion, hardly any ammo and on the run from zombies and god knows what as i don't think any enemy from 4 or 5 was scary they have done vast improvements, i mean you can't really say and point fingers you have destroyed the series over the years because their are some more companies i can think of that have done the same i have too admit i lost my faith in capcom when 5 was announced but my faith was semi restored and as for darkside chronicles i can't wait too play it.


                        • #13
                 still just trying to figure out what they mean't about six rejuvenating the whole series. I really don't know what other direction they could go in unless they let you create a character and have an RPG type game in the infected raccoon city. (actually....that would be quite interesting to see)


                          • #14
                            i personally dont think capcom did ruin the series, its just the growing market for action games, its natural progress.
                            if a new RE was garbage, it would be capcoms fault, because capcom has full control to change the game, like BH 1.5


                            • #15
                              The problem that I have will capcom is porting the games so many times and lying that some of the games would be exclusive to a console. They also put a number of spinoffs that were just crap.

