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anybody else done with RE5?

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  • #31
    Well I'm not playing it at the moment but I plan to, I have to get those Versus Achievements... But I know after that I'll play it once in a while, I love my REs, all of them .

    Ah, and hell no, this baby is not going anywhere soon, it's part of my collection and so far my only Special Edition...
    Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 07-11-2009, 03:00 AM.

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • #32
      good luck with the versus trophies. Its a bitch cause there is barely anyone on there who knows the diffrence between Survivors and Slayers. I still need one more trophy before i 100% RE5 but i probably wont even get it (win 30 team slayer matches) cause i already platinumed it


      • #33
        I got it sometime near the launch date, beat the game, unlocked the handcannon and then shelved it after slightly under 2 weeks of owning it.

        Didn't pick it up again until May, since I moved into the house I rented then and we didn't have internet for the first couple of days and it was pretty boring.

        More recently, I started getting an interest in Mercenaries because one of my housemates wanted to play it (out of boredom), but that ended up with us unlocking everything but STARS Wesker over 2 days.

        Since he only visited to pay the rent and isn't moving in until the next term starts (it's summer school right now), I have no interest in picking it up to play it again. I might just go through it for a couple of cutscenes if I get this capture device I wanted and try making a few videos.


        • #34
          If anyone is done with a e-capcom edition then I'd be happy to buy it ;)


          • #35
            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            Yeah, I'm pretty much done with it for now. Some of you will probably want my guts for saying this, but I find that RE4 has more replayability. I'm going through another playthrough of that at the minute.
            Co-op gameplay completely nullifies that statement. RE4 had no where near the replayability that RE5 has had for me, and it's because of the co-op aspect. The game is just a lot more fun when playing it with another person, and RE4 dragged out kinda long anyway.

            Co-op Mercs > RE4
            Last edited by Vector; 07-11-2009, 12:47 PM.


            • #36
              I'm done with it simply because my 360 RROD'd. If it hadn't, I'd still be playing. For me, RE5 has the highest amount of replayability. The fact that you can choose chapters makes it that much more replayable than the others and Mercs is at it's best in RE5. I freaking love the whole game.


              • #37
                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                Co-op gameplay completely nullifies that statement. RE4 has had no where near the replayability that RE5 has had for me, and it's because of the co-op aspect. The game is just a lot more fun when playing it with another person, and RE4 dragged out kinda long anyway.

                Co-op Mercs > RE4
                RE3 and RE1 never had any Co-op gameplay. And I have replayed through them many a time more than I have with RE5. Hell Ive played CVX more than RE5 even.

                Just cause it has co op and is online doesn't mean it instantly has more re-playability than a game that does't have those things.

                I for one agree with Alexia. I think RE4 is more replayable than RE5. But only just.
                Last edited by missvalentine; 07-11-2009, 02:33 PM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                  Co-op gameplay completely nullifies that statement. RE4 had no where near the replayability that RE5 has had for me, and it's because of the co-op aspect. The game is just a lot more fun when playing it with another person, and RE4 dragged out kinda long anyway.

                  Co-op Mercs > RE4
                  Only in your opinion, and your opinion isn't fact, so it doesn't nullify anything. In my opinion, the co-op gameplay of RE5 was the very thing that made it not scary. RE isn't and should never have been a co-op experience. The fact that you can play it with someone else doesn't make it any better of a game or give it higher replayability. The story took itself too seriously, a lot of the good things were ditched and I don't think Sheva should have been implemented into the story. I think it should have had optional co-op, where you play on your own, and if your friend wants to join you, he just jumps in as some random BSAA guy who travels round with you, and not have retarded AI that there was no way to get rid of. It was Chris' story, not Sheva's.

                  I also found co-op mercs really dull and boring. Some people like it, fair enough. I didn't. It's fun for the first week or so once you've completed the game, and after that, the novelty really starts to wear off. Same for Versus.

                  I agree with missv. Co-op doesn't give a game more replayability or make it a better game. RE4, RE3 and RE2 don't have co-op and I can say for sure on my part that I've played those a hell of a lot more than RE5, and 90% likely more than I ever will. I've played RE5 through about three times so far, and I don't think I'll touch it again for a very long time. I'm done with it. I've played RE4 about 10 times, maybe more. Same for RE3, I'd probably say that's at about 15-20 plays. RE2, heck, I play that once every 4 months or so. RE2 is a classic, fantastic game and will always have more replayability for me than RE5.
                  Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 07-11-2009, 01:41 PM.


                  • #39
                    Well, both posts above mine were very nice, but in the end they don't really matter to me because it's all about varying opinions. Maybe co-op doesn't add replayability for you, but it does for me. You guys must like being loners, playing games by yourselves in your little worlds. ;) And sometimes, I guess that's nice...but if I can play through a game with someone else, odds are I'll play it more than a game that only has singleplayer. Of course I've played RE2 a lot as well, because it came out 11 years ago and is one of my favorite games of all time...but co-op is my favorite kind of gameplay. Games are a lot better with a cooperative social aspect, in my opinion.

                    We can sit here and banter about replayability, co-op and singleplayer, but it wouldn't get anywhere because we have different opinions. Nothing's going to change them. I like co-op, I like playing with a friend, I like conversing when I play. That's all there is to it.

                    I don't really care how many people don't like RE5 or only played through it a few times, because to be honest, I'm sick and tired of reading about it. It's nice that you've moved on to new things, but RE5 has easily been my most-played game since it came out in March...and it's because of co-op. I have not once played through the game by myself. Take co-op out of the equation and RE5 would have been a truly bad game.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                      You guys must like being loners, playing games by yourselves in your little worlds. ;) And sometimes, I guess that's nice...but if I can play through a game with someone else, odds are I'll play it more than a game that only has singleplayer.
                      I much prefer Single Player games to multiplayer games. And usually spend a lot more time playing the single player mode of games with both.


                      • #41
                        Doesn't that say something to you though? That if you didn't play a game with another person, every other aspect was fail and terrible? I don't look for things like that in games, I look at it as an overall game and weigh up pros against cons. You've practically just said the ONLY reason you like RE5 is co-op. There are a lot more online games which are infinitely more fun than RE5. RE5's co-op was alright, but it didn't make it a fantastic game. It was just alright.

                        Just cos I don't like RE5 co op doesn't make me an gaming loner. I have a lot of online games which I play fairly often; RE5 is not one of them. Reason being, by your own admission, a lot of other aspects were very poor. One aspect of a game can't make a bad game good. RE4 was a superior game (though not a superior RE game), and RE1, 2, 3 and CVX were all better RE games.

                        The co op is what made it bad. Look at the original concepts. Being on your own. Being in Kijuju at night with Lickers lurking around. Zombies. Can you imagine how intense that would have been? The isolation, fear and insanity. Instead, we got a sub-par co op experience which is fun to play with a friend for a while, but after that short period of time, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The originals make you want to play them over and over. Imo, the original RE3 mercenaries is the best.


                        • #42
                          Personally, I like the option of playing with friends...occasionally. With RE5 it's damned near a necessity, since I'm simply not good enough to make up for Sheva's AI.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                            Doesn't that say something to you though? That if you didn't play a game with another person, every other aspect was fail and terrible? I don't look for things like that in games, I look at it as an overall game and weigh up pros against cons. You've practically just said the ONLY reason you like RE5 is co-op. There are a lot more online games which are infinitely more fun than RE5. RE5's co-op was alright, but it didn't make it a fantastic game. It was just alright.
                            I agree with this. I do like online as well. But RE5's online was not worth what was sacrificed for it.

                            A game I do play online a lot would be a Call of Duty game.

                            The co op is what made it bad. Look at the original concepts. Being on your own. Being in Kijuju at night with Lickers lurking around. Zombies. Can you imagine how intense that would have been? The isolation, fear and insanity. Instead, we got a sub-par co op experience which is fun to play with a friend for a while, but after that short period of time, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The originals make you want to play them over and over. Imo, the original RE3 mercenaries is the best.
                            RE3 mercs will never be beat!

                            And I agree the Co op is what made RE5 suck so much. I really don't like Sheva being there all the time. Id rather just be by myself, it would be more fun that way. Survival Horror and Coop just don't mix in my opinion.

                            I think a solid single player is always better than multiplayer.

                            Also just think of MGS1 had been entirely Coop CR29.


                            • #44
                              But that's an entirely different type of game....


                              • #45
                                RE5 was RE4 with cooperative play...and I liked it just as much, if not better than RE4 because of it. The game is a shallow singleplayer experience. It's not meant to be played with an AI's meant to be played with a human friend...and that is when RE5 shines.
                                Last edited by Vector; 07-11-2009, 03:12 PM.

