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Petition against Resident Evil 4 Afterlife

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Corrin View Post
    Online petitions have never worked. Sony Pictures don't care what the fans think. Do you really think the Resident Evil fans are the ones who pay money to see these films? No. It's the unwashed masses who don't know "Resident Evil" from "Adam".

    It's cute that you care, believe me, we all would love to never see another Resident Evil movie in theaters, but the truth is we can't change their minds.
    I know its a long shot and like I keep saying it wont work but I am talking people out of going to see this film and if every Re fan did the same they wont make a penny off it. Believe me I don't know anyone personally who is going to see this film and if I did they wouldn't want to by the time the film is released. Obviously Sony would release anything for money I know this you don't have to keep telling me I'm not a total idiot, But if we can tell them that they would make alot more money if they did it this way. They are never gonna listen to me now I know it's to late this film will be made but after this film's release and it suck's then they might look at making a film more for Re fans. If no1 is watching Andersons version why not try something else. When the product sucks that bad and there's no profit they will change it.

    Theres nothing I can do about it but hell Im gonna try my best and all I can do is word of mouth and try talk people out of not going to see it. It's not exactly hard I mean have you seen the films? So I'm just doing my part to put it in the backs of peoples minds that going to see this film is just supporting crap and it will keep coming if you keep paying. SO DON'T DO IT!!!
    Last edited by P Anderson DIE; 05-18-2009, 06:23 PM.


    • #17
      Look at those numbers. According to box office, Extinction earned more money than Genesis or Apocalypse, even though it was third movie and everyone interested knew what it would be...

      I'm just saying, I really don't see any reason for such petition. People who didn't like previous movies I'm sure won't watch the next one; people who did like previous movies will see the fourth one. It's simple. There's no need for a petition.

      And believe me, Sony Pictures doesn't give a crap about crying of even hundreds of RE fans when at the same time millions will eventually watch the movie.
      Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 05-18-2009, 06:26 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
        Instead of giving you my 'approval', I'm just gonna not see the movie if and when it comes out. That's me doing my part.
        Good man. This is all I'm trying to get out there is if you like Resident Evil please don't go see the movies. I know this is a dumb place to start because you guys already know this but I gotta start somewhere. Also I kinda wanna know how many of you guys are for this film being made. Because if alot of Re fans from the game are going to see it then there will probably be a 5th and a 6th. So lets stop the madness. Cmon if this film blows we might have some actual real Resident Evil films made. Just shows how bad these films are to me when the best thing about a new one being released is the hope that it fails miserably.

        I Agree Mr Zombie, What I don't understand is how so many people are going to see the films when they are that bad. Is it just Re fans going hoping they might make a decent film. I don't understand how its getting so much support when its that bad. I'm just trying to make sure everyone knows if they can avoid the temptation (because its Resident Evil labeled) and don't support this film then this should hopefully be the last.
        Last edited by P Anderson DIE; 05-18-2009, 06:35 PM.


        • #19
          i support your crazy adventure i hated those fucking movies more than i could ever explain! steve bell is my name and you can put that shit whereever it needs to go!
          Last edited by umbrella corpse; 05-18-2009, 06:48 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by umbrella corpse View Post
            i support your crazy adventure i hated those fucking movies more than i could ever explain! steve bell is my name and you can put that shit whereever it needs to go!
            Lmao That's what I was looking for! Bit of god damn enthusiasm, Steve Bell you sir are a good man.


            • #21
              Advice: if you don't like a movie, don't watch it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
                Advice: if you don't like a movie, don't watch it.
                Exactly now spread that to everyone you know because I know nobody liked it so stop going!


                • #23
                  There's no reason for a petition... a good movie's a good movie. I enjoyed the RE movies about three hundred times more than REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't screw with the game story in any way, like REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't try to be action movies that messed up what happened in the games like one certain action game. Don't be like the psycho creeper who's trying to petition against FFXIII for the 360. D:

                  It's true. This man makes it hard for me to sleep at night.

                  Btw, not trying to spark an argument. It's just my views on RE4.

                  RE5, however, is a different story. Good work, Capcom. You finally began digging yourself out of a hole.
                  Last edited by Canas Renvall; 05-18-2009, 08:07 PM.


                  • #24
                    Lol I'll give it a read in abit. Don't worry I'm only sending a petition not like I'll be stalking Paul Anderson.....Nah I definatley wont do that.....


                    • #25
                      I actually do plan to see the movie.


                      • #26
                        Just so you know, putting someone's name down on the petition when its against their knowledge or approval can get you in trouble. I do not want my name down, and I'd like to see where exactly this online petition is. I agree with what others have said: if don't like the movie, don't watch it. You have NO right to tell or prevent others from seeing it. Obviously if Capcom and Sony thought the RE movies were such bad ideas, they would have stopped allowing them to be made some time ago.

                        You're being immature about someone else's right of creative expression. Yes, many of us here believe the movies were shit (myself included), but I do not see any reason to try and forbid Anderson from making more. No one held a gun to my head and told me to see the movies.
                        Are you tired, Rebecca?


                        • #27
                          I'm not putting anyone's name down who hasn't give me permission to. If you don't agree that's fine each to their own.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                            There's no reason for a petition... a good movie's a good movie. I enjoyed the RE movies about three hundred times more than REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't screw with the game story in any way, like REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't try to be action movies that messed up what happened in the games like one certain action game.
                            You haven't actually seen any of the movies, have you?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                              There's no reason for a petition... a good movie's a good movie. I enjoyed the RE movies about three hundred times more than REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't screw with the game story in any way, like REtarded. Ahem, RE4. They didn't try to be action movies that messed up what happened in the games like one certain action game. Don't be like the psycho creeper who's trying to petition against FFXIII for the 360. D:

                              It's true. This man makes it hard for me to sleep at night.

                              Btw, not trying to spark an argument. It's just my views on RE4.

                              RE5, however, is a different story. Good work, Capcom. You finally began digging yourself out of a hole.
                              The guy in that video is Fragmaster from SomethingAwful. It's a joke. I am so, so, so sad that so many people fell for it.


                              • #30
                                Lmao just watched that video. Damn I need that guy on my side.

