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wesker isnt dead...

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  • wesker isnt dead...

    ok ive been playing over and over the cutscene where wesker "dies" ... i really dont think this is the last of him we have seen. capcom first of has killed him once and brought him back. they killed jill shes not dead. im pretty sure he isnt dead this time...

    look who the hell survives in lava without it eating you in five seconds?!?!? only wesker, ok and second off even if those rockets had hit him directly i dont think it killed him... he was able to catch them for crying out loud and even after that they explode in his face thanks to us. it still doesn't blow him up to peices... but anyway...

    i really dont think wesker is dead guys. the rockets miss him and go right over his shoulders. and the lava didnt even hurt him when he fell in...

    has anyone else thought about it too?

  • #2
    Just let it go dude, the series needs to move on. Its already a joke that Wesker gets away in every game, so whats the point of having him around if hes un-killable? Everything that tied him to the series is gone/dead now, so theres no point in keeping him around.

    Cutscene weapons > Gameplay weapons. Concessions have to be made to make a fun game, but you'll usually find they become a lot more deadly in cutscenes in games. Its just a general rule of thumb.
    Last edited by Dot50Cal; 06-25-2009, 06:20 PM.


    • #3
      well i thought it might have been something to talk about :/ i honestly dont think wesker is dead...


      • #4
        I really doubt Capcom would revive him once again, not after "the final Chris vs Wesker confrontation" that RE5 was supposed to be. Reviving him once was stupid, but it somehow worked and made him an interesting villain; reviving him twice, however, would add nothing to the series and would be just lame.


        • #5
          The only way Wesker will be back is in DSC and anything that has to take place before the volcano, im surprised Capcom is not trying to make a Wesker video game that covers him from the beginning to end and I mean action style not UC style.


          • #6
            Such a game would probably have a stupid mechanic to make him less powerful and ultimately be rather boring because of it. I just hope that once Darkside is done, they move on entirely from any previous stuff in the past games. Chris and his entire story arc have come to a conclusion and I can't help but feel lingering on it any longer is just unnecessary.


            • #7
              I would love to see what happens with Tri-cell and BSAA now with all this up in the air if BSAA is corrupt and all that, I wouldnt even mind if it was new characters leading the investigation into it or of course bring Leon to Help Chris by giving him some info the goverment dug up on Tri-Cell or info he dug up.
              but thats just me.


              • #8
                Wesker is dead. As Dot said: Get over it.

                Don't ask questions like "who the hell survives in lava without it eating you in five seconds" but rather "How can two normal humans survive a jet crashing into a volcano and despite the fact that they are mere centimeters away from lava don't suffer any burns?"

                Answer: Video game magic. Again: Get over it. If they bring Wesker back, it will be stupid. And that is from the opinion of a hardcore Wesker fangirl.
                Last edited by Bertha; 06-25-2009, 06:39 PM.
                Are you tired, Rebecca?


                • #9
                  Weskers dead

                  sorry but the cutscene you have saw is completed as dialed please check the cutscene and try again


                  • #10
                    "BOOM! Head shot!"-Chris Redfield .


                    • #11
                      Wesker is dead, don't know why people can't understand this. It's like people that think pro wrestling is real. Anyway I just hope the series starts a new in 6. They can use familar characters but start all over again. I think 4 should have come after 5 and would have been a way to start the series over.


                      • #12
                        Right now Resident Evil is at a crossroads they can either reboot the series with new characters and story or carry on the series with the same story and characters. Think I'd rather the later not really interested in a reboot. In my opinion I think they should switch to Rebbeca, Barry, Carlos, Billy or Ada and catch us up with what's been going on with them. Then after they have explored all that go back to Chris, Jill, Leon and possibly a return of Wesker. I think if they based Res 6 and 7 on Billy, Carlos, Etc, then by the time Res8 is due I'd be more than happy to get back into Chris and Jill's story.

                        Will have to see about the reboot but the way the series has changed now with gameplay, storyline, characters, switching from horror to action. I don't think a reboot would have that same quality Res1 had and to get me hooked on a new storyline I'm not willing to settle for less than a classic. They may even go Devil May Cry and have Alice as the protagonist in a slice and dice action shoot em up!! I would cry and die inside.


                        • #13
                          Hey Albert. Are you dead, bro?

                          Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                          And that is from the opinion of a hardcore Wesker fangirl.


                          • #14
                            I didn't have an issue with him coming back in Code Veronica because it was obvious Wesker had a greater plan he wasn't gonna go down so easy, I mean would wanna be in the same room as a tyrant let alone release it from it's chamber but after re5, I think his story is done he was the only surviving Wesker and now he's dead they need to carry on the story of the past characters Barry, Hunk, Carlos and Nicolai the others have already had there limelight you can go back to Jill, Chris, Claire and Leon in a later game.
                            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                            • #15
                              shesh people, capcom can bring him back if they want think about james Marcus he came back with the help leeches the he tested on so yea capcom can THINK of a way to bring him back so deal with it . MONEY!
                              Last edited by adamthegrave; 06-26-2009, 02:27 AM.

