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Resident Evil/ Biohazard Memory Cards

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  • #16
    Too lazy to check if all these have been posted or not:
    lostreleases // demopals


    • #17
      Originally posted by cerberes View Post
      These i have. The nemesis card is missing cause i didn't make a pic of it yet.

      Any chance you would sell that second outbreak card?

      @Anders, yep all have been said, you lazy git :p

      Just bought this
      So have the stickers from that now and soon hope to add the stickers from the biohazard 2 game, they inc two sheets but sadly no spine card but i'm really just after the stickers, i'm only worried about the biohazard games that would come in my 5th annie case in the future.
      Last edited by nemesis_lover; 07-05-2009, 07:50 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by nemesis_lover View Post
        @Anders, yep all have been said, you lazy git :p
        Ah, but observe, the RE0 GAME cards weren't pictured!
        lostreleases // demopals


        • #19
          @ nemesis_lover as far as I know the Woolies/Woolworth brand/chain started life in the US. But yes as far as I know the card was only out in the UK/Europe, but don't quote me on that I could be wrong.

          Also I got one of those controllers a while back and along with anything else that comes in the package, it also comes with some free herbal tea! Well mine did anyway!


          • #20
            There's Woolies in Australia too. I always thought it was Australian.


            • #21
              Prity much a world wide company before they folded!

              Are they still open in Australia?


              • #22
                Lol I love how this is about woolies, by the way they have a site going. My japan control has the herbal stuff also, it's basically brand spanking new. @anders well done mate.


                • #23
                  @ William, where did you get that Resident Evil 1 memroy card for the cube from?
                  In France, it has been sold everywhere: supermarket, videogames stores, ect...
                  Maybe only in Europe?


                  • #24
                    Is that the card that comes in a sealed plastic case, like the outbreak ones with a resident evil 1 remake zombie as a background in lay for the plastic?

                    Also I had a slight problem with getting my biohazard 3 case, the seller didn't have any stock left, so couldn't sell to me. It was annoying but at least I didn't pay fpr it.
                    But I found another auction a day later and overall paid around $10 more towards the listing. The great thing about this one was that it had two of the biohazard memory card cases. So at the end of the day I think I found a better deal.
                    Attached Files

