Originally posted by DarkMemories
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While I would most likely wish such a scenario would be true and retconned, if any future remake were to happen, you can pretty much conclude by how Claire reacts to Steve's death in CVX that she did indeed "care" for him. *shudder*
Why did Claire have to get turned into a soap opera tool Capcom?
On a more positive note, maybe in DSC, she doesn't actually cry. The GC trailer seems to hint at this, but who knows. They still might be "meant for each other" by Capcom. Yuck. Hopefully not though. I kinda hope, barring Bionic Commando, Capcom has learned from it's past mistakes in dabbling in "love" stories with RE, citing Leon and Ada, Claire and Steve.
The best love story in RE is Chris and Jill, but that's because Capcom won't actually go there, lol.