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Wesker Hot Toys

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  • #46
    yeah all three figures come out around August 29.


    • #47
      to be honest i only really want the Chris and Wesker ones but morely the Wesker one
      since im a Wesker fan more than Chris and Sheva


      • #48
        I have to agree with you Nemesis.

        Oh good, fairly far release date... meaning I won't be putting in an order and getting a response like the Merchant - "Not enough cash! DX". Eh... I might get the Chris and Sheva figures, but this Wesker one is the main priority. Must... have it.... NOW. I think I might go insane until they're out on August Twenty-Ninth.
        Non-blurry Signature Version
        Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


        • #49
          Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
          lol dude it looks ama-fucking-zing
          alright it's omg a-fuckin-mazing!!! Looks like a picture of some next gen game or something.

          check out the Joker bank scene figure...I want that one

          hot toys =


          • #50
            Aww, man. This figure is so epic, but I'm really not sure if I'll be able to afford it. I guess I'll try saving my money for it or something, but I also desperately want the Sheva figure, too. ;_; Why do they tease me with such pretty figures?!


            • #51
              Originally posted by Daargoth View Post
              alright it's omg a-fuckin-mazing!!! Looks like a picture of some next gen game or something.

              check out the Joker bank scene figure...I want that one

              hot toys =
              my ama-fucking-zing thing was a joke.
              the wesker figure is still really good looking though, i gotta say it looks a little better than the MGS3 12 inch figures


              • #52
                Wow, would rather a STARS version to be honest, but i'm looking forward to the first collectors that obtain and post pictures on here of him.
                Last edited by nemesis_lover; 05-25-2009, 07:40 PM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by nemesis_lover View Post
                  Wow, would rather a STARS version to be honest.
                  yha same here


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                    The price would totally be justified if he said a bunch of catch phrases when you pressed a button on the back of his neck...things like:

                    "The right to be a God...that right is now mine!"
                    "Your feeble attempts only delay the inevitable!"
                    "You're getting bettah!"
                    "It was in your best interest to assist me!"
                    "COMPLETE, GLOBAL, SATURATION"
                    and "CHHRRRIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS"
                    You'd just be giving them more reasons to jack up the price.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • #55
                      More pics


                      • #56

                        "I don't need anyone else! *bang*"


                        • #57
                          Now he just needs some fangs and fake blood.
                          If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                          • #58
                            Ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuu wow. I love the posablility of these things so much. Loving the new pics with the better images of the eyes and stuff.


                            • #59
                              wow, this is a amazing figure


                              • #60
                                Oh man. Those new pics make me want it even moooore. >.<

                                SO saving up for this. :3

