and if they do im Freddy Mercury...
No announcement yet.
wesker isnt dead...
Awww, my evidence got ignored. I weep.
They could, and have done it before, but I doubt they would and it would be a bad, bad idea. Wesker was powered by his virus (which was weakned) and the Uroborus. Both of these are badly weak to heat. See: Wesker running from Alexia, Wesker running when burned at the end of CV:X, various Uroborus monsters being fought with incinerators.
Wesker was waste deep in lava, and assuming he didn't eat those two rockets in such a way his head exploaded (the effect Capcom seem to have been trying for) then the impact coated him in molten rock.
Plus, as I mentioned, it will make Wesker look like an idiot if he lives. If he did then he'd have launched Uroborus within hours of his death, before he could be stopped. So instead he randomly waits for however many years before starting his plans again.
It would be bad for Capcom, bad for Resident Evil and bad for Wesker if they brought him back.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostDid...we just...agree on something?
Holy jumping jizz rag, I can go to sleep now. The sun's coming up.
Originally posted by adamthegrave View Postlike i said capcom can bring him back
Capcom cares about the money.
poor wesker =( i mean how frigged up was the ending? in all 5 wesker was as i keep saying a neo wannabe dodging bullets etc and then he went all uroborus on our asses and got blown too bits by rockets if i could change one thing about 5 it would be the ending i would have rather had chris and the other members of stars that survived and wesker in a battle too the death too avenge the ones that died too finally put an end too that nightmare poor stars =(
if i could change the ending id make it where everyone died
when wesker pulls the choppa down into the lava i'd make that the canon ending.Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 06-26-2009, 05:15 AM.
I've said ity once and I'll say it again if Capcom ever do a chep way of brining Wesker back by saying the Wesker we kill in RE5 was a clone or some one clone him after died then im going to be well pisst off the fact is Wesker is dead he aint comming back the series caint focus on him.
If i could change RE5, i would make it something like this.
Wesker shoots out his tentacles and one grabs Jill, She struggles and try's to cut it and Chris shoots at it frantically, But Wesker overpowers them both and in slow motion Jill get pulled out of the chopper into the lava as Chris screams "JIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" And we see tears forming in his eyes then Sheva pulls him back so that he doesn't fall out. Chris in his rage yells out "Wesker! Ill Kill You!" Then jumps in the cockpit and pushes Josh and Sheva out nearby onto a landing, then fly's his helicopter into Wesker killing them both once and for all.
It all goes black, We hear the sound of a plane, inside a cockpit, we hear Claire's voice. Oddly she sounds happy about something. We wonder what, does she hate Chris? Then a slit of light appears amidst the darkness, Where seeing through someones eyes! Chris's? Did he survive the Crash? He opens his eyes, and we See Claire in a cockpit in front of him. The audience is wondering what is going on.
Claire: "Chris, come on wakeup, this sunset is beautiful"
Chris: "What? Where am I"
Claire: "Chris don't be silly, you know where we are.... oh, i wish Steve where here to see this.. *sighs*"
Audience comes to sudden realizationThe camera exits Chris's body and pans around the cockpit, it's the same plane Claire and Chris escaped in at the end of CVX. Chris wipes some sweat from his brow and says relieved "Sorry, I just had a bad dream that's all, nothing to worry about, lets go meet up with Jill and Leon, we need to tell then about all this, we need to put a stop to all of this" Claire says "We should tell them, but i don't think joining some Anti Bio hazard group is going to do much, we should just be normal civvies and see what happens". Chris "Yeah I'm fine with that".
Originally posted by missvalentine View PostIf i could change RE5, i would make it something like this.
Wesker shoots out his tentacles and one grabs Jill, She struggles and try's to cut it and Chris shoots at it frantically, But Wesker overpowers them both and in slow motion Jill get pulled out of the chopper into the lava as Chris screams "JIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" And we see tears forming in his eyes then Sheva pulls him back so that he doesn't fall out. Chris in his rage yells out "Wesker! Ill Kill You!" Then jumps in the cockpit and pushes Josh and Sheva out nearby onto a landing, then fly's his helicopter into Wesker killing them both once and for all.
It all goes black, We hear the sound of a plane, inside a cockpit, we hear Claire's voice. Oddly she sounds happy about something. We wonder what, does she hate Chris? Then a slit of light appears amidst the darkness, Where seeing through someones eyes! Chris's? Did he survive the Crash? He opens his eyes, and we See Claire in a cockpit in front of him. The audience is wondering what is going on.
Claire: "Chris, come on wakeup, this sunset is beautiful"
Chris: "What? Where am I"
Claire: "Chris don't be silly, you know where we are.... oh, i wish Steve where here to see this.. *sighs*"
Audience comes to sudden realizationThe camera exits Chris's body and pans around the cockpit, it's the same plane Claire and Chris escaped in at the end of CVX. Chris wipes some sweat from his brow and says relieved "Sorry, I just had a bad dream that's all, nothing to worry about, lets go meet up with Jill and Leon, we need to tell then about all this, we need to put a stop to all of this" Claire says "We should tell them, but i don't think joining some Anti Bio hazard group is going to do much, we should just be normal civvies and see what happens". Chris "Yeah I'm fine with that".
THE ENDLast edited by DXP; 06-26-2009, 05:40 AM.
I can't believe the amount of trolling in this thread.
Think of it this way. If Wesker DIDN'T die Spoiler:
, then how spectacular must Capcom make it when he finally is killed? Literally, the only thing they could do to top the spectacle that was the end of RE5 (fighting in a volcano) would be to have Chris FALCON PUNCHâ„¢ Wesker into the sun.(but he did anyways, some people just have a hard time taking it.)sigpic