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Petition against Resident Evil 4 Afterlife

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  • #31
    in an honest opinion...i died inside watching the RE movies...i died inside


    • #32
      I've never heard of an online petition that goes against anything...?

      Usually that doesn't work...The would make more money (..and pay more attention) to
      a petition suggesting (in favor) to make something. XD

      IMHO, the first movie...was the only good movie the rest SUCK! I'm not bashing Paul
      Anderson to much for this, maybe he's not cut out to make this type of movies. I was
      proud when he directed Mortal Kombat, but then again MK2 sucked!...But then again
      the movie's budget was about 35 million dollars compared to MK's about 75 million dollars
      budget. :/

      ...So I guess you have my support even though I doubt it would work, but at least is
      just as you said "Better to something, than just sit around and do nothing about it".
      Last edited by Kaneco; 05-18-2009, 10:35 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Archelon View Post
        You haven't actually seen any of the movies, have you?
        I own all three on Blu-Ray. Box sets ftw!

        Sure, Alice is a Mary Sue, but like I've stated before... everyone gets their moment. In the first one, Rain pops the first zombie after it bites her and wills Alice to chop off her head to save everyone else. She feeds the zombies her blood, and she sticks with them to aid them to the bitter end, then asks Alice not to let her turn into a zombie herself.

        Matt puts Rain out of her misery and becomes Nemesis, sacrificing himself to save Alice and the group.

        Kaplan comes back and saves their asses after considering suicide but biting the bullet (ironic, huh?) and toughing it out.

        Jill snaps some necks in the graveyard, then gets some zombie dog action in the cafeteria, and she also takes down some Umbrella cronies. And in the Extinction book, she whoops on some looters like nobody's business.

        LJ... well, he makes us laugh. Too bad he won't be in Afterlife... *sniffle*

        Carlos actually saves Alice more than once (the knife toss comes to mind), and decides to sacrifice himself to get Alice into the facility once he's been infected.

        Claire's pretty damn good with a bolt-action rifle when she's pissed off. <3 Ali Larter.

        K-Mart needed more screen time. That shotgun blast was great.

        Betty sacrifices herself to save the children by allowing herself a Forest Speyer-worthy demise.

        People act like nobody does anything in the movies... Alice gets her butt saved by people more times than people care to notice, too.

        And I'm glad I'm not the only one itching to see the new one.
        Last edited by Canas Renvall; 05-18-2009, 10:51 PM.


        • #34
          Thanks to those who gave permission. If I send in this list with all these names on it. Sony might look at it and think hell we got an audience who will just come see the movie for the hell of it because it's just a fun movie why not give the fans what they want and then double their sales. Its stupid how they haven't already done it they would be making so much more profit this way. I know its a long shot but there's no harm in trying.


          • #35
            Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
            After watching Alien Vs Predator Requiem I thought I'd check around online and see what's the gossip about a new Predator film. Turns out the franchise has a massive following and some guys on youtube have put together a petition to bring in some awesome director to make the 3rd AvP. Forget his name and it's not important. After Anderson did so bad with the first film they booted him off the franchise.
            I liked AVP1 better than AVP2, i hated AVP2. Although the second half of AVp1 was crap as well, i only liked the begginning of the movie.

            I don't think the RE movies are that bad, there just average movies. But ill sign your pettition. Because the 4th in every series tends to always be the worst, so the 4th RE movie is bound to be horrible and ruin everything.

            Also you should send a written letter as well as an online pettition.


            • #36
              Where do I sign up? The movies are horrible, I'm actually glad they don't follow the games because then everyone would be confused which is canon.


              • #37
                Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                You guys arent giving me a yes or no, So I'm just gonna add your names and if you don't like it you will have to let me know because I don't have time to talk everyone into this.
                Should you have my name on there, I'd like you to remove it.
                The fact that you think you can second guess everyone here will win you no friends. Personally, I didn't really enjoy any of the Resident Evil films, and I've let my feelings be known quite publicly (see RPD dispatch episodes 4, 6 and 7). That said, I couldn't think of anything better then seeing a 4th RE film get made, and there's a whole plethora of reasons.

                First, I won't see it in cinemas. I know I'll find it disappointing, and would rather wait until it comes to video, or I can borrow it off a friend to watch. But if people enjoy the films (and they are profitable), then who am I to deny anyone to enjoy these films? Who cares if Paul Anderson makes bad movies? Just don't watch them. No one's forcing you to watch them. If his projects have been profitable in the past, then I can't imagine why Sony would get someone else to do it (especially now that Mila could possibly use him as a bargaining tool).

                Second, they get the Resident Evil name out there. Personally I think this is a good thing, but can I see why some would object. Resident Evil is Capcom's largest franchise (IIRC. Feel free to correct me). And it got that way because of the success of the films, as well as the success of the games. Of course the cost of this popularity is the paradigm shift that has been seen in the films and games - from a horror genre to an action genre. If you don't like this, then I guess you don't like what Resident Evil has become. Personally, I don't like the films and I don't really like the newer games all that much, so you're definately not alone with this perspective. But that doesn't detract from the enjoyment I got and still continue to get from the old games.

                Third. As the francise is bigger then ever, and keeps making lots of money, it ultimately means that Capcom have more money to put back into the franchise. Whether they keep pumping out shit, or if they return to their roots is yet to be seen. But the only way the series will continue is if it's profitable. And if it's profitable because it kowtows to an action oriented crowd, then I think the prospect of a return to horror is better than the series sliding into obscurity forever. And how will Capcom get the message that people no longer want action and want a return to horror? When people stop consuming their action oriented RE products (games and films). That's the only reason they continue making them. Compare the sales of RE5 (the lastest action outing) to RE:OB file 2 (the latest 'classical' outing).


                • #38
                  It'll never work... aside from the numbers and stats (the trilogy thus far is Sony's 2nd biggest movie moneymaker behind the 3 Spiderman films and are Constantin Film's biggest money makers ever), none of the previous petitions against the other films (and in particular the original film the most) never worked.

                  As people have pointed out the best way to not have them make more is don't see it, don't buy it, don't even rent it when it's first available... because thats the sort of thing that will get sequels made.


                  • #39
                    If you'd caught me a few years ago, I'd have thought it was a good idea, but in all honesty, I'm pretty calm about the films now. Sure, I don't like them, but it isn't as if they make the games any less awesome. I just like to smile because they'll never get my money. I just wait until it's on TV and laugh... And laugh... And laugh...

                    But as you say, no harm in trying. XD You may as well put me down for old times sake. And just because if on the really, really, REALLY off chance it actually works, I'd like to be able to tell people I helped bring down Afterlife, just because it sounds cool.


                    • #40
                      Kill me for it, but I did like the movies. I just try not to relate them to Resident Evil.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                        Leave Bronson out of this, he's gunning down angels now.
                        Oh my GOD! THAT WAS AWESOME! You almost made me choke on my gum...


                        • #42
                          i actualy want them to make a fourth. theyve made te first three so they might as well finish. i never actualy bough the third film because i have it on pirate. il probs just borrow the film or watch it on watch-movies-links.


                          • #43
                            Just a heads up, I don't want my name down for anything either. I want no part of this debacle.
                            See you in hell.


                            • #44
                              Ok people aren't listenting to me so im gonna say this in block.

                              NO ONE'S NAME IS ON THE LIST THAT HASNT GIVE ME PERMISSION. OK??????
                              Last edited by P Anderson DIE; 05-19-2009, 09:33 AM.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                                You guys arent giving me a yes or no, So I'm just gonna add your names and if you don't like it you will have to let me know because I don't have time to talk everyone into this.
                                Sounds like you put peoples names on there. |:

