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They held the power of a new RE in their hands, but they lacked the proper vision

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  • They held the power of a new RE in their hands, but they lacked the proper vision

    First I need to say that the title is in some ways wrong: they did have the proper visions, they just didn't use them.
    And second I have to put this clear: I reeealy liked RE5 (the final product), no mater how many complains about it you will hear next. And remember this is me giving MY opinion after coming home late from a rainy night with some friends...

    I'm gona go through most of RE5's general ideas as a game, I'll start with a quick revision of some which did end in the game:
    - African Location: this was a great idea, it really gave the developers ground to build excelent features, but did the result stand up to the actual ideas?
    - Co-op: though it has some major (whats up with having to start a game and THEN leting the other person join??? at least it should say it works like that somewere in the instrucions) problems, we must all admit: playing RE in co-op was a blast, it was fun. But I don't want to talk much about this feature.
    - Lots of Weapons: it does have a lot, but I was expecting more varaiety, maybe I ask to much.
    - An Actual Plot: RE5's plot is much better than RE4's (even a Mario game has better plot than RE4), but that doesn't mean it's REALLY good, it's onlly good as the games plot, but as an adition to the series plot: IT IS EXCELENT. Now ask yourself: what important (this doen't include where some characters ended: if you where in an outbreack that doesn't mean you will dedicate your life to the cause, you would most certainlly avoid any news from it; though I must admit it would have been really awsome to have had a prolog of all the closet-characters, just to know how they're doing) RE series interrogant do you have? the answer would be: Leon-Claire-Ada and Ada-Wesker questions, much of wich would be "future" questions. So I ask: did RE5 acomplish its mission? It most certainlly did, it answerd almost all Chris-Jill-Wesker incognits; and as I have sead: you can confirm this by checking how many topics asking things about Jill-Chris-Weskers part of the story are there, and that would be: none; there aren't important past doupts left.
    - Good Graphics: no need to talk.
    - Linear Designe Under Camuflage: I though it was atually good, of cours it is still linealy-dum, but some places felt as real buildings, with not only one place to go (of cours I'm talking about Kijuju, the other parts were prety linear). I think this not only from personal experience, but from watching two friends play it and seing how they got lost most of the times.
    - The Cover System: I left this one for the last, I have two opinions: it is awfully done, it feels clunchy and just bad, if you are going to put a cover system, let it be more free. But then I think: it is well done, if they had made it for full-time-use you wouldn't use it for most of the game, insted if you see it as the developers must have seen it: Chris and Sheva used it when they really needed to, an arrow doesn't have to be avoided, you can take it out with you bare hands, but a bullet can't (onlly Sawyer can)... I'm just joking... or not?...

    OK, now it's turn for the real stuff, the things that didn't make it in the game (I may say some that actually are in the game, but they are so badly done that I didn't consider them in it):
    * This glorious video is a good reference (this is how the game should have been), watch in HD.
    * See Resident Evil 5 Guide, on page 192-193 (sorry, no link, I don't know if it's legal).
    * One of the first Jun Takeuchi Interviews:
    - Lots of Majini Weapons: (2:09, if you consider the hook a weapon)(2:20, maybe it was taken out because it was already in RE4)(193 last image). The thing is, the Majinis were even going to be able to use chairs as weapons, they could use furniure in the area to try and kill you, that was a real way to make enviroments scarilly interactive.
    - Evading System (1:51)(192 sequence of screenshots) and Crazy Majinis (mostlly 1:49 and 1:57): This would have been F***ING fantastic! it looks so good that when I see what we got for the so called "majinis" (evil spirits) I swear upon the developers. Majinis do act like that in veteran and professional, but not that often, and they don't do some of does awsome moves. And on top of that, there was going to be an evading system that looks great!. I know this would have been really action-peaced, but scary-action like in Dawn of the Dead (2004), since there would be no stop for them, no stop for the infected...
    - Black Hawk Down Feeling (after 1:46): they did put a hole bunch of enemies at once on screen, but I thought it wasn't enough. There were onlly two or three situations in wich the game threw at you many many enemies (Back Alley, Public Assembly and... some other time) and they felt goood. They sead you would feel stalked (like in the Black Hawk Down movie but it felt prety quiet being in Kijuju. I would have liked the Kijuju part to be all pure action-peaced (except the Uroboros part), with hundreds of enemyes coming at you and even chasing you; after all, they did say the first part of the game would be more action oriented and then the game would go into a scaryer way, and that's what i would have liked (in case you were asking yourself, no, i don't whant RE to turne into an action series more than it has already, but if they wanted an action game, beter do it good than bad).
    - LIGHT and DARK: (0:29; 1:26; 2:12)(193 second image)(03:46; 07:20) Here is where RE5 dispointed me the most, the weather-light-efects aren't as good as they promised. They are very good (specially the one before Popokarimus first round), but lets start with: they sead you would feel the heat of the African sun, what do we get: very few pars of the game in wich the sun is up high burning Chris and Sheva, and even then you don't get to feel the heat as you see in the early trailer. insted of the hot sun we got some stupid light efects in a grey-ish way, with clouds, smoke or whatever blocking the sun (ala RE4), making enviroments look not as good as they should. The strong sun could have gone by with the hot-action-peaced begining I was saying earlyer.
    Then there is a super cool and ultra original (I think) feature: the eye pupil contracting when there is a lot of light and when you enter quickly a dark area you aren't able to see for a moment, that creates some really really reeeeeeeeaaaaaally interesting situations; but since the lights weren't that bright, the efect is bearly visible in the final product, throwing away one of the best designe choices RE5 had.

    In conclusion, RE5 was ment to be a powerfull masterpiece, but turned out with little innovating things, more than good graphics and facial expresions. No wounder why so many people call it a RE4-remix. (wich I don't agree at all). Hope you enjoyed the reading, sorry for making very long topics.

    P.S.: this were just rumors brought up by wrong translations but imagine what they could have done for the game:
    - Weapons geting jamed: like if you shoot too fast with your normal pistol it could get jamed and you would be in inminent danger. This rumor was after all true, the gatling guns get overheated that is almost the same as getting jamed... I think.
    - The famous heat factor: it was clearlly a translation error, but it would have made a good feaure for the game in some way.

  • #2
    RE5 had a ton of missed potential. I'd have rather they kept the game's story as inane as RE4's rather than the botched attempt at a story we got instead.


    • #3
      The one thing that I would change is be able to walk while aiming... not shooting, just aiming.


      • #4
        What game doesn't have missed potential, though? Especially when it's been a fan-favorite for so long and long-time fans start to feel entitled to get things they personally hope for. I agree with a lot of these points, but if RE5 was as detached as RE4 was, people would only be angry that they didn't focus on the old, already established characters and their stories.


        • #5
          RE4 never tried to be something more than what it was, but it actually ended up as more, and for its time it was a masterpiece. I personally feel RE5 failed as a Resident Evil game since it was supposed to be a masterpiece, and a great conclusion of the main RE story. That's what it promised it would be. And it was a conclusion, just of a different kind.


          • #6
            IMO re5 felt a bit rushed...RE4 was slow paced at times, running back to the village and back here and there but it felt right going back to the village and killing 1,000 ganados again or simply avoid em all.


            • #7
              RE5 serves its purpose...a resident evil game in high definition that ends the storyline of Chris, Jill, Wesker and seemingly Umbrella. Sure, theres no closure on how the survivors ended up...but the game does finish the conflict of the STARS least the important ones.


              • #8
                Originally posted by padamibr View Post
                The one thing that I would change is be able to walk while aiming... not shooting, just aiming.
                I'm not sure there is a single RE game that I can think of where you CAN move while aiming. I kind of like how they've been smart enough to realise that in real life, it's actually fairly hard to aim and move at the same time if you plan on actually hitting anything.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Darinl1979 View Post
                  RE5 serves its purpose...a resident evil game in high definition that ends the storyline of Chris, Jill, Wesker and seemingly Umbrella. Sure, theres no closure on how the survivors ended up...but the game does finish the conflict of the STARS least the important ones.
                  It's not what you do, but how you do it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WeskerSexyCheez View Post
                    I'm not sure there is a single RE game that I can think of where you CAN move while aiming. I kind of like how they've been smart enough to realise that in real life, it's actually fairly hard to aim and move at the same time if you plan on actually hitting anything.
                    I latched on to this argument until I replayed Silent Hill, where the developers implemented moving and aiming well (and they didn't do this until the very first game was released; shocking, right?). Plus, no "tension" was lost. I honestly never cared about the inability to move and aim, but I think the developers come off as feeble when they try to defend it. It's whatever. While it's true RE5 doesn't lose anything from this inability, it wouldn't hurt for Capcom to try it again (I say again because Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 had moving while aiming).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rakkoon View Post
                      RE4 never tried to be something more than what it was, but it actually ended up as more, and for its time it was a masterpiece. I personally feel RE5 failed as a Resident Evil game since it was supposed to be a masterpiece, and a great conclusion of the main RE story. That's what it promised it would be. And it was a conclusion, just of a different kind.
                      This doesn't make any sense. It's like saying: "60% of the time, it works every time."

                      How did RE5 "promise to be a masterpiece?" Is RE5 held to a higher standard than any other RE game released? I guess so, according to some of these comments.

                      RE4 shifted the entire paradigm from RE's roots, yet it "never tried to be something more than what it was?" What? Never tried to be something more than what it was. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what this statement means, since it is referring to a physical item rather than something malleable. Anyway - RE4 changed the entire concept of how an RE game was played, since it introduced any entirely new gameplay mechanic.

                      Yet it is a masterpiece, whereas RE5, which took the exact same formula from RE4, and added in co-op (to share the "masterpiece" experience with a friend) and a new setting, and a tweak to improve enemy AI. And RE5 is a failure? Get real.

                      RE5 may not have lived up to the expectations of every one of the millions of people that played it - yet how many games that are built up in your minds ever truly match those visions?

                      Yzak sums it up nicely.

                      As for conclusions...the only thing RE5 concluded was Wesker's story, even though in this universe, nothing ever really stays dead. Nowhere did anyone on the production team state that RE5 would conclude every little detail. It was implied that some things would be resolved, and the game did manage to that, all the while attempting to tie together all the convoluted plots of the RE franchise. Something the "masterpiece" (which also caused a rift among "old" and "new" RE fans) never even bothered to try. But then again, it never tried to be something more than what it was. LMFAO.
                      Last edited by Jill's Boob; 06-02-2009, 12:21 PM.


                      • #12
                        RE5 only really was RE4.5 imo because it only added next gen sound effects and graphics and graphical effects and a co-op and asscrap cover system. The only part of RE5 that really wasn't an add on to RE4 was the AI, they built it from the ground up and turned the knob to 11.
                        Last edited by Ghostface; 06-02-2009, 09:18 PM.
                        "Movies don't make psychos, movies make psychos more creative!" Billy Loomis


                        • #13
                          RE4 was simply a side story. The way I see it, it didn't take itself too seriously. The 'cool' dialogue was clearly on purpose, and the story was so far fetched it never made me get my hopes up. Before the game was released, I knew better than to expect a great story. RE4 was not about story, it was just a new RE experience. And it didn't try to be more than that. What turned it into a masterpiece was the way it was done. The great direction and atmosphere, the whole 'feeling' of the game. It was clearly more action packed than previous games, true, and it was over the top at times, but never as ridiculous as RE5 in that department. It was not that linear either. I feel the way the action was directed was far superior to RE5. It still retained that creepy RE feeling that RE5 totally lacks. Both games are a joke when it comes to puzzles, which is a big minus to me.

                          The idea of bringing RE to Africa, where it all started, was brilliant. The idea of concluding the main RE story in Africa was brilliant. But in the end, the African environment almost made me feel like I was in a Tomb Raider game. Again, it didn't have the creepy feeling I always get no matter which RE I play. RE5 is the only RE game that didn't give me a single chill up my spine. The co-op was part of the reason too. I can honestly say I didn't enjoy it a single bit.

                          A new highly-anticipated RE game in HD marketed as much as RE5 was, with Hollywood music and Hollywood-directed cutscenes, which promises to conclude the whole main story of Resident Evil resolving the 10 year old Wesker/Chris conflict and explaining about Spencer and all the different viruses sounds like pure masterpiece material to me. Only the way all this was done was way too shallow and far from what a masterpiece would look like. This game didn't need to be over the top the way RE4 was. And RE5 was actually more over the top than RE4. I don't see how anyone older than 13 would find that appealing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Rakkoon View Post
                            A new highly-anticipated RE game in HD marketed as much as RE5 was, with Hollywood music and Hollywood-directed cutscenes, which promises to conclude the whole main story of Resident Evil resolving the 10 year old Wesker/Chris conflict and explaining about Spencer and all the different viruses sounds like pure masterpiece material to me. Only the way all this was done was way too shallow and far from what a masterpiece would look like. This game didn't need to be over the top the way RE4 was. And RE5 was actually more over the top than RE4. I don't see how anyone older than 13 would find that appealing.
                            You are right in everything you sead (except maybe some things I don't think alike).


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rakkoon View Post
                              RE4 was simply a side story. The way I see it, it didn't take itself too seriously. The 'cool' dialogue was clearly on purpose, and the story was so far fetched it never made me get my hopes up.
                              "RE4 was simply a side story." This sentence is objective. Yet your next sentence is subjective: "The way I see it, it didn't take itself too seriously." Then, objective all over again: "The 'cool' dialogue was clearly on purpose, and the story was so far fetched it never made me get my hopes up."

                              So, let me get this straight. RE4 didn't take itself seriously, and its story was so farfetched to never get your hopes up. But you didn't know the story until after you played it. Which contradicts your next sentiment:

                              Before the game was released, I knew better than to expect a great story.
                              What is this based on? Why did you not expect a great story, despite only knowing as much about RE4 pre-release, as you knew about RE5 pre-release?

                              So you are blaming RE5 on not meeting your personal expectations, while giving RE4 a free pass on not meeting your expectations since you didn't (supposedly) have any for it? Brilliant reasoning, Watson! How fair and noble of you!

                              What turned it into a masterpiece was the way it was done. The great direction and atmosphere, the whole 'feeling' of the game.
                              You claiming it to be a masterpiece...due to the factors you this objective, or subjective?

                              It was clearly more action packed than previous games, true, and it was over the top at times, but never as ridiculous as RE5 in that department.
                              I'm confused. RE5 was basically RE4 with a different story, different setting, and co-op. So, it is basically RE4.5. Yet you're saying RE5 was more ridiculous since it was more "over the top."

                              Describe where RE5 was more "over the top." Because I didn't see Chris and Wesker having a sword duel with hunting knives, or Chris and Sheva pulling off Cirque de Soliel agility to dodge lasers in a corridor, nor did I see Chris & Sheva outrunning a giant animated stone statue of a Napoleonic Spaniard dwarf.

                              It was not that linear either.
                              Yes, it was. It started at Point A, and ended at Point B. The only difference is that in RE4 you could go backwards through levels you had completed, without any benefit or detriment. Otherwise it was just as linear as 5.

                              I feel the way the action was directed was far superior to RE5.

                              But in the end, the African environment almost made me feel like I was in a Tomb Raider game. Again, it didn't have the creepy feeling I always get no matter which RE I play. RE5 is the only RE game that didn't give me a single chill up my spine. The co-op was part of the reason too. I can honestly say I didn't enjoy it a single bit.

                              A new highly-anticipated RE game in HD marketed as much as RE5 was, with Hollywood music and Hollywood-directed cutscenes, which promises to conclude the whole main story of Resident Evil resolving the 10 year old Wesker/Chris conflict and explaining about Spencer and all the different viruses sounds like pure masterpiece material to me. Only the way all this was done was way too shallow and far from what a masterpiece would look like. This game didn't need to be over the top the way RE4 was. And RE5 was actually more over the top than RE4. I don't see how anyone older than 13 would find that appealing.
                              Where exactly did RE5 "promise to conclude the whole main story of Resident Evil resolving the 10 year old Wesker/Chris conflict and explaining about Spencer and all the different viruses?" You state this as if it is objective, yet it really never was promised to completely answer every question YOU ever had about the franchise. Do you not see how you're unfairly (not to mention illogically) judging a game just because it didn't meet YOUR expectations? You are trying to state that somewhere the producers factually stated that they were gonna satisfy the questions that Rakoon has about the franchise. That RE5's #1 goal was to satisfy YOU.

                              Your sentiment is way off base, and you've done nothing other than turn this into an RE4 vs RE5 debate, though at the same time you are trying to declare that RE5 is NOT a masterpiece because YOU think it as such.

                              All in all, this thread is about the missed potential of a video game, of which you are not really addressing; you are mostly just stating your opinions as fact, all the while trying to emphasize that the game promised things which it never actually did.

                              I understand if you are displeased with the way it turned out, but that doesn't allow you to completely make up shit about it based on your subjectivism. Subjective matters are NOT certain.

