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Capcom: Western-Developed Resident Evil Game "Absolutely" Possible

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  • #46
    But it was only that - a slight difference. Halfway through the game I found it extremely boring and it actually irritated me after a while because I wanted something different. Only minor slight differences to obviously distinguish it is SUPPOSED to be somewhere else isn't enough to make the levels feel different or a fresh experience for the player. It was the same thing the whole way through and only the last level even attempted to do anything different. It's like if RE5 was 5-10 hours of the beginning village the whole way through and never did anything else. Extremely tedious.


    • #47

      My beef with american games is that all the main protagonists lack serious variety. At least OUTBREAK has over 150 characters to chose frrom with varying ethnicities, gender, facial features and morphologies. If you want to be an overweight hero you can! So like if they did more games like OUTBREAK...
      Last edited by The_15th; 06-01-2009, 06:11 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
        But it was only that - a slight difference. Halfway through the game I found it extremely boring and it actually irritated me after a while because I wanted something different. Only minor slight differences to obviously distinguish it is SUPPOSED to be somewhere else isn't enough to make the levels feel different or a fresh experience for the player. It was the same thing the whole way through and only the last level even attempted to do anything different. It's like if RE5 was 5-10 hours of the beginning village the whole way through and never did anything else. Extremely tedious.
        I found it different, but to each there own. Honestly, if they'd had each section of a working ship asthetically completely different it would have annoyed me. It's an old, old vessel built to do it's job and do it efficently, not look pretty while it does it. It's going to be as samey as possible for maintience reasons, if nothing else.


        • #49
          Yeah. I'd rather have a consistent and believable area design in a game over schizophrenic designs with a serious identity crisis going (which is what you find in a lot of games). Variety doesn't hurt, but it's all about the execution.

          Although I felt the designs in Dead Space might've been a tad bit... brown... there were areas of the ship that looked different. +It's a huge ship, you never really get to visit inspect all corners of her.

          I spent a lot of time checking every corner. Doom 3 was also a delight in many many ways (though, I hated the idea of having 19/20 enemy encounters just spawn themselves in)

          Originally posted by The_15th
          My beef with american games is that all the main protagonists lack serious variety.
          When it comes to stereotypes and lack of protagonist creativity, I'd dare to say that Japan is probably the worst offender on this front.


          • #50
            USA only has 3 types of hero: White Soldier, Ethnic Thug or Short Hair Joe Average.


            • #51
              Japan only has 1 hero, then: spiky-haired teen/pre-teen who may or may not have to defeat an effeminate villain with mother issues


              But seriously, a Western-developed RE title would probably differ very little from the current product. Aside from Sherry's outfit in 2, I can't really think of anything in RE that has a distinct Jap feel to it.
              Last edited by DarkMemories; 06-02-2009, 07:17 PM.
              A man chooses...a slave obeys.


              • #52
                RPGs don't count as videogames, so there's no other videogame company than Capcom in Japan, I think you have a very selective sense of reality. *stirs*


                • #53
                  Just when I was thinking Resident Evil couldn't possibly become worse... Great news indeed!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Neoblast View Post
                    let the japanese teams do it, they are better at making horror stuff.
                    ^ Capcom is not a good show of that. I thought RE already was western developed after 4.

                    Last edited by Canas Renvall; 06-05-2009, 06:19 PM.

