they could also retcon it to where he lost his powers and everything, but survived somehow. It would make it RE again
No announcement yet.
wesker isnt dead...
Possibly, but they'll need to do a well thought out and cunningly written job to keep my interest these days. And I have about as much faith that Capcom can do that as I do that snowboarding into an acid bath is a good skin care regiment.
Besides, a reboot is more likely going to be an excuse to get rid of the tiny spots of horror left in the series if Darkside Chronicles doesn't do well. Because it will clearly be the horror's fault, not Steve's scary ass face. The newer style of game sell too well to ever go back, but if they do a reboot I suspect it'll change even further.
They could keep the gameplay the same, but add zombies and take away melee (unless there's mercs). The bullets won't do much as far as damage and reaction to the zombies. I think that if they make it creepier, which I'm sure they could, they could keep the gameplay AND make it creepy.
Oh yes. It's quite possible and something I myself beg for. I go out to Capcom's local office and wail at them until they finally throw merchandise at me to make me go away. Simply limiting the area into narrower corridors such as those seen in the 3.5 and the early RE5 images would make things nice, and would work so very well with zombies.
I simply don't believe Capcom will do it anymore. The old fanbase is so passe these days. And much of the newer fanbase couldn't care less so long as they can shoot something up with an AK.
Originally posted by rehunk88 View Posthe can pull a darth vader XD dident the same shit happend to anikan ( just not 2 rpg shots in the face) but the whole lava thing im sure wesker dident die from just that his still out there somewhere and he will be back
Originally posted by Kaori View PostI lmao at your response to her ending, but I agree with herLast edited by missvalentine; 08-09-2009, 03:58 PM.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostOh yes. It's quite possible and something I myself beg for. I go out to Capcom's local office and wail at them until they finally throw merchandise at me to make me go away. Simply limiting the area into narrower corridors such as those seen in the 3.5 and the early RE5 images would make things nice, and would work so very well with zombies.
I simply don't believe Capcom will do it anymore. The old fanbase is so passe these days. And much of the newer fanbase couldn't care less so long as they can shoot something up with an AK.
Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View PostI have been to the Capcom offices and know where they are so you've just given me an idea...
Originally posted by Novavinity View PostI think I remember killing Wesker when I played RE5.
[QUOTE=missvalentine;119611]I don't think so. Vader didn't have a weakness to fire whereas Wesker did. Plus his head got shot off. But Nemmy lived without his head. I guess Wesker could but that would be pretty stupid.
well his head never got shot off it went trough his head and if he got uroboros in him now that means his body can split up so that means he could have split his head so it could have gone right trough him and explode in the lava behind him
and if u want to go with the whole alice clone xD lol ( i know bad bad of me) but just a small piece of wesker could be cloned heheLast edited by rehunk88; 08-09-2009, 04:38 PM.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostHonestly, I'm not sure how many of us ancients would survive a reboot. The story is about all that keeps some of us interested...
And yeah, Wesker 'died' in the first game. But that was merely massive claws disemboweling him horribly. They later retconned it so he didn't die because he had the Wesker Virus in his system which regenerated him. However, the Wesker Virus is weak to fire. Uroborus is weak to fire. Wesker ended up in a volcano, full of fire. It's safe to say he'd dead.
Or at least had everything below the waste burned off.
Originally posted by SteveBurnside27 View PostI thought it was the G-Virus? I mean, sure, I haven't played RE5 since it came out and so maybe it says something in there, but in Wesker's Report, he said he put the G-Virus in him and that's why he survived.