Hi there, I need help finding ALL Wesker's videos (from all RE games in wich he apeared) for download. I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much, the thing is, I'm working on a video wich will go through his "entire life", it will have music in some scenes, but I want to make like my own Weskers Report, so no, it woun't be a full AMV (or however you call it). Also, it woun't be linear, I want to make people feel why he did the things he did in RE5, so it will start in some point in RE5 and from there, explore his past, leading up to his mental and fisical explosion. The project will have to wait until RE: DSC comes out so I can include Weskers HD fight scenes (I KNOW they aren't going to be HD literally, since the Wii doesn't handle HD) and I hope some "new" material too ; it will also have to wait because I'm in the test period, so studing come first. Thanks form advance!