Originally posted by Archelon
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Were Umbrella's intentions with the T-Virus always evil?
Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
All of this seems to follow one streamlined goal. Making the perfect weapon. Always evil, and it was the case for however many games.
Then we get Spencer wanting to be a God and the Wesker children and it turns out he was never even bothered about making any weapons to begin with, he just wanted to be a God. Uh.....
I think I'll remember Umbrella how it was.
And Umbrella never did intend the outbreaks, that was because of Birkin and those mangy little sewer rats.
I dont think Umbrella as a whole intended the outbreak, but someone certainly did. As Wesker himself said in his reports, it makes no sense to research a virus capable of jumping to every species in the middle of a forest. If you really wanted to do that kind of work safely, you'd pick somewhere like Antarctica or Siberia, where there just isnt that much for the Virus to spread to if it got out.
What I don't understand is what was Umbrella selling in their pharmaceutical cover. The three products that I know of are Adravil (to cure wounds), Aqua Cure (marketed for women, perhaps skin regeneration product?) and Safsprin (pills which cure some unknown illness). I know in the RE: Apocalypse trailer you can see Regenerate, a skin cell regenerator product, so does that mean they used the viruses on their pharmaceutical products, albeit in minimal doses? was there, then, any intention of spreading the virus through their products before the leak started in Raccoon City?Last edited by delage; 08-04-2009, 03:18 PM.
Originally posted by Spiderpope View PostIts not impossible to reconcile the two concepts of seeking godhood and the ultimate B.O.W. Spencer wanted to create a superior race in RE5. Every B.O.W created can be viewed as an attempt to do so. And since they failed, why no mass produce and sell them to fund future attempts.
I dont think Umbrella as a whole intended the outbreak, but someone certainly did. As Wesker himself said in his reports, it makes no sense to research a virus capable of jumping to every species in the middle of a forest. If you really wanted to do that kind of work safely, you'd pick somewhere like Antarctica or Siberia, where there just isnt that much for the Virus to spread to if it got out.
Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View PostIt's not impossible but it's unlikely. If Spencer already had his plan and was "to become a God" with the Progenitor Virus, why waste the time making the T-Virus and making weapons when it was obvious the level of necrosis it had on the host? RE5 Spencer didn't want weapons, yet all he'd done is try to make weapons. Weapons to optimize damage. Take T-ALOS for example. He was made with the T-Virus, but fitted with all kinds of crap to make him an effective soldier against foot soldiers, and heavily armored vehicles. That's not an attempt to make an ultimate human being, that's an attempt to make a weapon.
And for that matter, why would he care if the T-Virus had a 100% infection rate or not? Was it part of his plan to weed out the "unworthy"? Maybe he thought the other viruses would produce better results at creating the superior race he envisioned than the Progenitor Virus did? Or did he basically let the company do its own thing so long as someone was still researching the Progenitor Virus?
Originally posted by Archelon View PostThis was something I didn't understand in RE5. If Spencer's plan hinged upon the Progenitor Virus, and the Progenitor Virus alone, then what was the point in having Marcus make the T-Virus, Birkin make the G-Virus, and Umbrella Europe develop the Nemesis parasite? I'm sure he knew about the T-Veronica project, but I don't think he was in any way involved with that like he was the previous three.
And for that matter, why would he care if the T-Virus had a 100% infection rate or not? Was it part of his plan to weed out the "unworthy"? Maybe he thought the other viruses would produce better results at creating the superior race he envisioned than the Progenitor Virus did? Or did he basically let the company do its own thing so long as someone was still researching the Progenitor Virus?
I wouldn't have thought he used the T-Virus to make the ultimate human. Reason being, the Wesker Virus was already in use by RE1, and until the Ivans/T-ALOS, the T-Virus was producing really shaky results. Even when they were getting better, it always seemed to be going in the direction of weapons, not enhancements. It wasn't transhumanism. If it was, I have no idea why he wasn't more interested in the T-Veronica virus than he was. Thus far, it's the only virus that doesn't cause death which can greatly improve strength, abilities but also retain intelligence. Even though it required the 15 year incubation period, the raw potential was still there.
But Spencer never cared about that. From what we see in RE5, it's all Progenitor Virus. It's just damn confusing. T-002 = attempt at a biological weapon. T-103 = attempt at a controlled B.O.W, moderately successful. Nemesis = A powerful B.O.W with limited intelligence, follows orders and can operate basic weaponry, making him a more powerful brute. Then it just goes on and on to T-ALOS, who is built like a brick shithouse. Weapons, not enhancements. Then... RE5.
Wasn't the whole point of Umbrella to cover up the founders true intentions. Spencer's plans different from that of Edward and Marcus and were not know by the two of them. I guess all Spencer cared was that his company made money to fund his secret research into becoming a God and the BOWs could make him money.
Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View PostWeren't the pharmaceuticals a legal front, and to make money to fund the BOW research?
Make drugs to make BOWs to make a superior race? Why not cut out the middle man?PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium