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wesker isnt dead...

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  • #76
    Nah, he's dead.
    If they ever use him again then its just milking it.
    Weskers my fav character but i want him to stay dead and make room for an even better enemy.


    • #77
      i really dont care for wesker , all im saying is capcom can bring him back if they want and bunch of people here acting all crazy of nothing its like (YOUR WRONG!
      THEY WOULDNT DO THAT!!!, or like YOU FAIL TELL WHAT HAD HAPPEN TO HIM YOU NEED TO PLAY THE GAMES AGAIN!!, WESKER DIDNT GO TO HOT TOPIC FOR HIS JACKET!! or TRYRANT (RE2) its not the SAME but with extra CLAW!!!GRRAAAA ) just calm down. Btw its like this Onimusha 3 on the back COVER is said the FINAL Chapter right then why was the 4th game made?? oh thats right they wanted more money !

      btw the ending of re5 Should had Chuck norris in it.


      • #78
        Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
        and if they do im Freddy Mercury...
        haha lol


        • #79
          Because repeating myself is fun...

          This trategy in the Arklay Mountains became known as the Mansion Incident,
          and ended with Chris and Jill destroying the creature known as Tyrant, the
          death of Wesker and the destructon of the laboratory.
          From the RE5 file about Chris Redfield.

          Edit: Additionally, you'd need a way for Wesker's return to make sense. Remember, both his virus and the Uroborus are nonfactors because both are destroyed by fire. It is possible Capcom could bring him back. No denies it could happen because Capcom, they love there cash, but with his head blown off and his body a smoking crisp it's damned hard.

          And of course, it would be stupid. But I explained that earlier.
          Last edited by Darkmoon; 06-26-2009, 11:15 AM. Reason: Because I can...and not double post!


          • #80
            Does it even pay to have a Resident Evil 6, since 5 seemed to wrap everything up? They should just start a whole new Resident Evil series.
            Last edited by RetroRain; 06-26-2009, 11:45 AM.
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            • #81
              It'll depends on Darkside Chronicles, and whether we get closure on that half of the game. But let's face long as we keep buying they'll keep making them.


              • #82
                Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                If i could change RE5, i would make it something like this.

                Wesker shoots out his tentacles and one grabs Jill, She struggles and try's to cut it and Chris shoots at it frantically, But Wesker overpowers them both and in slow motion Jill get pulled out of the chopper into the lava as Chris screams "JIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" And we see tears forming in his eyes then Sheva pulls him back so that he doesn't fall out. Chris in his rage yells out "Wesker! Ill Kill You!" Then jumps in the cockpit and pushes Josh and Sheva out nearby onto a landing, then fly's his helicopter into Wesker killing them both once and for all.

                It all goes black, We hear the sound of a plane, inside a cockpit, we hear Claire's voice. Oddly she sounds happy about something. We wonder what, does she hate Chris? Then a slit of light appears amidst the darkness, Where seeing through someones eyes! Chris's? Did he survive the Crash? He opens his eyes, and we See Claire in a cockpit in front of him. The audience is wondering what is going on.

                Claire: "Chris, come on wakeup, this sunset is beautiful"

                Chris: "What? Where am I"

                Claire: "Chris don't be silly, you know where we are.... oh, i wish Steve where here to see this.. *sighs*"

                Audience comes to sudden realization The camera exits Chris's body and pans around the cockpit, it's the same plane Claire and Chris escaped in at the end of CVX. Chris wipes some sweat from his brow and says relieved "Sorry, I just had a bad dream that's all, nothing to worry about, lets go meet up with Jill and Leon, we need to tell then about all this, we need to put a stop to all of this" Claire says "We should tell them, but i don't think joining some Anti Bio hazard group is going to do much, we should just be normal civvies and see what happens". Chris "Yeah I'm fine with that".

                THE END
                I really hope you were joking. RE5's ending was terrible, but yours is worse. A lot worse. Like, lightyears worse. If RE5 had your ending, I would've ejected the disc from my PS3, took a hot, steamy piss on the blu-ray and then cracked it in half. I then would have used the sharp, broken blu-ray to slit my wrists and bleed out ALL OVER MY FACE AND DROWN IN MY OWN BLOOD.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                  Does it even pay to have a Resident Evil 6, since 5 seemed to wrap everything up? They should just start a whole new Resident Evil series.
                  Thats what they will do, but it will still be the 6th resi evil game.
                  If it doesnt have a number or a subtitle, then its going to be confused with the orginal resident evil.


                  • #84
                    did you guys forget Ada's story?


                    • #85
                      Ada schmada. She may have had the control plaga but somehow Wesker was able to get it and possibly even duplicate it. I don't care what organization she works for or what her alignment is. As far as I'm concerned, it's either benevolent (evidenced by her admiration for Sera and betrayal of Wesker), or it's shady, but only in the sense that they're tampering with viruses/las plagas to bring about a good result (thus the secrecy).


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                        did you guys forget Ada's story?
                        sadly theres alot of people who here who dont think the scenarios that capcom can take. only Fan points


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          I really hope you were joking. RE5's ending was terrible, but yours is worse. A lot worse. Like, lightyears worse. If RE5 had your ending, I would've ejected the disc from my PS3, took a hot, steamy piss on the blu-ray and then cracked it in half. I then would have used the sharp, broken blu-ray to slit my wrists and bleed out ALL OVER MY FACE AND DROWN IN MY OWN BLOOD.
                          I was half joking, and half serious.

                          Of coarse my ending for RE5 was worse than the ending we got, but in the long run, it is much much better.

                          Why? because it sets up perfectly for more classic style RE games with zombies and a focus on horror not story.

                          With the ending we got in RE5, where the hell is the series gonna go now? it could go anywhere, and i don;t want new character or a new story, there are other games i want to buy, and RE is starting to really piss me off now. And i don't have a million dollars so i can't get the all, so i gotta pick carefully. And i cannot be bothered with an RE reboot so If it happens, i won't get it.

                          With my ending to RE5, it makes RE5 a whole lo worse sure, but it actually fixes up everything that was wrong with RE, and makes future RE games something to look forward to again.

                          Because, RE4, and RE5 would be non canon, just dreams. Plagas is no existent, only Virus's, thus the series would go back to Zombies and BOW's, if my ending was canon that means i would also be the director, so the series would be going back to it's roots of horror and atmosphere and survival. it would have camera angles again, and perhaps some games in the style of RE 3.5 too. (I would release RE 1.5 as well lol). Chris, and Jill would never join BSAA, because Claire just said they should go back to there normal lives. Jill would never be taken by Wesker. Leon would never become a government agent. Wesker would have no plagas, Uroboros would never happen. Wesker would never become boring, he would stay in the shadows, the Wesker children would be no more that a bad nightmare Chris had. Spencer would be all powerful, and not a frail old man. Umbrella would never be taken down so easily, This is Umbrella, they could just release a virus on the government if they tried to close Umbrella, Spencer would be obsessed with his creations and Umbrella, not his stupid plans to be a God with Wesker. Eventually another accident would have happened. Jill, Chris, Leon, Claire and Rebecca would be stuck in the middle of it, with time i could think up of a spectacular story for it all (I'm not going to right now), and it would all make perfect sense. And for once, the characters will get some proper development, as i will be putting a lot more cutscenes in the games, and be making them longer cause i think RE is a little to short.

                          Basically it would fix everything, it's a good choice in the long run, for a classic fan anyway. So sacrifice a little (RE5) to gain much more (classics).


                          • #88
                            Mr.X mutated when he went into molten hot metal... and survived that, well not a rocket launcher blast lol.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                              I was half joking, and half serious.

                              Of coarse my ending for RE5 was worse than the ending we got, but in the long run, it is much much better.

                              Why? because it sets up perfectly for more classic style RE games with zombies and a focus on horror not story.

                              With the ending we got in RE5, where the hell is the series gonna go now? it could go anywhere, and i don;t want new character or a new story, there are other games i want to buy, and RE is starting to really piss me off now. And i don't have a million dollars so i can't get the all, so i gotta pick carefully. And i cannot be bothered with an RE reboot so If it happens, i won't get it.

                              With my ending to RE5, it makes RE5 a whole lo worse sure, but it actually fixes up everything that was wrong with RE, and makes future RE games something to look forward to again.

                              Because, RE4, and RE5 would be non canon, just dreams. Plagas is no existent, only Virus's, thus the series would go back to Zombies and BOW's, if my ending was canon that means i would also be the director, so the series would be going back to it's roots of horror and atmosphere and survival. it would have camera angles again, and perhaps some games in the style of RE 3.5 too. (I would release RE 1.5 as well lol). Chris, and Jill would never join BSAA, because Claire just said they should go back to there normal lives. Jill would never be taken by Wesker. Leon would never become a government agent. Wesker would have no plagas, Uroboros would never happen. Wesker would never become boring, he would stay in the shadows, the Wesker children would be no more that a bad nightmare Chris had. Spencer would be all powerful, and not a frail old man. Umbrella would never be taken down so easily, This is Umbrella, they could just release a virus on the government if they tried to close Umbrella, Spencer would be obsessed with his creations and Umbrella, not his stupid plans to be a God with Wesker. Eventually another accident would have happened. Jill, Chris, Leon, Claire and Rebecca would be stuck in the middle of it, with time i could think up of a spectacular story for it all (I'm not going to right now), and it would all make perfect sense. And for once, the characters will get some proper development, as i will be putting a lot more cutscenes in the games, and be making them longer cause i think RE is a little to short.

                              Basically it would fix everything, it's a good choice in the long run, for a classic fan anyway. So sacrifice a little (RE5) to gain much more (classics).
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                              • #90
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                Haha, thanks, yeah i might, Cause i was thinking about writing a whole fan fic soon with a friend.

