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Just wondering, could this be Wesker?

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  • Just wondering, could this be Wesker?

    Since it's been a few years since I've played RE2 or RE3 (shame on me), so my memory is fairly bad in relation to the two and thought I might post it on THIA to see what everyone else had to say on it, now I was sent one of the Leon epilogue images as I was initially planning on remaking the images and had quite an interesting conversation.

    Could this be Wesker in one of the Leon epilogue images, seeing as Wesker would have had to have been nearby considering he had saved Ada and would make sense with the Wesker Report on how he had gotten hold of Sherry Birkin.

    So, here is my quick (and overly rough) clean of the image, shown with the original and a comparison artwork of Wesker from the Umbrella Chronicles artbook and the colours when the text was cleaned off, were resampled and I found them to be more of a dark blue (in contrast to what appears to be a dark, bottle green). I thought it made sense to be him, as the dialogue/text also sounds fairly similar... or as Missv has pointed out that it could just be some random blonde guy.

    I hope that this doesn't seem idiotic, it's just that I want to try and have the correct details for when I remake the images and that additionally it could make an interesting topic. ((My apologies for the crappy clean/text removal, I only had a few minutes at work to clean it)).
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  • #2
    the guy in the pic (who is not leon) looks like he has a mustache

    wesker never had one if i cant recall


    • #3
      Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
      the guy in the pic (who is not leon) looks like he has a mustache

      wesker never had one if i cant recall
      I did a crappy job at the rushed cleaned version so the colour is wrong on the face, but from what I could see on it he had a clean face.

      It could be possible with your idea that he has a mustache, but the colour/shading above the text match the general skin-tone and facial proportions but because of the text... it makes it hard to say.

      ... Which is why I thought I'd post it here, I'll try cleaning it again shortly and see what I come back with exact colour samples off the original.
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      • #4
        I don't think it's Wesker.
        Wesker was re-written into the story during CODE: Veronica.
        In the Japanese DC CODE: Veronica X guidebook, there is a Wesker concept art dated 13th of June 1998. This predates the release of Biohazard 3 by about 3 months (September 22 1999), so it's possible, but I really doubt it, as the first mention of Sherry being in his control is in Wesker's Report I (March 22 2001).


        • #5
          Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
          I don't think it's Wesker.
          Wesker was re-written into the story during CODE: Veronica.
          In the Japanese DC CODE: Veronica X guidebook, there is a Wesker concept art dated 13th of June 1998. This predates the release of Biohazard 3 by about 3 months (September 22 1999), so it's possible, but I really doubt it, as the first mention of Sherry being in his control is in Wesker's Report I (March 22 2001).
          That's pretty much what I was looking for.

          Thanks for clearing that up Gene, it does make much more sense with that.
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          • #6
            Plus it looks like capcom has dismissed the whole Wesker has Sherry part of the story so I don't think it matters. Also have to realize that capcom doesn't plan ahead which is why the story is a mess.
            Last edited by Stars1356; 07-02-2009, 03:24 AM.


            • #7
              Not entirely true. They plan ahead...then change the plan, or a new person comes on and switches things up, etc etc. Which is worse than not planning ahead at all. You plant the seeds of something like the Sherry thing and then have to drop it because something else has made it impossible, leaving a story thread hanging.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                Not entirely true. They plan ahead...then change the plan, or a new person comes on and switches things up, etc etc. Which is worse than not planning ahead at all. You plant the seeds of something like the Sherry thing and then have to drop it because something else has made it impossible, leaving a story thread hanging.
                True, but we have to take into account that they may never have intended Sherry to be a main part of the story, just like Nicholai for example.
                But since there are alot of super obssesed Sherry/ Steve fans out there, they had to come up with something just to make them happy (weskers report and the extra bit of CVX were wesker says he has Steves body with a chance he may revive like he did, even though its impossible)

                I dont think it's Wesker in that picture, because i'm not sure if they intended on bringing Wesker back while they created that game.


                • #9
                  Thank you everyone, it's cleared up the confusion for me. It is a pity that there are quite so many plotlines that have just fallen off, that could have been quite useful but it is bound to happen with a series every now and again.

                  Now I can finally start remaking the images and other stuff that was put on hold because of that Leon epilogue.
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                  • #10
                    Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I feel like leaving my bit on this too, at least, an idea I had formed from this picture involving Wesker.

                    Ok so, RE2 game ends. Leon is wounded, Sherry is all shaken up and filled with yummy G-Virus and Devil Vaccine. Claire, a little freaked the fuck out over this whole incident knowing her brother was involved, immediately runs off to gather more info, leaving poor Leon to drag himself and Sherry to a hospital (as implied by Claire's Epilogue). But, I'm pretty sure Claire came back, considering her end-screen shot of her and Sherry on the motorcycle. Eventually though, a few months later, Claire skips out on Chris' trail to Europe; commence Code Veronica events. In CV, it's obvious her and Leon are still pretty tight, since she has his e-mail and such, so most likely, Sherry was left to his care since hell... who can you trust anymore after the Raccoon incident?

                    So it's Sherry and Leon; Leon still presumably in some sort of law-related job (excluding his remark from RE4 about only being a cop for 1 day... since I'm talking about an idea before RE4 existed and it sucks anyway). Either that or working with non-canon anti-bio team with Barry, something to keep him involved with Umbrella incidents somehow. But I figured while Claire was gone, and Leon had Sherry under his wing, that's when Wesker shows up. Leon has no clue who Wesker is, Claire doesn't know he's bad/even alive yet, and the original STARS are nowhere to be found, so to Leon, he's just a stranger. He talks our lovable, gullible Leon into thinking he's uber important, or at least useful to help go against Umbrella (since Wesker is a traitor after all) and to kill two birds with one stone, he takes Sherry off his hands 'claiming to be a government official'. Leon meanwhile, I always liked to think joined the secret service since Ada is in fact a spy/secret agent herself... so part of that gave him the desire to go into that same field, in hopes of finding her someday.

                    So then Wesker gets Leon to do his dirty work for him/keeping him busy while he takes Sherry as his own. Plus, Sherry might even be a little willing since Wesker and William were friends, she's bound to be familiar with him right? Maybe even consider a friend herself? So she'd be like "Oh it's ok Leon, he was my dad's friend." Then of course later on Leon and Claire discover Wesker is actually a total fuckhead... etc. etc.

                    That's how I imagined it.

                    Call me arrogant, but that's way smoother and better then this shit CAPCOMs cooked up. Waaah..


                    • #11
                      Thank you Leggy, that's exactly what I was thinking when I eventually created the thread.

                      If it was done in such a manner, Capcom could have tied up a lot of plotholes and could have also revealed more about the secretive Agency. Even though the idea has been clearly debunked, the general thought is true to your wording of being much smoother than what Capcom tend to do.
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                      • #12
                        Makes sense, I pretty much envisioned it the same way.
                        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                        • #13
                          Yeah, it's a real shame, but I guess what can ya do.... To the fanfiction mobile + pretend it's real. YAY DENIAL!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            Not entirely true. They plan ahead...then change the plan, or a new person comes on and switches things up, etc etc. Which is worse than not planning ahead at all. You plant the seeds of something like the Sherry thing and then have to drop it because something else has made it impossible, leaving a story thread hanging.
                            Yea I mean it's one thing to leave out Barry, Rebecca, Carlos, and Nicholai but you could say that their plotlines were finished with the exception of maybe Nicholai. However, when you take a character like Sherry and say that she's been kidnapped, fans are never going to forget something like that. Hopefully the "Sherry" stir-up from RE5 might have made them realize just how much fans are still attached to her, which is why I'm thinking the South America scenario in DSC will try to wrap up that plothole. Leon to the rescue!...although you'd think Claire would be there too. I'm guessing it would take place before Degeneration, possibly after the events of CV.
                            "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
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                            • #15
                              Well, hopefully the PSP game or Dark Side Chronicles will tie up some loose ends with Wesker. Douglas has already said he's had to record some stuff for an upcoming RE game, and given the way RE5 ended, it's 95% likely to be going back to something pre-RE5 unless Capcom pulls some seriously dumb crap out the bag.

